2145 BSE Top losers last 6 Days list. Full list of DAILY LOSERS (last 6 Days) BSE

Last 6 Days losers of BSE . Top DAILY LOSERS of BSE Full list of DAILY LOSERS of BSE

Below is full list of BSE top LOSERS stocks of last 6 Days till date from a closing of 6 Days before

2149 top LOSERS stocks BSE (6 Days) Top losers in last 6 Days list

Losers as on Thu 06 March 2025, Oasis Secur at -90.42%, Rdb Realty at -89.82%, Jindal World at -83.22%, were amongst the top LOSERS in last 6 Days in BSE

50 Top losers stocks BSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price
512489 OASIS SECUR. -90.42% change 28.42 296.55
533285 RDB REALTY -89.82% change 57.20 562.15
531543 JINDAL WORLD -83.22% change 62.94 375.05
501831 COAST CORP -79.61% change 46.05 225.85
539761 VKAL -55.47% change 44.60 100.15
543415 ANANDRATHI -54.14% change 1852.65 4039.80
544273 MANGALAM GLOBAL ENTERPRISE LIM -49.37% change 15.77 31.15
542851 GENSOL -40.98% change 335.35 568.20
543284 EKI -32.93% change 130.55 194.65
531652 THIRDWAVE FI -31.66% change 135.85 198.80
538922 COSYN -30.51% change 26.53 38.18
544094 EUPHORIAIT -29.91% change 37.84 53.99
544189 SATTRIX -27.16% change 83.00 113.95
500356 RAMANEWS -26.41% change 25.44 34.57
543451 AGSTRA -26.41% change 16.36 22.23
531918 HIND.APPLIAN -26.4% change 93.95 127.65
539895 SAGL -26.37% change 85.15 115.65
540717 PQIF -26.37% change 84.60 114.90
543905 INNOKAIZ -26.37% change 13.96 18.96
543218 SBGLP -26.36% change 32.51 44.15
532007 SHREEVAT.FIN -26.29% change 29.27 39.71
511507 USHAKIRAN FI -26.05% change 27.65 37.39
531360 GOLECHA GLOB -25.72% change 19.87 26.75
544178 PIOTEX -24.69% change 42.85 56.90
543958 VLEGOV -24.11% change 46.48 61.25
530533 TERAI TEA CO -23.5% change 114.45 149.60
543814 PCL -23.47% change 75.00 98.00
542817 NIEHSPI -23.24% change 24.70 32.18
513511 PANCH.STEEL -22.82% change 165.90 214.95
509015 THAKRAL SER -22.57% change 43.84 56.62
519606 INTEG.PROEIN -22.56% change 46.82 60.46
513119 ABC GAS INT -21.74% change 301.85 385.70
539218 SAUMYA -21.71% change 162.30 207.30
532217 SIEL FINANCL -21.68% change 26.51 33.85
532100 INDO-CITY IN -21.53% change 10.02 12.77
539607 BLUECLOUDS -21.47% change 23.96 30.51
535566 KIFS FSL -21.18% change 103.30 131.05
538862 MYMONEY -21.13% change 24.86 31.52
532051 SWELECT -20.87% change 499.15 630.80
543108 UTCRFS2RQP -20.85% change 332.59 420.22
504810 INFORMEDTEC -20.6% change 68.88 86.75
524580 PRIYA LTD. -20.6% change 14.99 18.88
531797 SCANPROJECTS -20.12% change 95.90 120.05
543606 CONTAINE -20.06% change 64.35 80.50
532801 CAMBRIDGE -19.59% change 56.59 70.38
519506 NCC BLUE WAT -19.58% change 15.65 19.46
537069 ARNOLD HOLD -19.49% change 29.28 36.37
511391 INTER GLOB F -19.39% change 69.66 86.42
543912 PIGL -19.02% change 164.75 203.45
544015 MISHDESIGN -18.92% change 90.00 111.00
544308 Hilltone Software And Gases Lt -18.82% change 31.22 38.46

6 top LOSERS stocks with 50% change in BSE top LOSERS (last 6 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price Sector More
(512489) OASIS SECUR. -90.42% change 28.42 296.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533285) RDB REALTY -89.82% change 57.20 562.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531543) JINDAL WORLD -83.22% change 62.94 375.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501831) COAST CORP -79.61% change 46.05 225.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539761) VKAL -55.47% change 44.60 100.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543415) ANANDRATHI -54.14% change 1852.65 4039.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY LOSERS

5 top LOSERS stocks with 30% change in BSE top LOSERS (last 6 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price Sector More
(544273) MANGALAM GLOBAL ENTERPRISE LIM -49.37% change 15.77 31.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542851) GENSOL -40.98% change 335.35 568.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543284) EKI -32.93% change 130.55 194.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531652) THIRDWAVE FI -31.66% change 135.85 198.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538922) COSYN -30.51% change 26.53 38.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY LOSERS

33 top LOSERS stocks with 20% change in BSE top LOSERS (last 6 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price Sector More
(544094) EUPHORIAIT -29.91% change 37.84 53.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544189) SATTRIX -27.16% change 83.00 113.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500356) RAMANEWS -26.41% change 25.44 34.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543451) AGSTRA -26.41% change 16.36 22.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531918) HIND.APPLIAN -26.4% change 93.95 127.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539895) SAGL -26.37% change 85.15 115.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540717) PQIF -26.37% change 84.60 114.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543905) INNOKAIZ -26.37% change 13.96 18.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543218) SBGLP -26.36% change 32.51 44.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532007) SHREEVAT.FIN -26.29% change 29.27 39.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511507) USHAKIRAN FI -26.05% change 27.65 37.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531360) GOLECHA GLOB -25.72% change 19.87 26.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544178) PIOTEX -24.69% change 42.85 56.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543958) VLEGOV -24.11% change 46.48 61.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530533) TERAI TEA CO -23.5% change 114.45 149.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543814) PCL -23.47% change 75.00 98.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542817) NIEHSPI -23.24% change 24.70 32.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513511) PANCH.STEEL -22.82% change 165.90 214.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509015) THAKRAL SER -22.57% change 43.84 56.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519606) INTEG.PROEIN -22.56% change 46.82 60.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513119) ABC GAS INT -21.74% change 301.85 385.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539218) SAUMYA -21.71% change 162.30 207.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532217) SIEL FINANCL -21.68% change 26.51 33.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532100) INDO-CITY IN -21.53% change 10.02 12.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539607) BLUECLOUDS -21.47% change 23.96 30.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535566) KIFS FSL -21.18% change 103.30 131.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538862) MYMONEY -21.13% change 24.86 31.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532051) SWELECT -20.87% change 499.15 630.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543108) UTCRFS2RQP -20.85% change 332.59 420.22 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504810) INFORMEDTEC -20.6% change 68.88 86.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524580) PRIYA LTD. -20.6% change 14.99 18.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531797) SCANPROJECTS -20.12% change 95.90 120.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543606) CONTAINE -20.06% change 64.35 80.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY LOSERS

306 top LOSERS stocks with 10% change in BSE top LOSERS (last 6 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price Sector More
(532801) CAMBRIDGE -19.59% change 56.59 70.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519506) NCC BLUE WAT -19.58% change 15.65 19.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537069) ARNOLD HOLD -19.49% change 29.28 36.37 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511391) INTER GLOB F -19.39% change 69.66 86.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543912) PIGL -19.02% change 164.75 203.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544015) MISHDESIGN -18.92% change 90.00 111.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544308) Hilltone Software And Gases Lt -18.82% change 31.22 38.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526873) RAJ.GASES LT -18.75% change 49.37 60.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531533) E.COM INFOTE -18.73% change 67.45 83.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544365) SHANMUGA HOSPITAL LIMITED -18.72% change 37.64 46.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519299) PRIME INDS. -18.68% change 87.83 108.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535916) ALSL -18.64% change 76.36 93.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523836) GUJ.RAFFIA -18.55% change 36.05 44.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539435) RFSL -18.53% change 31.65 38.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506640) GUJCHEM DIST -18.48% change 282.25 346.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532640) CYBER MEDIA -18.46% change 16.30 19.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544311) International Gemmological Ins -18.41% change 332.10 407.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531862) BHARATAGRI -18.39% change 41.08 50.34 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523062) JJ FINANCE -18.29% change 44.46 54.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544224) Afcom Holdings Limited -18.28% change 656.00 802.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544121) RUDRAGAS -18.26% change 80.92 99.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539314) UNIAUTO -18.22% change 57.24 69.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505250) G.G.DANDEKAR -18.11% change 84.35 103.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542906) EASUN -17.86% change 46.00 56.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543668) BBTCL -17.58% change 148.60 180.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543981) RRKABEL -17.39% change 916.60 1109.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531287) NAT PLASTIC -17.37% change 261.10 316.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544366) L.K.MEHTA POLYMERS LIMITED -17.35% change 51.45 62.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543535) WEWIN -17.32% change 44.11 53.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513642) AXEL POLYMER -17.15% change 38.94 47.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544199) GEMENVIRO -17.04% change 79.93 96.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544246) Revathi Equipment India Limite -17.04% change 927.95 1118.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511734) PASUPATI FIN -17.03% change 20.75 25.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523826) SOVEREIGN DI -17.02% change 38.75 46.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530617) SAMPRE NUTRI -16.84% change 30.38 36.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511654) SUGAL DAM -16.52% change 53.00 63.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544201) DFPL -16.51% change 29.18 34.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532951) GSS INFOTECH -16.33% change 42.67 51.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526530) SUDEV IND. -16.3% change 87.51 104.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523489) CMM HOSPITAL -16.28% change 29.47 35.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504392) KRISHNA VEN -16.26% change 41.24 49.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511658) NETTLINX LTD -16.24% change 49.82 59.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544324) Citichem India Limited -16.24% change 27.85 33.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538465) AMARSEC -16.22% change 11.16 13.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532847) HILTON MET -16.21% change 76.81 91.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531051) VINTAGE SECU -16.16% change 12.50 14.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544244) Gala Precision Engineering Lim -16.13% change 835.05 995.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530037) SREE JAYA.AU -16.1% change 52.20 62.22 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543516) DHYAANI -16.08% change 13.83 16.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543453) ALKOSIGN -15.98% change 78.31 93.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500365) WELSPLSOL -15.91% change 32.78 38.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530267) SABOO BROS. -15.83% change 59.97 71.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509449) BHAGWATI OXY -15.78% change 42.10 49.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538868) CSL -15.78% change 16.38 19.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511756) ABIRAMI FIN. -15.76% change 43.71 51.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533452) EBIXFOREX -15.74% change 134.10 159.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543540) PGCRL -15.74% change 111.65 132.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532738) TANTIA CONS -15.61% change 38.05 45.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508933) AYMSYNTEX -15.5% change 180.40 213.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531043) DHAN JEEVAN -15.42% change 19.20 22.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(527001) ASHAPURA LTD -15.37% change 323.20 381.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517498) WEBELSOLAR -15.35% change 876.55 1035.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523594) KUNSTSTOFFE -15.34% change 24.40 28.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517273) S&S POWER SW -15.31% change 250.35 295.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531911) GALAXY AGRIC -15.29% change 36.00 42.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534091) MCX LTD -15.29% change 4661.05 5502.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541974) MANORAMA -15.24% change 927.90 1094.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526481) PHOENIX INT. -15.06% change 44.17 52.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539016) NEIL -15.05% change 10.10 11.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532845) TGBHOTELS -15% change 10.88 12.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544367) QUALITY POWER ELECTRICAL EQUIP -14.94% change 338.00 397.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522257) RAJOO ENGIN. -14.9% change 116.80 137.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531471) DUKE OFFSHOR -14.85% change 15.31 17.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543165) 10ARD -14.77% change 196.00 229.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532637) MAN DRUGORG -14.71% change 85.59 100.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544183) ASSOCIATED -14.7% change 114.00 133.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504080) JSL LTD. -14.69% change 1278.70 1498.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544207) Reliable Data Services Limited -14.59% change 71.86 84.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501295) INDUS.INV.TR -14.45% change 274.10 320.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532521) PALRED -14.4% change 49.40 57.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512047) ROYAL IND -14.35% change 11.28 13.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531235) CITI PORT FN -14.21% change 20.16 23.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500463) AGCNET -14.08% change 354.95 413.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543976) SHRADHAIND -14.08% change 43.22 50.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522267) VEEJAY LAKSH -14.06% change 55.00 64.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538611) RTFL -14.06% change 61.01 70.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531859) ORIENTAL VEN -14.02% change 154.50 179.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523100) COSMO FERR. -13.91% change 233.40 271.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514378) YARN SYNDICA -13.88% change 36.92 42.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543982) MESON -13.84% change 351.85 408.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539636) PRECAM -13.71% change 172.20 199.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544220) Clinitech Laboratory Limited -13.71% change 59.50 68.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530733) NOVAPUBLIC -13.7% change 11.40 13.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532799) HUBTOWN -13.7% change 196.25 227.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540358) RMC -13.66% change 621.85 720.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530255) KAY POW PAP -13.64% change 25.00 28.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538891) MCLOUD -13.64% change 54.71 63.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544026) IREDA -13.63% change 149.90 173.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516082) N.R.AGARWAL -13.51% change 241.90 279.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539620) AINFRA -13.49% change 25.78 29.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517569) KEI INDUST. -13.46% change 3285.20 3796.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523323) KOVAI MEDI. -13.44% change 5307.85 6131.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538882) EMERALD -13.44% change 95.60 110.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543897) SANCODE -13.41% change 48.50 56.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541703) GFIL -13.37% change 10.50 12.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532761) HOV SERVICES -13.31% change 46.71 53.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539012) MEGRISOFT -13.3% change 128.10 147.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531370) SPARC SYSTEM -13.28% change 11.04 12.73 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526415) OK PLAY (I) -13.21% change 10.97 12.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511523) VEERHEALTH -13.2% change 12.16 14.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513629) TULSYAN NEC -13.2% change 43.99 50.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533520) IBULISL -13.2% change 12.76 14.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543910) AVG -13.2% change 233.50 269.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531439) GOLDSTONE EN -13.17% change 62.08 71.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511593) LIBORD FIN -13.07% change 17.42 20.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508905) SMIFS CAPITA -13.01% change 69.58 79.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507609) OLYMPIC OIL -12.96% change 34.91 40.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501700) INDIA NIVEH -12.94% change 11.50 13.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516032) SARDA PAPERS -12.84% change 11.00 12.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543087) 09AGG -12.83% change 190.24 218.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541083) INFLAME -12.82% change 227.45 260.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517423) INTEG.SWITCH -12.81% change 119.15 136.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543941) AHASOLAR -12.81% change 102.75 117.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532759) ATLANTA -12.79% change 32.06 36.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543531) TIERRA -12.78% change 40.80 46.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542850) GOBLIN -12.73% change 23.17 26.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526423) KRITI INDUS. -12.64% change 103.00 117.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512131) SIGNET IND -12.57% change 45.63 52.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532150) INDRAPRAST -12.57% change 341.05 390.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540310) CFL -12.57% change 28.32 32.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531398) SOURCENTRL -12.49% change 141.50 161.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530139) KREON FIN -12.48% change 21.18 24.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532812) TRANSWARRANT -12.48% change 13.40 15.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524654) NATURAL CAPS -12.45% change 198.30 226.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524824) BAL PHARMA -12.36% change 84.00 95.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544074) SBVCL -12.35% change 110.75 126.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543520) GLHRL -12.32% change 23.21 26.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531550) JHAVERI CRED -12.27% change 176.55 201.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533093) RAJ OIL -12.27% change 45.31 51.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543636) DCI -12.27% change 264.50 301.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542857) GREENPANEL -12.24% change 255.60 291.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531178) HEMANG -12.21% change 21.92 24.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540738) STL -12.21% change 11.43 13.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537292) AGRI TECH -12.18% change 142.00 161.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543766) ASHIKA -12.17% change 556.55 633.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531651) NATIONAL GEN -12.16% change 52.00 59.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532869) TARMAT -12.16% change 55.50 63.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532374) STER TECH -12.12% change 80.85 92.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539090) RAJPUTANA -12.12% change 34.37 39.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500370) SALORA INT. -12.08% change 44.45 50.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523620) PHARMASIA -12.08% change 26.20 29.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539399) BELLACASA -12.03% change 429.30 488.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505400) TEXINFRA -11.99% change 98.92 112.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539495) RAJKOTINV -11.97% change 32.27 36.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511333) VLS FINANCE -11.96% change 206.05 234.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530429) ASHISH POLY. -11.96% change 40.18 45.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534328) HEXATRADEX -11.94% change 199.50 226.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535719) QUEST SOFTEC -11.94% change 29.88 33.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542652) POLYCAB -11.93% change 5071.30 5758.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544059) SHANTIDENM -11.93% change 57.50 65.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544163) GVL -11.88% change 96.05 109.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543544) JAYANT -11.84% change 72.47 82.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544060) RBZJEWEL -11.82% change 149.25 169.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507717) DHAN AGRI -11.77% change 1177.75 1334.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526899) HFIL -11.75% change 12.32 13.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530207) BRAWN BIO -11.72% change 18.45 20.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519397) SHARAT INDUS -11.71% change 74.40 84.27 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532907) ILFSENGG -11.7% change 31.31 35.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511628) IMCAP -11.68% change 51.18 57.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539406) SWAGTAM -11.67% change 49.51 56.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530175) ODYSSEY TECH -11.65% change 91.36 103.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539190) DFL -11.64% change 48.82 55.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541144) ACTIVE -11.62% change 114.45 129.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508906) EVEREST INDS -11.59% change 507.50 574.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531870) POPULAR EST -11.59% change 20.82 23.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500170) GTN INDUS -11.58% change 26.27 29.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512437) APOLLO FIN I -11.58% change 513.70 581.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531814) TIRUPATI SAR -11.58% change 13.52 15.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533407) CIL NOVA -11.58% change 84.00 95.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(531889) INTEG.TECH. -11.51% change 23.52 26.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543231) ADL -11.49% change 64.19 72.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540775) KHADIM -11.45% change 270.40 305.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(532864) NELCAST -11.44% change 92.01 103.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543957) REDTAPE -11.4% change 141.10 159.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544348) GB Logistics Commerce Limited -11.4% change 40.58 45.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532387) PRITISHN COM -11.39% change 28.40 32.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543193) DJML -11.39% change 120.20 135.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501148) DALAL ST INV -11.38% change 389.40 439.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512229) VERITAS -11.38% change 460.85 520.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514330) OVERSEAS SYN -11.38% change 274.50 309.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533941) TSIL -11.38% change 341.20 385.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542919) ARTEMISMED -11.38% change 235.60 265.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521068) HISAR SPIN. -11.37% change 42.40 47.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526654) THAKKERS DEV -11.36% change 156.00 176.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530601) JAGSON FIN. -11.36% change 52.41 59.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500280) CENTURY ENKA -11.35% change 528.30 595.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526443) DATASOFT APP -11.35% change 223.40 252.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531512) ORIENT TRADE -11.35% change 24.67 27.83 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530299) KOTHARI PROD -11.34% change 66.41 74.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531635) SILVER OAK -11.34% change 151.35 170.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532977) BAJAJ AUTO -11.34% change 7463.55 8418.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543943) ASARFI -11.33% change 88.40 99.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526608) ELECTROTHERM -11.32% change 724.50 817.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531997) GOODVALUE IR -11.32% change 119.45 134.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538714) SUCHITRA -11.32% change 47.09 53.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543386) FINOPB -11.32% change 202.15 227.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531840) IEC EDU -11.3% change 17.89 20.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531996) ODYSSEY CORP -11.3% change 22.14 24.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513436) SHAH ALLOYS -11.29% change 45.35 51.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530705) FLORA TEXTIL -11.29% change 102.65 115.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512415) MERCURY TRAD -11.26% change 21.98 24.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514402) SHARAD FIBRE -11.26% change 17.57 19.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530699) RAJRAYON -11.25% change 22.01 24.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539725) GOKULAGRO -11.25% change 243.45 274.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544219) VVIP Infratech Limited -11.25% change 149.95 168.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539834) BALGOPAL -11.23% change 117.40 132.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517170) KLKELEC -11.22% change 41.77 47.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539123) VBIND -11.18% change 10.96 12.34 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517246) BCC FUBA -11.13% change 99.85 112.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540023) COLORCHIPS -11.12% change 27.73 31.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(532290) BLB LTD. -11.1% change 14.81 16.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503092) PASUPATI SPG -11.08% change 34.58 38.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531364) PARAMONE -11.08% change 112.00 125.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540725) SISL -11.08% change 186.90 210.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539947) JLL -11.07% change 38.16 42.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526237) MORGAN VENT -11.05% change 84.50 95.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517536) ONWARD TECHN -11.03% change 269.80 303.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543805) RESGEN -11.02% change 71.81 80.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505978) TRITON VALVE -11% change 3444.15 3870.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539522) GROVY -11% change 48.39 54.37 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517393) VINTRON INF. -10.99% change 27.93 31.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542628) NSL -10.93% change 166.65 187.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532654) MCLEOD RUSSE -10.91% change 30.54 34.28 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537839) PHOENIX TN -10.9% change 204.75 229.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530959) DIANA TEA CO -10.85% change 29.43 33.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530477) VIKRAM THERM -10.82% change 181.35 203.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531841) INDUSFINL -10.8% change 29.99 33.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506605) POLYCHEM -10.79% change 1901.00 2131.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541634) RAWEDGE -10.76% change 28.02 31.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544249) SHREE TIRUPATI BALAJEE AGRO TR -10.74% change 49.95 55.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524414) NORRIS MEDI. -10.7% change 17.86 20.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526355) DURO PACK -10.69% change 72.11 80.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539770) DARJEELING -10.67% change 26.61 29.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531746) PRAJAY ENGS. -10.6% change 22.02 24.63 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508980) FRONTCAP -10.58% change 20.12 22.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504084) KAYCEE IND -10.56% change 829.50 927.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505693) LATIMMETAL -10.56% change 11.77 13.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544303) TOSS THE COIN LIMITED -10.56% change 380.20 425.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531091) UNITED CRED. -10.55% change 33.99 38.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543942) UTKARSHBNK -10.55% change 23.07 25.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533155) JUBL FOOD -10.54% change 609.20 680.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540874) 7SEAS -10.53% change 71.98 80.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531672) INANI SEC. -10.52% change 27.29 30.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543538) GOEL -10.49% change 13.65 15.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530585) SWASTIK INV -10.48% change 137.10 153.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544245) Naturewings Holidays Limited -10.48% change 47.13 52.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526705) ELEGANT MARB -10.47% change 218.50 244.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502015) ASIIL -10.43% change 33.16 37.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514460) OSWAL YARNS -10.43% change 31.35 35.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519234) SIEL -10.43% change 57.86 64.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524516) BACIL PHARMA -10.43% change 37.36 41.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544214) THREE M PAPER BOARDS LIMITED -10.43% change 42.10 47.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531359) SHRIRAM ASSE -10.4% change 362.00 404.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512329) KRL -10.39% change 308.40 344.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521180) SUPER SPIN. -10.39% change 10.61 11.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500059) BINANI IND. -10.38% change 10.97 12.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538734) CEINSYSTECH -10.38% change 1396.15 1557.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504058) NIPPOBATRY -10.36% change 427.35 476.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505212) JAINEX -10.35% change 178.40 199.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533427) VMS INDUSTR -10.35% change 29.55 32.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512393) SHARDUL SECU -10.34% change 39.10 43.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531215) RTS POWER CO -10.31% change 168.25 187.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543643) NARMADA -10.31% change 16.35 18.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535667) IFINSEC -10.27% change 145.00 161.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522073) HITECHGEAR -10.25% change 613.00 683.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543969) PYRAMID -10.25% change 150.65 167.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(526179) LUDOLOW JUTE -10.21% change 181.20 201.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522231) CONART ENG. -10.17% change 82.78 92.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531119) CEENIK EXPO. -10.17% change 211.65 235.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517447) R.S.SOFTWARE -10.15% change 70.44 78.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524548) SHARMA E.HOS -10.15% change 69.05 76.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531035) JRELTD -10.15% change 64.65 71.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506128) PARNAXLAB -10.14% change 89.01 99.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524013) HIND.FLUROCA -10.14% change 13.20 14.69 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531240) SHAMROCK IND -10.14% change 14.00 15.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519612) MAHAAN FOODS -10.13% change 41.79 46.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522152) SOLITAIR MC -10.12% change 116.35 129.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532613) VIPCLOTHNG -10.12% change 32.23 35.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532829) LEHAR -10.12% change 204.80 227.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543972) AEROFLEX -10.12% change 171.50 190.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544035) SPL -10.12% change 57.75 64.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511692) AJCON GLOBAL -10.11% change 64.00 71.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540786) SHARIKA -10.11% change 18.84 20.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526217) HITECHCORP -10.09% change 168.40 187.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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562 top LOSERS stocks with 5% change in BSE top LOSERS (last 6 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price Sector More
(507474) KOTHARI FERM -9.93% change 57.99 64.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(519091) TASTY BITE -9.64% change 8574.60 9488.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(543234) SECMARK -9.64% change 90.36 100.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(542668) EVANS -9.53% change 145.65 161.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531569) SANJIVANI PA -9.48% change 271.60 300.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539408) KUBERJI -9.48% change 14.41 15.92 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(517397) PAN ELECTR. -9.45% change 65.37 72.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543638) TRACXN -9.45% change 54.43 60.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524818) DYNAMIC IND. -9.44% change 75.98 83.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524174) KESAR PETRO -9.43% change 22.37 24.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538685) SHEMAROO -9.41% change 107.80 119.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500089) DIC INDIA -9.38% change 651.05 718.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526871) INTEC CAP -9.38% change 15.27 16.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544185) ADTECH -9.38% change 70.12 77.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543264) NURECA -9.37% change 239.45 264.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531041) COMPETENT AU -9.35% change 423.45 467.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511724) BAID LEASING -9.33% change 10.21 11.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543364) MTCL -9.31% change 118.90 131.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544347) CLN ENERGY LIMITED -9.28% change 275.10 303.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512038) AASWA TRAD. -9.27% change 422.15 465.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532740) LOKESH MACH -9.26% change 156.70 172.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539762) MODCL -9.25% change 31.29 34.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530829) CIL SECURITS -9.24% change 41.83 46.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512217) PRISM MEDI -9.23% change 15.35 16.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513693) KIC METALIKS -9.23% change 34.11 37.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521244) CHITRA.SPIN. -9.22% change 128.00 141.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526137) SHETRON LTD -9.22% change 134.35 148.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539083) INOXWIND -9.19% change 153.10 168.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526409) KKALPANAIND -9.18% change 11.67 12.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544259) POPULAR FOUNDATIONS LIMITED -9.18% change 27.50 30.28 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544305) One Mobikwik Systems Limited -9.18% change 279.60 307.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505196) TIL LTD. -9.16% change 185.95 204.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531644) TOKYO FINANC -9.16% change 29.16 32.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512161) 8KMILES -9.15% change 21.45 23.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532467) HAZ MUL PRO -9.15% change 37.83 41.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533761) GPT INFRA -9.15% change 92.58 101.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500357) RAMA PAPER -9.13% change 16.22 17.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506405) DHARAMSI CHM -9.13% change 283.10 311.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524372) ORCHIDPHAR -9.13% change 921.85 1014.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540311) JITFINFRA -9.11% change 370.70 407.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544355) Jubilant Agri And Consumer Pro -9.06% change 1178.90 1296.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543546) HEALTHYLIFE -9.05% change 58.21 64.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517035) RUTTONSHA IN -9.03% change 1562.75 1717.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544338) Capital Infra Trust -9.02% change 91.07 100.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522004) BATLIBOI LTD -9.01% change 92.76 101.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532957) GOKAK TEXTI -9% change 62.80 69.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533608) RDB RASAYAN -9% change 110.75 121.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539841) LANCER -8.98% change 21.70 23.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519477) CIANAGRO -8.97% change 371.25 407.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502294) NILACHAL REF -8.96% change 43.36 47.63 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537785) ANISHA IMPEX -8.96% change 263.20 289.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540146) ACML -8.96% change 35.05 38.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544171) STAL -8.95% change 104.07 114.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532219) ENERGY DEV. -8.94% change 18.43 20.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543214) NDRAUTO -8.9% change 601.60 660.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543365) MASPTOP50 -8.89% change 53.58 58.81 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530449) RUNGTA IRRIG -8.88% change 64.58 70.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514300) PIONEER EMB -8.84% change 43.20 47.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(518091) ANJANI PORTL -8.84% change 110.90 121.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543928) COSMICCRF -8.84% change 1413.05 1550.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530125) SAMRAT PHARM -8.83% change 343.45 376.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531821) MUNOTH FIN. -8.83% change 53.00 58.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524594) ASHOK-ALCO -8.82% change 138.00 151.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503816) SWAD.POLYTEX -8.79% change 64.45 70.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(515055) ANANTRAJ -8.77% change 464.20 508.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520086) SICAL LOG -8.76% change 91.24 100.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532886) SEL MANUF -8.75% change 27.73 30.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543578) OLATECH -8.75% change 250.95 275.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543931) VEEFIN -8.75% change 373.70 409.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544167) JNKINDIA -8.74% change 304.75 333.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590056) SALONA COTSP -8.73% change 230.00 252.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532320) VAARAD -8.72% change 11.72 12.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500422) TRANSCHEM -8.71% change 40.35 44.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(527005) SH.PACETRON. -8.7% change 70.30 77.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507498) PICCADILY SU -8.68% change 56.90 62.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540210) TMRVL -8.68% change 12.20 13.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540401) MAXIMUS -8.66% change 11.29 12.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521018) MARAL OVERS -8.65% change 64.86 71.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524669) HESTER BISC -8.65% change 1445.20 1582.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533121) EXPLEOSOL -8.65% change 892.15 976.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531902) GALLOPENT -8.61% change 18.05 19.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542773) IIFLSEC -8.61% change 212.80 232.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512165) ABANSENT -8.57% change 29.34 32.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530621) AAIL -8.55% change 105.30 115.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512591) PULSAR INTL. -8.52% change 15.03 16.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531531) HATSUN AGRO -8.5% change 898.30 981.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544144) PVSL -8.5% change 107.70 117.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521234) SRI NACHAMAI -8.48% change 36.04 39.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544200) AFIL -8.47% change 67.72 73.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509563) GARWA.MARINE -8.46% change 23.36 25.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539017) ASHFL -8.45% change 34.35 37.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(938386) 0IIFL28 -8.43% change 1075.00 1173.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521200) SURYLAK.COTT -8.42% change 63.50 69.34 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544353) Amwill Health Care Limited -8.42% change 82.51 90.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514324) OMNITEX IND. -8.4% change 251.45 274.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538970) MANVIJAY -8.4% change 25.40 27.73 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508494) WARREN TEA -8.37% change 42.25 46.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538770) CRANE INFRA -8.37% change 20.15 21.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526125) ARI.TOURNESO -8.36% change 137.00 149.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524280) KOPRAN LTD. -8.35% change 169.60 185.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532145) H.S.(I) LTD. -8.34% change 14.40 15.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544267) SUBAM PAPERS LIMITED -8.31% change 102.05 111.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522650) BEMCO HYDRAU -8.28% change 1470.85 1603.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524598) AKSHARCHEM I -8.26% change 216.70 236.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509152) GRPLTD -8.24% change 2370.85 2583.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523752) IO SYSTEM -8.24% change 13.80 15.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530127) NPR FINANCE -8.24% change 22.93 24.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539697) HILIKS -8.24% change 64.91 70.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506854) TANFAC IND. -8.23% change 3147.85 3430.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544028) TATATECH -8.21% change 670.90 730.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530369) VAMSHI RUBB. -8.19% change 43.70 47.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531381) ARIHANT FOUN -8.19% change 640.00 697.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533181) INTRASOFT -8.17% change 105.60 115.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519097) RITESH INTER -8.16% change 26.77 29.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531283) CINDRELLA FI -8.15% change 13.07 14.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530133) AMCO INDIA L -8.14% change 72.10 78.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531540) MARUTI INFRA -8.14% change 13.43 14.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532832) INDBUL REAL -8.14% change 117.30 127.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538598) VISHAL -8.13% change 25.10 27.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541005) KANCOTEA -8.12% change 72.00 78.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511740) MEHTA HOUSIN -8.1% change 157.15 171.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501370) WALCHAND PF -8.09% change 125.00 136.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533152) MBL INFRA -8.07% change 38.72 42.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511768) MASTER TRUST -8.06% change 117.55 127.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511754) SHALIB.FINAN -8.01% change 526.30 572.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538838) ICL -8.01% change 30.20 32.83 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503776) MODIPON -8% change 46.00 50.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543915) PAVNAIND -7.99% change 352.60 383.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544107) BLSE -7.97% change 154.10 167.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531304) NUTECH GLOBA -7.96% change 20.94 22.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532626) PONDY OXIDES -7.95% change 586.60 637.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532925) KAUSHAL INFR -7.95% change 814.95 885.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544286) NIVA BUPA HEALTH INSURANCE COM -7.89% change 71.12 77.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500670) GUJ.NARMADA -7.85% change 500.35 543.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533095) BENGLA& ASM -7.84% change 6804.75 7383.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526367) GANESH HSG. -7.83% change 1086.85 1179.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531280) PANKAJ POLY. -7.82% change 14.15 15.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513369) RAJKUMAR FRG -7.81% change 74.75 81.08 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544173) FTL -7.8% change 34.62 37.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532927) ECLERX -7.79% change 2782.00 3017.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543996) UDS -7.78% change 290.35 314.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500043) BATA INDIA -7.77% change 1241.20 1345.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531373) BYKE HOSP -7.76% change 64.57 70.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531761) APOLLOPIPES -7.76% change 340.00 368.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590024) FERT CHE(PS -7.76% change 658.70 714.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524687) BASANT AGRO -7.75% change 13.22 14.33 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541445) WAA -7.75% change 70.11 76.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526965) GUJ.CRAFT IN -7.74% change 134.15 145.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532737) EMKAY GLOB F -7.74% change 192.40 208.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532893) VTM LTD -7.73% change 176.00 190.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517562) TRIGYN TECH -7.72% change 78.25 84.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517556) PVP VENT LTD -7.71% change 23.47 25.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500262) HYBRIDFIN -7.7% change 11.27 12.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544157) VRUDDHI -7.7% change 198.35 214.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542682) HARISH -7.69% change 70.15 75.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512064) VISVEN -7.68% change 62.71 67.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541353) INNOVATORS -7.67% change 204.75 221.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541304) INDOUS -7.66% change 193.00 209.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523754) MAHEPC -7.64% change 113.05 122.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523248) MACHINO PLAS -7.62% change 220.75 238.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511589) AVONMORE -7.57% change 17.58 19.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517494) ACCEL -7.57% change 17.82 19.28 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539678) QUICKHEAL -7.57% change 306.90 332.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532016) WELLESLEY -7.56% change 374.40 405.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532323) SHIVA CEMENT -7.56% change 30.56 33.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512463) SHREE GLOBAL -7.53% change 43.24 46.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526043) POLYMECH.MCH -7.53% change 53.26 57.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540570) VARIMAN -7.53% change 10.93 11.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543435) CLARA -7.53% change 21.50 23.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532605) JBM AUTO -7.52% change 540.15 584.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540125) RADHIKAJWE -7.52% change 89.94 97.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526596) LIBERTY SHOE -7.5% change 316.35 342.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543288) DEEPIND -7.5% change 455.55 492.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530173) OSCAR GLOBAL -7.49% change 12.23 13.22 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532930) BGR ENERGY -7.49% change 80.62 87.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503641) ZODIAC VEN -7.48% change 10.26 11.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517514) DHINDIA -7.48% change 196.10 211.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526582) TPL PLAST -7.47% change 77.34 83.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500186) HIND.OIL EXP -7.42% change 178.35 192.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538943) SONAL -7.41% change 101.20 109.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543236) ATAM -7.4% change 94.04 101.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531390) UPSURGE INV. -7.39% change 92.61 100.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538918) VANICOM -7.38% change 10.79 11.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543437) NQ -7.38% change 83.39 90.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544037) AMIC -7.38% change 1070.00 1155.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538564) JAMESWARREN -7.37% change 280.95 303.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532102) SBEC SUGAR -7.36% change 37.38 40.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(536974) CAPTAIN POLY -7.36% change 86.80 93.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543542) KESAR -7.36% change 523.25 564.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500477) ASHOK LEYL. -7.35% change 210.45 227.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506122) PANKAJPIYUS -7.35% change 243.45 262.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523838) SIMPLX INFRA -7.35% change 244.60 264.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543990) SIGNATURE -7.35% change 1015.40 1096.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544082) SWANAGRO -7.35% change 59.00 63.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506597) AMAL PRODUCT -7.33% change 635.00 685.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514010) HIM.FIBRES -7.31% change 43.86 47.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(515018) REG.CERAMIC -7.31% change 44.35 47.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500108) MAHA.TELE -7.3% change 42.03 45.34 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533158) THANGAMAYIL -7.3% change 1725.95 1861.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532408) MEGASOFT LTD -7.29% change 58.23 62.81 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530711) JAGAN LAMPS -7.28% change 69.28 74.72 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532896) MAGNUM VENT -7.28% change 28.26 30.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513729) ARO GRANITE -7.27% change 35.86 38.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505893) HINDHARD -7.26% change 672.35 725.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532966) TITAGARH WAG -7.26% change 720.80 777.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530233) AURO LAB. -7.25% change 217.40 234.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531583) RAP MEDIA -7.24% change 27.80 29.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540405) OCEANIC -7.24% change 41.74 45.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531257) PRATIKSHA CH -7.22% change 16.70 18.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526173) ANDREW YULE -7.21% change 28.94 31.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531144) EL FORGE LTD -7.21% change 22.27 24.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543954) ATL -7.2% change 28.10 30.28 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531112) AMAZEENT -7.18% change 477.50 514.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531688) PRITHVIEXCH -7.17% change 149.00 160.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541338) UHZAVERI -7.17% change 12.04 12.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(526813) RAGHUNATH IN -7.15% change 12.72 13.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530419) SUMEDHA FISC -7.14% change 74.82 80.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534600) JTL INFRA -7.14% change 82.60 88.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542649) RVNL -7.13% change 337.40 363.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543902) RETINA -7.13% change 53.00 57.07 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507828) ANSALHSG -7.11% change 11.11 11.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505036) AUTO COR.GOA -7.1% change 1146.85 1234.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532710) SADBHAV ENGG -7.1% change 13.08 14.08 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532993) SEZALGLASS -7.1% change 325.15 350.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543266) HERANBA -7.1% change 233.70 251.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522292) CHANDNI TE -7.09% change 84.92 91.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501455) GREAVES COTT -7.08% change 237.50 255.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505750) JOSTS ENG. -7.08% change 384.80 414.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532529) NDTV -7.07% change 118.95 128.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532983) RPG LIFESCI -7.07% change 2175.40 2340.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531357) MERCURY META -7.05% change 62.06 66.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540359) PARMAX -7.05% change 39.97 43.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512493) GARNET INTL -7.03% change 118.35 127.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524480) RIDHI SIDHI -7.03% change 518.85 558.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531278) ELIXIR -7.02% change 124.55 133.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542772) IIFLWAM -7.02% change 965.50 1038.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507794) KHAITAN CHEM -7.01% change 52.26 56.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532630) GOKALDAS -7.01% change 809.20 870.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(961839) 880IREDA29 -7.01% change 1105.00 1188.33 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526761) HOWARD HOTEL -7% change 25.39 27.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511533) SAHARA HOUSG -6.99% change 40.33 43.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511764) UPASANA FIN. -6.99% change 32.08 34.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540073) BLS -6.99% change 339.40 364.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544117) SIGNPOST -6.97% change 234.40 251.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532674) BANNARI AMMA -6.96% change 35.31 37.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524109) KABRA EXTR -6.95% change 344.75 370.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526095) RAVILEELA GR -6.95% change 35.07 37.69 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543619) CNCRD -6.95% change 1151.00 1237.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501477) MULLER & PHI -6.94% change 315.00 338.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(939056) 1050ISFL28 -6.94% change 921.30 990.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531506) SHUKR BULL -6.92% change 30.69 32.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526829) CONFI PETRO -6.91% change 53.50 57.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540181) SALEM -6.88% change 44.68 47.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539206) GVBL -6.86% change 56.76 60.94 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506852) PUN.ALKALI -6.83% change 26.46 28.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544131) GPTHEALTH -6.82% change 132.50 142.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513456) KANISHK ST. -6.81% change 26.53 28.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539353) SALAUTO -6.81% change 484.70 520.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543256) RFLL -6.81% change 16.56 17.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506680) TECIL CHEM. -6.8% change 24.12 25.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500246) ENVAIN ELECT -6.77% change 104.42 112.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542685) DGCONTENT -6.76% change 46.76 50.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509895) HIND MILLS -6.75% change 183.70 197.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523672) FLEX FOODS -6.75% change 55.24 59.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504067) ZENSAR TECH. -6.74% change 751.55 805.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526614) EXPO GAS -6.74% change 45.00 48.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513498) SOUTH.MAGNES -6.72% change 143.70 154.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514386) GUJ COTEX -6.72% change 13.61 14.59 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543715) IEL -6.72% change 18.17 19.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511644) OMEGA INTERA -6.71% change 188.45 202.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532716) GILLA ARBUT -6.69% change 100.50 107.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544160) JAYKAILASH -6.69% change 52.60 56.37 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543233) CHEMCON -6.68% change 190.10 203.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544022) ASKAUTOLTD -6.68% change 393.00 421.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532478) UNITED BREWA -6.67% change 1900.40 2036.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530001) GUJ.ALKALI -6.66% change 530.15 567.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530991) ROOPA INDUS -6.65% change 63.85 68.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532410) TRANSCORP IN -6.65% change 24.29 26.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530547) KEN FIN.SER. -6.62% change 18.90 20.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532794) ZEEMEDIA -6.62% change 13.82 14.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543291) MAFANG -6.61% change 126.69 135.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544318) MAMATA MACHINERY LIMITED -6.61% change 359.45 384.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531726) PANCHSHEEL O -6.6% change 158.40 169.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533576) VASWANI IND -6.59% change 39.28 42.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544136) RKSWAMY -6.59% change 209.75 224.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543390) POLICYBZR -6.58% change 1406.35 1505.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530879) CIFL -6.57% change 31.72 33.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(515030) ASAHI IN.GLA -6.56% change 633.25 677.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524336) SH.HARI CHEM -6.55% change 136.15 145.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500317) OSWAL AGRO. -6.51% change 59.55 63.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501848) GLOBAL OFFS -6.51% change 79.70 85.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(961826) 875NHAI29 -6.51% change 1123.93 1202.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506197) BLISSGVS PH -6.5% change 126.65 135.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524396) BIOFIL CHEM -6.5% change 46.15 49.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524606) BERYL DRUGS -6.49% change 24.92 26.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514087) PBM POLYTEX -6.48% change 67.72 72.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526381) PAT INT LOG -6.48% change 15.43 16.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532500) MARUTISUZUK -6.48% change 11669.75 12478.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541400) ZIMLAB -6.48% change 87.25 93.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543176) 11MPR -6.48% change 99.23 106.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517059) SALZER ELEC -6.46% change 917.80 981.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530577) LADDERUP FIN -6.46% change 45.05 48.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532828) AMD INDUS -6.46% change 44.90 48.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500306) JAYKAY -6.45% change 126.20 134.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509038) VOLTAIR LEAS -6.43% change 11.65 12.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544161) DPABHUSHAN -6.43% change 1406.75 1503.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522183) ITL INDUSTRS -6.39% change 371.20 396.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532733) SUN TVNET -6.39% change 564.10 602.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544290) ENVIRO INFRA ENGINEERS LIMITED -6.38% change 206.95 221.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539148) SHIVALIK -6.37% change 681.05 727.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514326) PATSPIN INDI -6.36% change 10.02 10.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530199) THEMIS MEDIC -6.36% change 163.50 174.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543747) KAMOPAINTS -6.36% change 11.19 11.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532371) TATA TELESER -6.35% change 59.87 63.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531147) ALICON -6.34% change 729.25 778.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531637) PRAVEG -6.31% change 499.90 533.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532776) SHIVAM AUTO -6.31% change 31.63 33.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517354) HAVELLSINDIA -6.3% change 1450.05 1547.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504132) PERM MAGNETS -6.29% change 702.95 750.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543512) AVROIND -6.29% change 163.00 173.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543997) ORGANICREC -6.29% change 268.00 286.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544309) INVENTURUS KNOWLEDGE SOLUTIONS -6.29% change 1789.70 1909.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501242) TCI FINANCE -6.27% change 13.01 13.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539785) PDMJEPAPER -6.26% change 102.60 109.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542669) BMW -6.26% change 48.82 52.08 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504240) DELTON CABLE -6.25% change 693.20 739.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509546) GRAVISS HOSP -6.25% change 43.62 46.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509423) SEL -6.24% change 32.00 34.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524288) AIMCO PESTI. -6.23% change 92.64 98.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535136) NIBE -6.23% change 993.20 1059.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539398) VISHALBL -6.23% change 88.85 94.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541096) BPLPHARMA -6.23% change 888.70 947.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523610) ITI LTD. -6.22% change 254.75 271.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539883) PILANIINVS -6.22% change 3682.20 3926.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533169) MAN INFRA -6.21% change 152.60 162.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532419) SMARTLINK -6.19% change 139.35 148.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533212) GKB OPHTHA -6.19% change 77.80 82.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511110) V.B.DESAI -6.17% change 29.98 31.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500144) FINOL. CABLE -6.16% change 841.75 897.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524522) LAFFANS PETR -6.16% change 32.00 34.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541865) ASRL -6.15% change 11.29 12.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500185) HIND.CONSTN. -6.14% change 24.00 25.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543939) KAKA -6.14% change 246.70 262.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532941) CORDS CABLE -6.13% change 171.55 182.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541778) DEEP -6.13% change 49.33 52.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531352) PEETI SECURT -6.12% change 21.31 22.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533259) SASTASUNDR -6.12% change 224.00 238.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526981) SHBAJRG -6.11% change 156.05 166.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543895) EXHICON -6.11% change 257.40 274.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530131) UDAIPUR CEME -6.1% change 24.78 26.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532780) PARSVNATH -6.08% change 21.17 22.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500231) UMANG DAIR -6.07% change 74.39 79.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532029) SINDHU TRADE -6.07% change 14.38 15.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532187) INDUSIND BNK -6.07% change 971.05 1033.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532932) MANAKSIA LTD -6.07% change 65.78 70.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533056) VEDAVAAG -6.07% change 48.12 51.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513452) ELANGO INDUS -6.05% change 10.72 11.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538874) NEXUSSURGL -6.05% change 14.60 15.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541276) HARDWYN -6.04% change 13.06 13.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543932) IDEAFORGE -6.04% change 362.30 385.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533632) ONELIFE CAP -6.03% change 10.13 10.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543898) BLAL -6.03% change 196.40 209.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504731) I BRIGHT ST -6.01% change 96.86 103.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526439) AMBITIOUS PL -6.01% change 12.20 12.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513721) MFSINTRCRP -5.99% change 18.66 19.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532902) CONSOL CONST -5.99% change 13.98 14.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544351) MALPANI PIPES AND FITTINGS LIM -5.98% change 60.17 64.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531413) KIRAN PRINT -5.97% change 31.83 33.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533029) ALKALI -5.97% change 85.47 90.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504879) ORIENT ABRAS -5.95% change 35.24 37.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544133) EXICOM -5.95% change 154.20 163.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507998) SIMMONDS-MAR -5.94% change 111.70 118.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532053) WALLFORT FIN -5.94% change 108.55 115.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523676) GOLKUNDA DIA -5.93% change 222.10 236.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531762) UNJHA FORMUL -5.93% change 24.27 25.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526407) RIT PRO IND -5.9% change 25.02 26.59 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530759) STERL.TOOLS -5.89% change 349.75 371.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538706) ULTRACAB -5.89% change 13.42 14.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524808) PHYTOCHEM I. -5.87% change 32.54 34.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532056) ADINATH EXIM -5.87% change 44.24 47.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526161) SPENTA INT. -5.86% change 127.00 134.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542627) CHANDNIMACH -5.86% change 48.00 50.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(890204) NAKODA GROUP OF INDUSTRIES LIM -5.84% change 17.09 18.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544143) ROYAL -5.83% change 230.15 244.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514450) MAHA.RUBTECH -5.81% change 226.00 239.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533344) PTCFIN SER -5.81% change 31.96 33.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531813) GANGAPAPERS -5.8% change 101.60 107.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512008) AMANI TRAD -5.78% change 214.25 227.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522101) KILBURN ENGG -5.78% change 369.50 392.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544124) VSTL -5.77% change 151.05 160.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544272) SHIV TEXCHEM LIMITED -5.77% change 245.90 260.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543278) KALYANKJIL -5.74% change 450.30 477.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513472) SIMPLEX CAST -5.73% change 225.55 239.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537536) DENIS CHEM -5.73% change 111.85 118.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543953) KHAZANCHI -5.73% change 553.20 586.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544274) HYUNDAI MOTOR INDIA LIMITED -5.72% change 1716.85 1821.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506525) KANORIA CHEM -5.71% change 84.11 89.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532345) GATI LTD. -5.71% change 63.37 67.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532755) TECH MAH -5.71% change 1503.60 1594.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514274) AARVEE DENIM -5.7% change 143.00 151.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(536493) JKAGRI GEN -5.7% change 371.40 393.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543223) MAXINDIA -5.7% change 195.35 207.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508486) HAWKINS COOK -5.69% change 7400.05 7846.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538902) DHUN TEAIND -5.69% change 186.50 197.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500173) GFLLIMITED -5.68% change 58.46 61.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516064) ARROWGREEN -5.68% change 539.45 571.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539359) PRITIKAUTO -5.68% change 18.92 20.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519602) KELLTONTEC -5.67% change 116.55 123.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540654) GSTL -5.67% change 16.31 17.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524576) VIVID IND -5.66% change 15.00 15.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544025) ARROWHEAD -5.66% change 91.51 97.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506134) INTELL CAP -5.65% change 18.20 19.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513401) ASHIANA ISP. -5.65% change 32.55 34.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513532) PRADEEP MET. -5.65% change 232.20 246.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532777) INFO EDGE -5.64% change 6905.95 7318.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544029) GANDHAR -5.64% change 138.90 147.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544168) VARYAA -5.63% change 67.00 71.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512531) STC INDIA -5.62% change 115.00 121.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540545) BGJL -5.61% change 13.80 14.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543991) TECHKGREEN -5.61% change 165.00 174.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530579) UYFINCORP -5.6% change 19.21 20.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530689) LYKISLTD -5.6% change 34.89 36.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514142) TT LTD. -5.59% change 11.99 12.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531067) CONTIL I LTD -5.59% change 32.23 34.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590072) SUNDARAM BRK -5.59% change 810.00 857.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543962) DPWIRES -5.57% change 244.35 258.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507966) RAS RESORTS -5.56% change 51.00 54.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543420) JETFREIGHT -5.56% change 12.56 13.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500207) INDO RAMA -5.55% change 35.90 38.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531234) VICTORY PAPR -5.55% change 97.00 102.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531727) MENON PISTON -5.55% change 56.03 59.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514272) BHILWARA SP. -5.54% change 129.50 137.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517506) TTK PRESTIGE -5.53% change 622.95 659.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521097) AMARJOTHI SP -5.53% change 161.55 171.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509597) HARDCASTLE -5.52% change 684.95 724.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523232) CONT.PETRO -5.51% change 110.70 117.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526225) BLOOM DEKOR -5.51% change 12.00 12.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540850) JFL -5.51% change 54.00 57.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501150) CENTRUM CAP -5.5% change 25.60 27.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532230) BENGAL TEA & -5.5% change 146.80 155.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533470) RUSHIL DECOR -5.5% change 26.13 27.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539991) CFEL -5.5% change 85.57 90.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544012) CELLO -5.5% change 547.15 579.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530309) CHANDRA PRAB -5.48% change 21.40 22.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530363) UGAR SUGAR -5.48% change 46.77 49.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531982) SPECTR FOOD -5.48% change 24.82 26.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501351) RAPID INVES. -5.47% change 106.35 112.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502873) H.P.COTTON -5.47% change 101.15 107.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530809) BNR UDYOG -5.47% change 60.48 63.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531233) RASI ELECTRO -5.46% change 20.79 21.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544101) BRISK -5.46% change 112.50 119.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544316) DAM Capital Advisors Limited -5.46% change 213.80 226.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504093) PANA ENERG -5.45% change 340.15 359.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504741) IND.HUME PIP -5.45% change 336.25 355.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530213) FORTUNE INT. -5.45% change 52.00 55.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532974) ABML -5.45% change 151.05 159.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500012) ANDHRA PETRO -5.44% change 53.71 56.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543290) PGINVIT -5.44% change 75.77 80.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544258) Western Carriers (India) Limit -5.44% change 86.85 91.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500402) SPMLINFRA -5.43% change 159.35 168.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531878) ANJANI FINL -5.43% change 12.53 13.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514418) MANORG -5.42% change 420.00 444.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544174) TBOTEK -5.42% change 1366.50 1444.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544230) SARASWATI SAREE DEPOT LIMITED -5.41% change 98.37 104.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502901) JAMSHRI -5.4% change 103.45 109.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514442) SRI KPR IND -5.4% change 25.92 27.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532329) DANLAW TECH. -5.4% change 1018.00 1076.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533315) INNO INVEST -5.4% change 74.25 78.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544205) NPL -5.4% change 598.00 632.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539354) POLYSPIN -5.39% change 35.95 38.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500120) DIAMINES&CHM -5.38% change 365.60 386.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532719) BL KASHYAP -5.38% change 50.51 53.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506734) MYS PETRO -5.35% change 130.80 138.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506532) NITTA GELA -5.34% change 699.05 738.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523019) B.N.RATHI SE -5.34% change 28.52 30.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530977) SKCIL -5.34% change 149.80 158.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539659) VIDLI -5.33% change 63.26 66.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500267) MAJESTIC AUT -5.31% change 311.40 328.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524502) RAAJMEDISAFE -5.31% change 69.60 73.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500041) BANNARI AMAN -5.3% change 3299.95 3484.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512477) BETEX INDIA -5.3% change 398.25 420.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523638) IP RINGS LTD -5.29% change 137.00 144.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590051) SAKSOFT LTD -5.29% change 165.45 174.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514286) ASHIMA LTD. -5.27% change 20.68 21.83 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540124) GNA -5.27% change 299.30 315.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530521) VIRAT INDUS. -5.26% change 324.00 342.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532875) ALLIED DIGIT -5.26% change 205.30 216.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533164) TEXMO PIPES -5.26% change 53.35 56.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523586) IND.TONERS -5.25% change 256.15 270.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538833) ANUBHAV -5.25% change 15.70 16.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522281) RAM RAT.WIRE -5.24% change 511.80 540.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539276) KAYA -5.24% change 245.05 258.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526471) WINSOME BREW -5.21% change 35.13 37.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535602) SHARDA MOTOR -5.21% change 1550.55 1635.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590075) LAMBODHARA T -5.21% change 115.50 121.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505700) ELECON ENG -5.2% change 424.25 447.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507486) CAPROLA.CHEM -5.2% change 44.13 46.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517546) ALFA TRANSFO -5.2% change 74.04 78.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539337) WAAREE -5.2% change 300.60 317.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542752) AFFLE -5.2% change 1435.25 1513.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517258) PRECISION EL -5.19% change 94.00 99.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523120) ADOR MULTI. -5.19% change 26.84 28.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530555) PARAMOUNT CO -5.19% change 56.50 59.59 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530135) OPTIEMUS -5.18% change 459.15 484.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532842) SREE RAYALA -5.18% change 521.05 549.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533704) ESSAR SHIP -5.17% change 24.20 25.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500189) NXTDIGITAL -5.16% change 87.92 92.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544067) INNOVACAP -5.16% change 735.50 775.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532514) INDRA GAS -5.15% change 187.95 198.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544023) KALYANI -5.15% change 397.65 419.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500166) GOODRICKE -5.11% change 185.75 195.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522074) ELGI EQUIP -5.11% change 440.05 463.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532011) POOJA ENT -5.11% change 107.60 113.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500690) GUJ.ST.FERT -5.1% change 175.90 185.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540266) GLCL -5.1% change 30.88 32.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543590) RHETAN -5.1% change 13.95 14.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531260) SUNEDISON -5.09% change 600.00 632.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543635) PPLPHARMA -5.09% change 200.30 211.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530343) GENUS POWER -5.08% change 265.45 279.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513575) STERPOW -5.05% change 41.76 43.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521064) TRIDENT -5.04% change 25.79 27.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502175) SAURAS.CEM. -5.03% change 80.01 84.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511726) VIPUL LTD -5.03% change 11.70 12.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513422) BLOOM INDUST -5.03% change 30.02 31.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544225) Ola Electric Mobility Limited -5.03% change 56.40 59.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516092) 3PLAND -5.02% change 41.79 44.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517380) IGARSHI MOT -5.02% change 542.90 571.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540497) SCHAND -5.02% change 167.30 176.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523105) P.POLYSAC(NR -5.01% change 19.35 20.37 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544192) IXIGO -5.01% change 133.70 140.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500354) RAJSH.SUGAR -5% change 42.53 44.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538395) NAM SEC -5% change 95.00 100.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

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641 top LOSERS stocks with 2% change in BSE top LOSERS (last 6 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Days Price Sector More
(530883) SUPER CROP. -4.99% change 16.96 17.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(531201) SHILCHAR TEC -4.97% change 5810.65 6114.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(536709) INDRENEW -4.97% change 13.00 13.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526508) SHAHISHIP -4.96% change 16.68 17.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531268) B2B SOFT. -4.96% change 25.65 26.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(514354) PREMIER POLY -4.92% change 67.23 70.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532373) WEPSOLN -4.92% change 26.50 27.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539226) RUDRA -4.92% change 31.86 33.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509930) SUPREM IND -4.91% change 3400.00 3575.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524080) HAR.LEATHER -4.91% change 74.04 77.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526027) CUBEX TUBING -4.91% change 91.57 96.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530011) MANGLR.CHEM -4.91% change 138.60 145.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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(543472) TECH -4.89% change 40.29 42.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523204) ABAN OFFSHO -4.88% change 40.39 42.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532807) CINELINE -4.88% change 90.36 95.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507438) IFB AGRO -4.86% change 480.00 504.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532998) LEHIL -4.86% change 59.67 62.72 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533336) DHUNINV -4.84% change 1580.45 1660.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543287) LODHA -4.84% change 1138.05 1195.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522294) T & I GLOBAL -4.83% change 153.75 161.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532141) ANDHRA CEMEN -4.83% change 61.25 64.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539174) HELPAGE -4.82% change 16.01 16.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543497) BCCL -4.82% change 230.80 242.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521248) KITEX GARMEN -4.81% change 170.30 178.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500074) BPL LTD. -4.8% change 80.34 84.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530023) THEINVEST -4.8% change 141.85 149.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539843) NINSYS -4.8% change 463.65 487.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500878) CEAT LIMITED -4.79% change 2571.80 2701.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523025) SAFARI IND. -4.79% change 2125.65 2232.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532804) TECHNOCRAFT -4.79% change 2470.00 2594.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533301) SHEKHAWATI -4.79% change 24.26 25.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543525) SILVERTUC -4.79% change 629.90 661.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543989) KALAMANDIR -4.79% change 142.20 149.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526953) VENUS REMEDI -4.78% change 300.00 315.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532749) ALLCARGO -4.78% change 32.25 33.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533333) FINEOTEX CH -4.78% change 238.20 250.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504220) W.S.INDUSTR. -4.77% change 76.09 79.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507970) PARA. COSMET -4.76% change 40.00 42.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513709) SHILP GRAVUR -4.76% change 215.25 226.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531179) ARMAN FIN -4.76% change 1238.90 1300.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532457) GULSHAN POLY -4.76% change 164.10 172.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532923) RGL -4.76% change 128.15 134.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514238) IKAB SEC. -4.75% change 1338.50 1405.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539334) SHREEPUSHK -4.75% change 313.65 329.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530407) EPIC ENERGY -4.74% change 49.41 51.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533343) LOVABLE -4.74% change 90.45 94.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506642) SADHANA NITR -4.73% change 25.00 26.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526723) NTC INDUST -4.72% change 183.90 193.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509009) AUSOM ENT -4.71% change 81.52 85.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524790) EVEREST ORG. -4.71% change 224.80 235.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538919) SKILVEN -4.71% change 26.68 28.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517236) CALCOM VISIO -4.7% change 89.30 93.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539562) AARNAV -4.7% change 54.52 57.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532324) CINEVISTA -4.68% change 14.45 15.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532937) KUANTUM -4.68% change 108.95 114.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519224) WILLIAM.MAGO -4.67% change 28.60 30.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533137) DEN NETWORK -4.64% change 32.26 33.83 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544108) GPSL -4.63% change 172.85 181.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500800) TATACONSUM -4.62% change 957.95 1004.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532466) ORACLE FIN -4.62% change 7820.45 8199.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543992) YATRA -4.62% change 73.31 76.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532648) YES BANK -4.61% change 16.98 17.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540204) NIDL -4.61% change 50.94 53.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526299) MPHASIS LTD -4.6% change 2338.50 2451.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533203) TARAPUR TRA -4.6% change 29.02 30.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511359) AD-MANUM FIN -4.59% change 68.94 72.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521240) SAMBANDAM SP -4.59% change 129.00 135.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543318) CLEAN -4.59% change 1230.60 1289.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500182) HEROMOTOCO -4.58% change 3650.95 3826.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531962) SHREMETAL -4.58% change 39.54 41.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538837) JSTL -4.57% change 45.32 47.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526725) SANDESH LTD. -4.56% change 1125.80 1179.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506109) GENESYS INT. -4.53% change 736.20 771.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539141) UFO -4.53% change 74.44 77.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532173) CYBERTECH -4.52% change 164.80 172.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532742) PAUSHAK LTD -4.52% change 4219.20 4418.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505163) ZF STEERING -4.51% change 1117.65 1170.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532348) SUBEX LTX -4.51% change 14.20 14.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534063) FUT SOL -4.51% change 54.00 56.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544254) Tolins Tyres Limited -4.51% change 121.80 127.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544310) Yash Highvoltage Limited -4.51% change 167.10 175.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531508) EVEREADY (I) -4.5% change 306.80 321.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532815) SMS PHARMACE -4.5% change 196.30 205.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539176) HAWAENG -4.5% change 116.60 122.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509966) VST INDUS. -4.48% change 262.55 274.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523648) PLASTIBLEND -4.48% change 192.75 201.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530845) SUNSHIELD CH -4.48% change 662.05 693.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543363) PREVEST -4.48% change 429.60 449.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531402) LWS KNITWEAR -4.46% change 16.50 17.27 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502355) BALKRISH IND -4.44% change 2558.25 2677.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517477) ELNET TECH. -4.44% change 356.00 372.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532667) SUZLONENERGY -4.44% change 52.13 54.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519471) AMBARPIL -4.43% change 187.80 196.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524136) PEE CEE COSM -4.4% change 533.35 557.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540726) TTFL -4.4% change 169.65 177.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530803) BHAGIL -4.39% change 161.10 168.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543515) SEML -4.39% change 162.20 169.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501391) W.H.BRADY -4.38% change 796.15 832.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532538) ULTRATECH CM -4.37% change 10488.95 10968.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539189) ADHBHUTIN -4.37% change 17.50 18.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539686) KPEL -4.37% change 384.05 401.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500780) ZUARIGLOB -4.36% change 251.10 262.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509243) TVS SRICHAKR -4.36% change 2670.35 2792.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509760) MODERN SHARE -4.36% change 45.00 47.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532175) CYIENT -4.36% change 1275.75 1333.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532388) INDIAN OVER. -4.36% change 44.35 46.37 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538835) INTELLECT -4.36% change 679.40 710.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543686) SIRCA -4.36% change 264.05 276.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505526) DOLAT INV. -4.35% change 77.14 80.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544057) HAPPYFORGE -4.35% change 811.15 848.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532885) CENTRAL BK -4.34% change 44.30 46.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535693) BRAHM INFRA -4.34% change 42.07 43.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532628) 3I INFOTECH -4.32% change 24.37 25.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532850) MIC ELECTRON -4.32% change 58.23 60.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533552) RUPA & CO -4.32% change 193.95 202.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543874) MAIDEN -4.32% change 60.00 62.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531297) ARTEFACT PR -4.31% change 64.01 66.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540395) CHEMCRUX -4.31% change 125.55 131.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500327) PILITA -4.29% change 12.71 13.28 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514171) CEETA IND. -4.29% change 41.99 43.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530235) KJMC FIN. -4.29% change 90.92 95.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531552) RAGHUNATH TO -4.29% change 17.61 18.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531744) GINI SILK MI -4.29% change 89.30 93.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590062) ANDHRA SUGAR -4.29% change 73.13 76.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530197) FUNDVISER -4.28% change 132.10 138.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530709) GOWRA LEASNG -4.28% change 72.00 75.22 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532178) ENGINRS.(I) -4.28% change 158.70 165.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538647) PURSHOTTAM -4.28% change 41.64 43.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500234) KAKATIYA CEM -4.27% change 153.40 160.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521113) SUDITI IND. -4.27% change 35.00 36.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519455) NARBADA -4.26% change 55.05 57.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544158) SRM -4.26% change 318.95 333.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533295) PUNJABNSIND -4.23% change 41.22 43.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507880) VIP INDUS. -4.22% change 307.40 320.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531069) VIJAY SOLVEX -4.22% change 972.90 1015.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532830) ASTRAL POLY -4.22% change 1330.10 1388.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540769) NIACL -4.22% change 149.70 156.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524663) BH.IMMUN&BIO -4.21% change 22.51 23.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543614) TIPSFILMS -4.21% change 541.70 565.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500163) GODFREY PH -4.2% change 5418.55 5656.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543831) BRIGHT -4.2% change 448.55 468.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523832) MUKAT PIPES -4.18% change 16.96 17.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532400) BSOFT -4.18% change 438.75 457.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530723) ASIT C FIN -4.17% change 115.00 120.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526881) 63MOONS -4.16% change 723.35 754.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534392) VSSL -4.16% change 200.35 209.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543235) ANGELBRKG -4.15% change 2118.35 2210.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544278) OCCL Limited -4.15% change 71.42 74.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532661) RANE MADRAS -4.14% change 634.35 661.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542865) ANUROOP -4.14% change 20.38 21.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543916) HSIL -4.12% change 102.50 106.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(570004) JISLBNDVR -4.12% change 29.59 30.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539301) ARVSMART -4.11% change 694.90 724.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500270) BARODA RAYON -4.1% change 144.95 151.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544340) Rikhav Securities Limited -4.1% change 77.39 80.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512296) BHAGYA INL -4.09% change 77.14 80.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500008) AMAR RAJA BA -4.08% change 1003.75 1046.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523007) ANSAL BUILD. -4.08% change 117.55 122.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530043) ACKNIT IND -4.08% change 229.25 239.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532531) STAR -4.08% change 621.40 647.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540700) BRNL -4.08% change 36.70 38.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532310) SHREE RAMA -4.07% change 36.29 37.83 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543462) DEVIT -4.07% change 123.85 129.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532687) REPRO INDIA -4.06% change 443.75 462.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532859) HGSL -4.06% change 535.70 558.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539662) BFLAFL -4.06% change 13.93 14.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543330) DEVYANI -4.06% change 171.20 178.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517421) BFLYGANDHI -4.05% change 577.40 601.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543279) SURYODAY -4.05% change 112.50 117.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504092) INDOKEM LTD. -4.04% change 140.25 146.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506528) KELTECH EN. -4.04% change 2931.75 3055.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517168) SUBROS LTD. -4.04% change 577.70 602.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524636) S.S.ORGANICS -4.03% change 74.86 78.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530565) ARCHANA SOFT -4.03% change 67.48 70.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542938) OCTAVIUSPL -4.03% change 69.00 71.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543358) SANSERA -4.03% change 1146.85 1195.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504076) JYOTI LTD. -4.02% change 77.99 81.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511076) SAT IND LTD -4.02% change 89.41 93.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532482) GRANULES (I) -4.02% change 493.10 513.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533267) CANTABIL -4.02% change 257.70 268.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543211) BONLON -4.02% change 26.77 27.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512361) CUPID BREWERIES AND DISTILLERI -4.01% change 147.35 153.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519064) KHANDEL. EXT -4.01% change 77.55 80.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532439) OLECTRA -4.01% change 1113.15 1159.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590041) KAVERI TELE -4.01% change 46.49 48.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505412) WENDT(INDIA) -4% change 9734.70 10139.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521226) UNI ROYAL IN -4% change 24.00 25.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532748) PRIME FOCUS -4% change 98.45 102.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522014) UNITED DRILL -3.99% change 230.95 240.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526546) CHOKSI LABOR -3.99% change 119.00 123.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523650) REDEX PROTEC -3.98% change 31.10 32.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524494) IPCA LAB LTD -3.98% change 1361.55 1418.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543986) SOUTHWEST -3.97% change 107.75 112.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544095) EPACK -3.97% change 374.10 389.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526709) BITS LTD. -3.96% change 12.12 12.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544142) SCILAL -3.95% change 46.91 48.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538634) VRL -3.94% change 240.00 249.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523457) LINDEINDIA -3.93% change 6073.15 6321.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504341) RELTD -3.92% change 115.05 119.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519421) KSE LIMITED -3.92% change 1946.00 2025.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530265) SAINIK FIN. -3.92% change 36.55 38.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531129) INANI MARBLE -3.92% change 18.40 19.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542770) ALPHALOGIC -3.92% change 98.00 102.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507690) ORIENT BEVER -3.91% change 240.75 250.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508136) BNALTD -3.9% change 474.95 494.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523186) BA PACK -3.89% change 261.90 272.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533108) BHILWRA TEC -3.89% change 43.68 45.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543806) ITCONS -3.89% change 482.00 501.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517015) VINDHYA TELE -3.88% change 1387.25 1443.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543064) SUVENPHAR -3.88% change 1161.85 1208.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543230) ADVAIT -3.88% change 1255.25 1305.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530393) DB INT.ST.BR -3.87% change 35.52 36.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532216) HB STOCKHOL. -3.87% change 79.16 82.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543260) STOVEKRAFT -3.86% change 763.75 794.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543396) PAYTM -3.86% change 705.85 734.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544261) ARKADE DEVELOPERS LIMITED -3.86% change 140.55 146.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514280) SANRHEA TECH -3.85% change 117.50 122.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533080) MOLDTKPACK -3.85% change 476.20 495.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524572) PHARMAIDS PH -3.84% change 69.63 72.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543258) INDIGOPNTS -3.84% change 1033.15 1074.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543265) RAILTEL -3.84% change 295.75 307.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543637) PACE -3.82% change 26.45 27.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500220) JASCH INDUST -3.81% change 164.00 170.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511672) SCANSTL -3.81% change 37.66 39.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514358) EVERLON SYN. -3.81% change 118.75 123.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543998) VALIANTLAB -3.81% change 87.68 91.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500429) UNIPHOS ENT. -3.8% change 143.05 148.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512068) DECCANGOLD -3.8% change 104.95 109.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526081) SCAGRO -3.8% change 18.99 19.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530999) BALAJI AMINE -3.8% change 1329.25 1381.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544322) Unimech Aerospace And Manufact -3.8% change 941.75 978.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524582) TIRUPATI STA -3.79% change 176.60 183.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532762) ACTION CONST -3.79% change 1103.10 1146.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530459) VALSON INDUS -3.78% change 28.53 29.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507515) CJ GELATIN -3.77% change 16.61 17.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511551) MONARCH -3.77% change 337.30 350.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534338) MAXHEIGHTS -3.77% change 19.90 20.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500449) HIND.ORG.CHM -3.76% change 27.40 28.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533179) PERSISTENT -3.76% change 5297.40 5504.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523606) SIKA INTER. -3.74% change 2478.80 2575.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543593) DBOL -3.74% change 64.65 67.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544100) NOVAAGRI -3.74% change 48.93 50.83 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544364) Indef Manufacturing Limited -3.73% change 231.15 240.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507410) WALCHANDNGR -3.72% change 161.95 168.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517119) PCS TECH -3.72% change 30.50 31.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526586) WIM PLAST LT -3.72% change 474.55 492.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533014) SICAGEN IND -3.72% change 61.31 63.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539150) PNCINFRA -3.72% change 268.05 278.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544061) AZAD -3.72% change 1306.15 1356.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500284) LORDS CHLORO -3.71% change 135.00 140.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532771) JHS SVEN -3.71% change 13.48 14.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542057) BCPL -3.71% change 69.77 72.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544289) NTPC GREEN ENERGY LIMITED -3.71% change 94.41 98.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500183) HFCL -3.7% change 82.99 86.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507621) MILKFOOD -3.7% change 81.00 84.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514316) RAGHUVIR SYN -3.7% change 134.00 139.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534369) TBZ LTD -3.7% change 171.95 178.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532867) V2RETAIL -3.69% change 1680.25 1744.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502330) ANDPAPER -3.67% change 74.82 77.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543271) JUBLINGREA -3.66% change 659.35 684.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524752) DECIPHER -3.64% change 11.90 12.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533156) VASCON ENG -3.64% change 36.00 37.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522005) AUSTIN ENGG. -3.63% change 152.80 158.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540829) CHANDRIMA -3.63% change 41.15 42.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543374) ABSLAMC -3.63% change 616.80 640.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524404) MARKSANS -3.62% change 211.70 219.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530007) JK TYRE IND -3.62% change 273.00 283.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530943) SRI ADHIKARI -3.62% change 452.65 469.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500214) ION EXCHANGE -3.6% change 498.70 517.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500296) NAHAR SPG. -3.6% change 202.45 210.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539201) SATIA -3.6% change 72.29 74.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531109) ISHAN DYES -3.59% change 38.12 39.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539992) LLOYDSTEEL -3.59% change 58.26 60.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532163) SAREGAMA (I) -3.58% change 478.15 495.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532714) KEC INTERN -3.58% change 716.75 743.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537985) INFRONICS SY -3.58% change 33.62 34.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544195) COTFAB -3.58% change 35.77 37.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511505) CAPITAL TRUS -3.57% change 88.23 91.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530365) ORIENTBELL -3.54% change 269.65 279.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532662) HT MEDIA -3.54% change 18.82 19.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544293) SURAKSHA DIAGNOSTIC LIMITED -3.54% change 276.50 286.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532686) KERNEX MICRO -3.53% change 785.30 814.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533007) LGB FORGE -3.53% change 10.38 10.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511194) I.C.D.S. -3.51% change 45.34 46.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512070) UPL -3.51% change 624.35 647.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531341) GUJ.INVESTA -3.51% change 20.90 21.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530427) CHOKSI IMAG -3.49% change 72.44 75.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538713) ATISHAY -3.49% change 145.15 150.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508814) COSMO FILMS -3.48% change 646.30 669.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532284) TCFC FINANCE -3.48% change 52.46 54.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532939) RPOWER -3.48% change 35.19 36.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519136) NAHAR INDUST -3.46% change 100.45 104.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540719) SBILIFE -3.45% change 1420.90 1471.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540952) LAL -3.45% change 12.03 12.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523207) KOKUYOCMLN -3.44% change 102.55 106.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524648) INDO AMINES -3.44% change 120.70 125.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503657) VEER ENERGY -3.42% change 18.35 19.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526468) EURO LEDAR F -3.42% change 22.01 22.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543748) AARTIPHARM -3.42% change 747.45 773.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531289) NATFIT -3.41% change 124.55 128.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531739) GENNEX LAB -3.41% change 13.01 13.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521220) DAMOINDUS -3.38% change 32.83 33.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539661) ACEMEN -3.38% change 83.00 85.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540595) TEJASNET -3.38% change 735.80 761.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542760) SWSOLAR -3.38% change 252.70 261.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526642) MIRZA INTER -3.36% change 30.81 31.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530129) NILE LTD. -3.36% change 1517.10 1569.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(800269) SGBJULY25 -3.36% change 8310.00 8599.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523011) WEIZMANN LTD -3.35% change 111.20 115.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531503) MARIS SPIN. -3.35% change 35.76 37.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500060) BIRLACABLE -3.34% change 147.65 152.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504212) UNIV.CABLE -3.34% change 514.25 532.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511122) FIRST CUSTO. -3.34% change 144.50 149.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544053) MOTISONS -3.34% change 18.55 19.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544248) MACH CONFERENCES AND EVENTS LI -3.34% change 198.15 205.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590134) MADRASFERT -3.34% change 74.39 76.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526612) BLUE DART EX -3.33% change 5981.00 6187.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500570) TATA MOTORS -3.32% change 639.75 661.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526263) MOLD-TEK TEC -3.32% change 123.85 128.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533385) N100 -3.32% change 186.76 193.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543955) TREL -3.32% change 29.14 30.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530315) HIND.TIN WRK -3.31% change 148.95 154.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532172) ADROITINFO -3.31% change 16.96 17.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530025) SAMYAK INT -3.3% change 38.99 40.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514454) SOUTH.LATEX -3.29% change 20.60 21.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520043) MUNJAL SHOWA -3.29% change 114.75 118.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509486) CAPRIHANS -3.28% change 132.55 137.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539290) BINDALAGRO -3.28% change 36.30 37.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533271) ASHOKA -3.27% change 184.60 190.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531489) CG-VAK SOFTW -3.26% change 304.05 314.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544327) TECHNICHEM ORGANICS LIMITED -3.26% change 49.00 50.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534680) SRG HFL -3.25% change 295.00 304.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544184) BOROSCI -3.25% change 130.90 135.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526345) PANJON LTD. -3.24% change 19.69 20.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532928) TRIL -3.24% change 411.10 424.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534742) ZUARI AGRO -3.24% change 184.90 191.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539742) SIMBHALS -3.24% change 14.05 14.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543249) TARC -3.24% change 122.45 126.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503960) BHARAT BIJLE -3.23% change 2674.45 2763.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540704) MATRIMONY -3.23% change 528.00 545.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544186) TOTEM -3.23% change 161.60 167.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524202) LACTOSE(I) -3.22% change 115.65 119.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531795) ATUL AUTO -3.22% change 450.80 465.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532700) ENT NETWORK -3.22% change 136.65 141.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532806) AI CHAMPDNY -3.22% change 39.10 40.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543787) ROBU -3.22% change 780.00 805.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520008) RICO AUTO -3.21% change 66.36 68.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537291) NATH BIOGEN -3.21% change 155.15 160.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539151) ARFIN -3.21% change 30.75 31.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543263) SMCGLOBAL -3.21% change 114.65 118.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524330) JAYANT AGRO -3.2% change 255.55 264.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532773) GLOBAL VECT -3.2% change 249.55 257.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543254) AWHCL -3.2% change 537.60 555.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(515043) SAINT-GOBAIN -3.19% change 107.70 111.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531082) ALANKIT -3.19% change 16.41 16.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523260) PEARL POLYME -3.18% change 27.69 28.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543848) DEVLAB -3.18% change 60.60 62.59 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521163) ZODIAC CLOTH -3.16% change 94.56 97.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526817) CHEVIOT CO. -3.16% change 1050.95 1085.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532281) HCL TECHNO -3.16% change 1585.15 1636.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532827) PAGE INDUSTR -3.16% change 40598.35 41924.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539871) THYROCARE -3.15% change 699.90 722.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544256) P N GADGIL JEWELLERS LIMITED -3.15% change 540.35 557.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500135) ESSEL PROP -3.14% change 205.30 211.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503162) REL.CHEMOTX -3.14% change 159.00 164.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524520) KMC SHIL -3.14% change 68.28 70.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526731) BRIGHT BROS. -3.14% change 319.55 329.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531500) RAJESH EXPO. -3.13% change 164.10 169.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532240) INDIA NIPPON -3.13% change 576.60 595.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543324) GCSL -3.12% change 493.60 509.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500209) INFOSYS LTD -3.11% change 1713.20 1768.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519230) RICHIRICH -3.1% change 38.76 40.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531346) EASTERN TRED -3.1% change 37.50 38.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543530) PARADEEP -3.1% change 93.22 96.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542367) XELPMOC -3.09% change 102.97 106.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544140) GOPAL -3.09% change 284.00 293.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511676) GIC HOUSING -3.08% change 166.95 172.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538881) GALADAFIN -3.07% change 18.29 18.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543347) AXISTECETF -3.07% change 406.61 419.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543450) ICICIAUTO -3.07% change 21.46 22.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511108) SHIVA TEXYAM -3.06% change 191.95 198.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539760) RELICAB -3.06% change 78.76 81.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504180) STD.BATTERY -3.05% change 65.24 67.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509470) BOMOXY-B1 -3.05% change 22508.00 23215.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532339) COMPUCOM SOF -3.05% change 19.42 20.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542679) DEL -3.05% change 57.20 59.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522275) GET&D -3.04% change 1391.30 1434.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544232) Interarch Building Products Li -3.04% change 1486.10 1532.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511147) WALL ST.FIN. -3.03% change 75.63 77.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511441) GUJ.CREDIT -3.03% change 32.03 33.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543732) RADIANTCMS -3.03% change 59.90 61.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500368) RUCHI SOYA -3.02% change 1770.90 1826.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524342) INDOBORAXC -3.02% change 157.15 162.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524506) CORAL LAB. -3.02% change 773.85 797.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543391) SGFRL -3.02% change 156.00 160.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509715) JAYSHRE TEA -3.01% change 95.20 98.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517214) DIGISPICE -3.01% change 22.20 22.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542285) AXITA -3% change 10.02 10.33 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500106) IFCI LTD -2.99% change 43.55 44.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534597) RTNINFRA -2.99% change 42.88 44.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539227) LOYAL -2.99% change 204.70 211.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544181) AWFIS -2.99% change 644.20 664.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538772) NIYOGIN -2.98% change 43.56 44.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523796) VICEROY HOTE -2.97% change 114.50 118.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500096) DABUR (I) -2.96% change 495.05 510.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532947) IRB INFRA -2.96% change 44.99 46.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541956) IRCON -2.96% change 149.20 153.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520057) JTEKTINDIA -2.95% change 121.90 125.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526668) KAMAT HOTELS -2.95% change 284.55 293.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532435) SANINFRA -2.95% change 10.19 10.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533896) FERVENTSYN -2.95% change 23.00 23.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539921) SEIL -2.95% change 85.21 87.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514113) ADHINATH TEX -2.94% change 22.11 22.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532918) RATHI BARS -2.93% change 37.05 38.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500456) PAS.ACRYLON -2.91% change 41.67 42.92 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522215) HLEGLAS -2.91% change 253.90 261.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532039) ZENOTECH -2.91% change 55.04 56.69 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532548) CENTURYPLY -2.91% change 735.75 757.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535322) REPCO HOME -2.91% change 325.35 335.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532313) MAHINDRALIFE -2.9% change 330.95 340.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530215) KINGSINFRA -2.89% change 137.65 141.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540649) AVADHSUGAR -2.88% change 389.95 401.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543663) FIVESTAR -2.88% change 693.10 713.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500330) RAYMOND -2.87% change 1358.35 1398.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523630) NATIONAL FER -2.87% change 83.05 85.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543940) JIOFIN -2.87% change 219.75 226.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530073) SANGHVI MOVE -2.86% change 235.70 242.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590003) KARUR VY(PS -2.86% change 203.95 209.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502219) BORORENEW -2.85% change 530.90 546.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543613) MAFIA -2.85% change 15.00 15.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500421) TPI INDIA -2.84% change 16.45 16.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531694) RAINBOW FOUN -2.84% change 39.75 40.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540526) IRBINVIT -2.83% change 54.16 55.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543177) 11QPD -2.83% change 26.45 27.22 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514470) WIMSOME TEXT -2.82% change 90.62 93.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540005) LTI -2.82% change 4823.05 4963.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543935) DSPITETF -2.8% change 39.23 40.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530735) SUPER BAKERS -2.78% change 28.00 28.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540133) ICICIPRULI -2.78% change 550.55 566.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543297) IWEL -2.78% change 8408.40 8649.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505720) HERC.HOISTS -2.77% change 164.80 169.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540776) 5PAISA -2.76% change 352.35 362.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500672) NOVARTIS -2.75% change 804.70 827.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532488) DIVI'S LAB. -2.75% change 5567.60 5725.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539542) LUXIND -2.75% change 1325.95 1363.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539730) FREDUN -2.75% change 672.55 691.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543665) HDFCNIFIT -2.75% change 39.63 40.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500126) PGHL -2.74% change 5208.40 5355.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520066) JAYBH.MARUTI -2.74% change 67.11 69.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522163) DIAMONPOWER -2.74% change 92.83 95.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542852) VISHWARAJ -2.74% change 10.30 10.59 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512634) SAVERA IND -2.73% change 131.90 135.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532764) GEECEE -2.73% change 385.20 396.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532798) NTWK MED INV -2.72% change 44.00 45.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544003) PLAZACABLE -2.72% change 57.88 59.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540782) SBRANDS -2.71% change 14.00 14.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512025) INERTIA STE -2.7% change 82.50 84.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524675) KABSONS INDU -2.7% change 23.07 23.71 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538926) NAPL -2.7% change 336.65 346.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544209) Bansal Wire Industries Limited -2.7% change 353.70 363.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523289) RAMA VISION -2.69% change 76.78 78.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534139) SCHNEIDER -2.69% change 637.75 655.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543904) MANKIND -2.69% change 2274.30 2337.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530355) ASIAN OILFIE -2.68% change 265.00 272.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533655) TRIVENITURB -2.68% change 535.25 550.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544137) BHINVIT -2.68% change 110.57 113.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532160) GUJ.STAT.FIN -2.67% change 16.80 17.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532841) SAHYA INDU -2.67% change 240.70 247.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543298) VINEETLAB -2.67% change 38.27 39.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543401) GOCOLORS -2.67% change 733.95 754.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543607) HDFCGROWTH -2.66% change 111.05 114.08 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544277) Waaree Energies Limited -2.66% change 2208.95 2269.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(890157) AIRTELPP -2.66% change 1155.00 1186.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505358) INTEGRA ENG -2.65% change 220.65 226.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520051) JAMNA AUTO -2.65% change 74.53 76.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532942) KNR CONST -2.65% change 222.05 228.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505827) SNL BEARINGS -2.64% change 344.20 353.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531099) RUBRA MEDICA -2.64% change 17.33 17.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531380) CENTENIAL SU -2.64% change 93.90 96.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531437) PWASML -2.64% change 29.89 30.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(536264) TIGER LOGS -2.64% change 50.91 52.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543227) HAPPSTMNDS -2.64% change 695.60 714.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543737) AVEER -2.64% change 682.50 701.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500168) GOODYEAR (I) -2.63% change 842.80 865.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500403) SUNDARAM FAS -2.63% change 946.40 971.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523127) EIH ASSO.HOT -2.62% change 334.40 343.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532684) EVEREST KANT -2.62% change 126.50 129.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538961) GENUSPAPER -2.62% change 17.83 18.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500830) COLGATE PALM -2.6% change 2452.95 2518.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538707) RCCL -2.6% change 38.17 39.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502986) VARDH TEXT -2.59% change 397.25 407.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532424) GODREJ CONS -2.58% change 1030.40 1057.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538715) DHABRIYA -2.58% change 329.00 337.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544217) SANSTAR LIMITED -2.58% change 90.60 93.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500020) BOM DYEING -2.57% change 134.70 138.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542011) GRSE -2.57% change 1296.85 1331.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542905) SHIL -2.57% change 204.70 210.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507552) FOODS & INNS -2.56% change 93.93 96.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507598) KLRFM -2.55% change 88.68 91.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532723) MPDL -2.55% change 48.51 49.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540923) AML -2.55% change 17.93 18.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500490) BAJ HOLD INV -2.54% change 11367.45 11663.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544342) Stallion India Fluorochemicals -2.54% change 68.31 70.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519295) BAMBINO AGRO -2.53% change 300.50 308.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590073) WHEELS INDIA -2.53% change 586.90 602.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531608) GORANI INDUS -2.52% change 97.38 99.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523405) JM FINANCIAL -2.51% change 95.88 98.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540145) VALIANTORG -2.51% change 266.15 273.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544238) Premier Energies Limited -2.51% change 921.90 945.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502090) SAGAR CEM. -2.5% change 181.45 186.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532610) DWAR SUGAR -2.5% change 40.09 41.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533638) FLEXITUFF -2.5% change 33.20 34.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543620) INA -2.5% change 280.40 287.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531241) LINC PEN &PL -2.49% change 107.75 110.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526853) BILCARE LTD. -2.48% change 57.48 58.94 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540737) SGRL -2.48% change 716.10 734.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500086) EXIDE IND. -2.47% change 355.50 364.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543861) USK -2.47% change 41.39 42.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530475) TINNARUBR -2.46% change 997.55 1022.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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