1400 BSE Top gainers last 2 Days list. Full list of DAILY GAINERS (last 2 Days) BSE

Last 2 Days gainers of BSE . Top DAILY GAINERS of BSE Full list of DAILY GAINERS of BSE

Below is full list of BSE top GAINERS stocks of last 2 Days till date from a closing of 2 Days before

1403 top GAINERS stocks BSE (2 Days) Top gainers in last 2 Days list

Gainers as on Tue 04 March 2025, Jupiter Info at 43.96%, Media One at 26.16%, Niesspa at 21%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 2 Days in BSE

50 Top gainers stocks BSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 2 Days Price
534623 JUPITER INFO 43.96% change 44.67 31.03
503685 MEDIA ONE 26.16% change 28.55 22.63
542810 NIESSPA 21% change 6862.05 5671.15
543445 SFMP58GR 21% change 2457.41 2030.92
513496 MEWAT ZINC 20.99% change 146.40 121.00
543100 20.99% change 95.35 78.81
543154 08QPR 20.99% change 1134.80 937.90
544245 Naturewings Holidays Limited 20.98% change 51.78 42.80
532612 INDOCO REM 20.49% change 239.05 198.40
519156 VADILAL IND 19.94% change 4281.45 3569.65
524709 NACLIND 19.12% change 69.46 58.31
536846 YURANUS INFR 19.12% change 102.48 86.03
506879 GUJ.THEMIS. 18.57% change 260.15 219.40
530005 INDIA CEM. 17.06% change 295.05 252.05
543960 CONCORDBIO 16.65% change 1744.20 1495.20
543329 WINDLAS 16.4% change 885.95 761.15
540980 YSL 16.15% change 32500.00 27980.00
543322 GLS 15.49% change 1022.70 885.55
503169 RUBY MILLS 15.34% change 208.30 180.60
530079 FAZE THREE L 15.27% change 378.10 328.00
543275 ANURAS 15.15% change 730.10 634.05
538539 JTAPARIA 15.14% change 18.71 16.25
544349 H.M. ELECTRO MECH LIMITED 14.97% change 68.21 59.33
500500 HIND.MOTORS 14.56% change 25.65 22.39
526783 DR.AGAR.EYE 14.3% change 4237.55 3707.35
531223 ANJANI SYNT. 14.03% change 47.86 41.97
532440 MPS LTD 13.37% change 2693.95 2376.25
507552 FOODS & INNS 13.28% change 98.55 87.00
523301 TCPL PACK 13.12% change 4414.75 3902.55
513422 BLOOM INDUST 13.02% change 31.94 28.26
531952 RIBA TEXTILS 12.87% change 72.54 64.27
530239 SUVEN LIFE S 12.63% change 118.60 105.30
532915 RELIGARE ENT 12.63% change 251.90 223.65
539378 SML 12.45% change 38.40 34.15
513566 NOVA IRON&ST 12.4% change 13.69 12.18
544066 SUNCLAY 12.37% change 2238.20 1991.75
532872 SUNPHA ADV 12.29% change 126.50 112.65
544292 Onesource Specialty Pharma Lim 11.91% change 1384.10 1236.85
524400 ISHITA DRUGS 11.9% change 78.89 70.50
500246 ENVAIN ELECT 11.8% change 104.98 93.90
543186 11DPD 11.45% change 11.19 10.04
504648 BOM.WIRE ROP 11.3% change 58.60 52.65
542837 NIESSPE 11.21% change 19.05 17.13
517530 SURANATP 11.04% change 19.71 17.75
526550 CCHHL 10.78% change 14.90 13.45
500314 ORIENT HOTEL 10.73% change 145.55 131.45
531314 INTEGRA CAP. 10.73% change 15.58 14.07
532159 TRESCON 10.69% change 13.46 12.16
506981 BL.CHIP TEX 10.63% change 165.95 150.00
531259 ESHAMEDIA 10.43% change 12.70 11.50
544335 B.R.GOYAL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMIT 10.42% change 113.35 102.65

1 top GAINERS stocks with 30% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 2 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 2 Days Price Sector More
(534623) JUPITER INFO 43.96% change 44.67 31.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

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8 top GAINERS stocks with 20% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 2 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 2 Days Price Sector More
(503685) MEDIA ONE 26.16% change 28.55 22.63 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542810) NIESSPA 21% change 6862.05 5671.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543445) SFMP58GR 21% change 2457.41 2030.92 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513496) MEWAT ZINC 20.99% change 146.40 121.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543154) 08QPR 20.99% change 1134.80 937.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544245) Naturewings Holidays Limited 20.98% change 51.78 42.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532612) INDOCO REM 20.49% change 239.05 198.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY GAINERS

69 top GAINERS stocks with 10% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 2 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 2 Days Price Sector More
(519156) VADILAL IND 19.94% change 4281.45 3569.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524709) NACLIND 19.12% change 69.46 58.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(536846) YURANUS INFR 19.12% change 102.48 86.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506879) GUJ.THEMIS. 18.57% change 260.15 219.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530005) INDIA CEM. 17.06% change 295.05 252.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543960) CONCORDBIO 16.65% change 1744.20 1495.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543329) WINDLAS 16.4% change 885.95 761.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540980) YSL 16.15% change 32500.00 27980.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543322) GLS 15.49% change 1022.70 885.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503169) RUBY MILLS 15.34% change 208.30 180.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530079) FAZE THREE L 15.27% change 378.10 328.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543275) ANURAS 15.15% change 730.10 634.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538539) JTAPARIA 15.14% change 18.71 16.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544349) H.M. ELECTRO MECH LIMITED 14.97% change 68.21 59.33 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500500) HIND.MOTORS 14.56% change 25.65 22.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526783) DR.AGAR.EYE 14.3% change 4237.55 3707.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531223) ANJANI SYNT. 14.03% change 47.86 41.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532440) MPS LTD 13.37% change 2693.95 2376.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507552) FOODS & INNS 13.28% change 98.55 87.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523301) TCPL PACK 13.12% change 4414.75 3902.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513422) BLOOM INDUST 13.02% change 31.94 28.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531952) RIBA TEXTILS 12.87% change 72.54 64.27 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530239) SUVEN LIFE S 12.63% change 118.60 105.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532915) RELIGARE ENT 12.63% change 251.90 223.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539378) SML 12.45% change 38.40 34.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513566) NOVA IRON&ST 12.4% change 13.69 12.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544066) SUNCLAY 12.37% change 2238.20 1991.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532872) SUNPHA ADV 12.29% change 126.50 112.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544292) Onesource Specialty Pharma Lim 11.91% change 1384.10 1236.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524400) ISHITA DRUGS 11.9% change 78.89 70.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500246) ENVAIN ELECT 11.8% change 104.98 93.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543186) 11DPD 11.45% change 11.19 10.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504648) BOM.WIRE ROP 11.3% change 58.60 52.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542837) NIESSPE 11.21% change 19.05 17.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517530) SURANATP 11.04% change 19.71 17.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526550) CCHHL 10.78% change 14.90 13.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500314) ORIENT HOTEL 10.73% change 145.55 131.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531314) INTEGRA CAP. 10.73% change 15.58 14.07 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532159) TRESCON 10.69% change 13.46 12.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506981) BL.CHIP TEX 10.63% change 165.95 150.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531259) ESHAMEDIA 10.43% change 12.70 11.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544335) B.R.GOYAL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMIT 10.42% change 113.35 102.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540762) TIINDIA 10.39% change 2720.90 2464.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512020) SARASW.COMM. 10.25% change 10355.50 9392.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512103) NIDHI GRANIT 10.24% change 99.82 90.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530231) SUBHASH SILK 10.24% change 65.04 59.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531286) ADHATA GLOBAL LIMITED 10.24% change 57.15 51.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543522) NVENTURES 10.24% change 88.96 80.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512014) SOBHAGH.MERC 10.23% change 340.35 308.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512399) KAPASHI COMM 10.23% change 34.91 31.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524632) SHUKRAPHAR 10.23% change 259.05 235.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530141) GYAN DEVELOP 10.23% change 37.94 34.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533982) TERASOFTWARE 10.23% change 189.15 171.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539528) AAYUSH 10.23% change 72.93 66.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512485) DHANAL.COTEX 10.22% change 253.95 230.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512626) ORBIT EXPORT 10.22% change 160.75 145.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522261) DOLPHIN OFF. 10.22% change 249.75 226.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530495) STRATMONT 10.22% change 90.25 81.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531677) ARISINT 10.22% change 185.15 167.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508963) STERL.GUARA. 10.21% change 27.30 24.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523862) PIFL 10.21% change 26.33 23.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531931) SAI CAPITAL 10.21% change 252.00 228.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509732) KOTHARI IND. 10.19% change 120.05 108.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539761) VKAL 10.19% change 121.65 110.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540703) PROVESTSER 10.18% change 30.84 27.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531301) HIGH STREET 10.17% change 132.15 119.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516003) DUROPLY 10.15% change 192.10 174.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531758) G.K.CONSULT. 10.15% change 18.45 16.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542804) NIESSPJ 10.12% change 55.16 50.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

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182 top GAINERS stocks with 5% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 2 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 2 Days Price Sector More
(526269) CRESTCHEM LT 9.99% change 196.00 178.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543993) ARCL 9.98% change 209.45 190.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532820) ELAND 9.93% change 13.62 12.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513683) NLCINDIA 9.81% change 226.70 206.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526871) INTEC CAP 9.79% change 17.60 16.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500067) BLUE STAR 9.67% change 2101.10 1915.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530821) SSPDL LTD 9.67% change 16.45 15.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540180) VBL 9.56% change 477.10 435.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540047) DBL 9.45% change 452.20 413.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502250) LERTHAI 9.44% change 488.00 445.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517431) NARMADA MACP 9.43% change 133.50 122.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543530) PARADEEP 9.42% change 95.03 86.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531778) KACHCHHMIN 9.32% change 23.94 21.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513536) GNRL 9.23% change 23.32 21.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500336) SURYA ROSHNI 9.19% change 233.50 213.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505192) SMLISUZU 9.11% change 1148.95 1053.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501144) PEOPLES INV. 8.91% change 185.80 170.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539679) KAPILRAJ 8.88% change 68.90 63.28 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543173) 11DPR 8.88% change 31.52 28.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539946) BAZELINTER 8.86% change 69.69 64.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531346) EASTERN TRED 8.82% change 37.00 34.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539875) RSDFIN 8.81% change 127.85 117.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541967) SKYGOLD 8.8% change 345.05 317.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506820) ASTRAZEN.PH. 8.78% change 7295.55 6706.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505690) BRADY MORRIS 8.74% change 1148.00 1055.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523116) SANCO TRANS 8.74% change 760.00 698.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531017) ARIHANT SEC. 8.73% change 29.90 27.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543165) 10ARD 8.7% change 212.95 195.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535667) IFINSEC 8.67% change 157.90 145.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502893) UNITEDINT 8.63% change 72.02 66.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532717) INDOTECHTR 8.61% change 2195.30 2021.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514043) HIMAT.SEIDE 8.36% change 122.45 113.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543350) VIJAYA 8.34% change 992.80 916.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543712) AHL 8.19% change 204.05 188.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531900) CCL INTER 8.18% change 26.45 24.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542845) NIEHSPJ 8.16% change 14.19 13.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531080) SHRI KRISH 8.13% change 35.79 33.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531340) BERVIN INV. 8.12% change 66.98 61.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521054) KAKATIYA TEX 8.09% change 19.90 18.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543187) POWERINDIA 8.09% change 12194.90 11281.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531454) POLYLINK POL 8.04% change 30.90 28.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531870) POPULAR EST 7.98% change 23.00 21.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544264) Diffusion Engineers Limited 7.91% change 267.30 247.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531494) NAVKAR BUILD 7.83% change 17.90 16.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523373) MINI DIAMOND 7.75% change 110.50 102.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539551) NH 7.7% change 1555.55 1444.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523186) BA PACK 7.69% change 268.05 248.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532402) USGTECH 7.69% change 14.15 13.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500040) CENTURY TEXT 7.62% change 2002.00 1860.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540199) CMBL 7.62% change 18.79 17.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512099) PUNIT COMMER 7.61% change 990.00 919.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523319) BALMER LAWRI 7.61% change 160.55 149.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513349) AJMERA 7.6% change 785.25 729.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541143) BDL 7.6% change 1048.90 974.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519471) AMBARPIL 7.56% change 195.00 181.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544081) JYOTICNC 7.56% change 860.65 800.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500103) BHEL 7.52% change 192.35 178.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500033) FORCE MOTR 7.45% change 7155.90 6659.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500049) BHARAT ELECT 7.41% change 264.65 246.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521220) DAMOINDUS 7.4% change 32.23 30.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521070) ALOK INDS. 7.35% change 16.50 15.37 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530881) ABVL 7.33% change 14.21 13.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540078) MITSU 7.32% change 98.95 92.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532955) RECLTD 7.28% change 386.85 360.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541154) HAL 7.24% change 3309.90 3086.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524558) NEULAND LAB. 7.23% change 11384.35 10617.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543376) SAMOR 7.23% change 62.47 58.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500104) HIND.PETRO 7.21% change 315.35 294.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531437) PWASML 7.2% change 28.45 26.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540938) GUJHYSPIN 7.2% change 21.60 20.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532390) TAJ GVK HOTL 7.19% change 481.60 449.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509438) BENARES HOT 7.18% change 11691.05 10907.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543653) BIKAJI 7.18% change 676.55 631.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543534) AETHER 7.14% change 919.20 857.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507490) RANA SUGARS 7.13% change 14.58 13.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500575) VOLTAS LTD 7.11% change 1410.70 1317.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542911) ASSAMENT 7.1% change 776.20 724.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523652) KKPLASTICK 7.09% change 19.33 18.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526500) STR GRE WOO 7.09% change 46.05 43.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543618) CARGOTRANS 7.09% change 79.25 74.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500171) GHCL LTD 7.07% change 619.30 578.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543442) BCONCEPTS 7.07% change 374.95 350.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539334) SHREEPUSHK 7.04% change 306.30 286.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539177) AIIL 7.02% change 1508.60 1409.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531638) SURAJ LTD 6.97% change 353.00 330.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512573) AVANTI FEEDS 6.95% change 740.45 692.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513375) CARBORUNDUM 6.88% change 889.95 832.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500252) LAXMIMACH 6.87% change 14583.95 13646.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531307) RRIL 6.87% change 18.05 16.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505283) KIRLOSAR PN 6.84% change 1058.80 991.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540728) SAYAJIIND 6.82% change 270.00 252.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530809) BNR UDYOG 6.79% change 58.20 54.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531412) RADIX IND 6.79% change 180.10 168.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541557) FINEORG 6.78% change 3738.70 3501.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543616) TLL 6.78% change 240.25 225.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526827) SPICE ISLAND 6.76% change 36.30 34.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500550) SIEMENS LTD. 6.75% change 4931.50 4619.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539006) PTCIL 6.7% change 10787.90 10110.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543332) MFL 6.7% change 1708.15 1600.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526775) VALIANT COMM 6.64% change 359.15 336.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532344) SOFTSOL (I) 6.57% change 265.90 249.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531842) LAHOTI OVER. 6.55% change 37.27 34.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500660) GLAXOSMITH 6.53% change 2636.25 2474.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531352) PEETI SECURT 6.5% change 22.13 20.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539986) COMSYN 6.49% change 80.29 75.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526987) URJA GLOBAL 6.48% change 12.00 11.27 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539111) SHESHAINDS 6.47% change 14.65 13.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533573) ALEM PHARMA 6.45% change 791.75 743.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533248) GPPL 6.44% change 133.05 125.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538666) SHARDACROP 6.43% change 527.05 495.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531453) MOHIT INDUS. 6.41% change 26.89 25.27 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533284) RPP INFRA 6.35% change 124.80 117.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544177) AZTEC 6.35% change 89.50 84.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544045) DOMS 6.31% change 2561.95 2409.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514113) ADHINATH TEX 6.3% change 22.79 21.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526568) LONGVIEW TEA 6.19% change 30.20 28.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532642) JSWHL 6.18% change 17384.40 16372.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590066) KCP LTD 6.16% change 181.95 171.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530361) SEAGOLD AQUA 6.15% change 127.00 119.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539854) HALDER 6.15% change 608.95 573.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500210) INGERSOLL 6.11% change 3364.85 3171.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543324) GCSL 6.08% change 487.80 459.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526703) ECOPLAST LTD 6.07% change 594.15 560.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543211) BONLON 6.07% change 26.23 24.73 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506858) GUJ.PETRO 6.01% change 59.95 56.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523594) KUNSTSTOFFE 6% change 23.32 22.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524408) UNIV.STARCH 5.96% change 174.30 164.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531176) MEFCOM CAPIT 5.96% change 16.18 15.27 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539872) BAJAJHCARE 5.96% change 641.40 605.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526891) MARKET CREAT 5.93% change 15.90 15.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533289) KESAR TERMI 5.92% change 73.20 69.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544314) Sanathan Textiles Limited 5.9% change 317.90 300.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533543) BROOKS LABS 5.87% change 104.23 98.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544263) KRN HEAT EXCHANGER AND REFRIGE 5.86% change 923.00 871.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506919) MAKERS LAB. 5.85% change 151.10 142.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543176) 11MPR 5.82% change 102.70 97.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523367) DCMSHRIRAM 5.81% change 1008.80 953.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526711) ADARSH PLANT 5.78% change 26.54 25.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533581) PG ELECTRO 5.78% change 840.55 794.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544118) JSFB 5.74% change 430.90 407.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532300) WOCKHARDT 5.72% change 1224.95 1158.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531156) ALFAVISON.OV 5.71% change 14.25 13.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533329) IND TERRAIN 5.71% change 36.85 34.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532994) ARCHIDPLY IN 5.68% change 84.60 80.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526839) SHELTER 5.67% change 12.68 12.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526095) RAVILEELA GR 5.65% change 37.00 35.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517146) USHA MART.LT 5.64% change 312.55 295.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504918) SANDUR MANG. 5.61% change 408.45 386.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(935786) 957EHFL26 5.61% change 941.00 891.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530341) MUKESH BABU 5.6% change 132.00 125.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513729) ARO GRANITE 5.59% change 37.59 35.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543349) AMIORG 5.58% change 2291.45 2170.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532651) SPL INDS 5.56% change 38.70 36.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533274) PRESTIGE 5.54% change 1187.60 1125.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539979) DIGJAMLTD 5.53% change 34.93 33.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517096) APLAB LTD. 5.5% change 55.05 52.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531768) POLY MEDICUR 5.47% change 2148.40 2036.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514162) WELSPUN (I) 5.46% change 113.05 107.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532757) VOLTAMP TRAN 5.46% change 6611.55 6269.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542862) SHAHLON 5.44% change 14.72 13.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500093) CGPOWER 5.38% change 603.10 572.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532810) POWER FINAN 5.38% change 383.90 364.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500547) BHARAT PET. 5.35% change 250.05 237.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517385) SYMPHONY 5.35% change 1121.45 1064.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534796) CDG 5.26% change 30.00 28.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500002) ABB LTD. 5.25% change 5190.50 4931.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500084) CESC LTD. 5.25% change 137.45 130.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526506) SYSTAMATIX C 5.23% change 104.60 99.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539450) SHK 5.2% change 173.95 165.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500655) GARWARE POLY 5.17% change 3969.80 3774.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543654) MEDANTA 5.17% change 1209.30 1149.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500480) CUMMINS (I) 5.16% change 2861.20 2720.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505790) SCHAEFFLER 5.15% change 3209.50 3052.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513108) GANDHI SP.TU 5.11% change 623.10 592.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531349) PANACEA BIOT 5.1% change 313.05 297.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543896) AVALON 5.06% change 691.95 658.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520151) SHREY SH LOG 5.04% change 255.45 243.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540795) DYNAMIC 5.04% change 597.20 568.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503349) VICTORIA MIL 5.03% change 5818.80 5540.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540702) LASA 5.02% change 21.74 20.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503310) SWAN ENG 5.01% change 428.25 407.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539199) MOONGIPASEC 5% change 361.10 343.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY GAINERS

458 top GAINERS stocks with 2% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 2 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 2 Days Price Sector More
(504605) UNI ABEX 4.99% change 1950.80 1858.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511000) MADHUS.SEC 4.99% change 19.35 18.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543514) VERANDA 4.99% change 234.45 223.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533033) ISGEC 4.98% change 975.55 929.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538834) MEL 4.98% change 27.00 25.72 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522251) CENLUB INDUS 4.96% change 333.10 317.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530747) INDO ASN.FIN 4.96% change 21.16 20.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532843) FORTIS 4.96% change 640.40 610.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540961) SHIVAMILLS 4.92% change 75.69 72.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530075) SELAN EXPLOR 4.91% change 531.35 506.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522029) WINDSOR MACH 4.9% change 255.75 243.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533208) EMAMI PAPER 4.89% change 93.25 88.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538646) QGO 4.86% change 55.00 52.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517393) VINTRON INF. 4.85% change 27.66 26.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543984) SAMHI 4.85% change 150.35 143.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590030) SOUTH PET(PS 4.85% change 78.62 74.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500337) PRIME SECUR. 4.84% change 216.40 206.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544243) Baazar Style Retail Limited 4.84% change 220.05 209.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523832) MUKAT PIPES 4.83% change 18.00 17.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532633) ALLSEC TECH 4.83% change 935.30 892.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543743) SAH 4.82% change 75.72 72.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521014) EUROTEX IND 4.81% change 13.72 13.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526727) GARNET CONST 4.81% change 23.76 22.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519552) HERITGFOOD 4.8% change 378.85 361.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544191) PURPLEFIN 4.8% change 48.94 46.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531341) GUJ.INVESTA 4.78% change 21.05 20.09 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523696) FORTIS MLR 4.77% change 60.45 57.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544285) SWIGGY LIMITED 4.77% change 350.65 334.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544306) Sai Life Sciences Limited 4.77% change 722.80 689.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516078) JUMBO BAG 4.73% change 52.26 49.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532989) BAFNA PHARMA 4.7% change 78.18 74.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539117) SUJALA 4.69% change 71.00 67.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539767) MNIL 4.69% change 16.96 16.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543744) REXSEAL 4.69% change 182.00 173.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506690) UNICHEM LAB 4.68% change 635.20 606.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513699) SOLID STONE 4.68% change 31.32 29.92 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530977) SKCIL 4.68% change 158.65 151.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544222) Akums Drugs And Pharmaceutical 4.68% change 476.30 455.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531822) RODIUM 4.66% change 181.95 173.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517166) SPEL SEMICON 4.65% change 118.25 113.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523105) P.POLYSAC(NR 4.64% change 19.40 18.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513642) AXEL POLYMER 4.63% change 42.90 41.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508670) NEELAMALAI 4.62% change 3458.80 3306.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532335) AMBICA AGAR. 4.62% change 27.20 26.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530313) KIMIABL 4.59% change 43.97 42.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531578) KMF BUILDERS 4.59% change 10.70 10.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532067) KILPEST (I) 4.59% change 1773.25 1695.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523782) MITSHI 4.58% change 16.45 15.73 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506122) PANKAJPIYUS 4.57% change 258.80 247.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500840) EIH LTD. 4.56% change 333.65 319.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539984) HUIL 4.56% change 2324.35 2223.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532834) CAMLINFINE 4.55% change 149.45 142.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526961) TRANS FINANC 4.52% change 229.85 219.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532163) SAREGAMA (I) 4.52% change 464.95 444.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543240) LIKHITHA 4.52% change 263.60 252.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500412) THIRUMALAI 4.51% change 222.55 212.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544009) BLUEJET 4.51% change 788.70 754.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500870) CASTROL 4.5% change 221.90 212.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539939) YASHCHEM 4.46% change 53.60 51.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543669) RUSTOMJEE 4.44% change 518.65 496.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511728) KZ LEAS FIN. 4.43% change 21.43 20.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540692) APEX 4.43% change 205.00 196.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526315) DIVYA.GRANIT 4.41% change 66.49 63.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522091) UV DER HORST 4.4% change 117.40 112.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538564) JAMESWARREN 4.4% change 278.55 266.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524218) RESONANCE 4.38% change 83.32 79.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532221) SONATA SOFT. 4.37% change 375.05 359.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526117) SHERVANI IND 4.36% change 381.90 365.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514322) KAMADGIRI 4.35% change 88.20 84.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533553) TD POWER 4.35% change 322.45 309.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500292) HEIDEL CEM 4.34% change 200.70 192.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511451) DHARANI FIN. 4.34% change 12.49 11.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514324) OMNITEX IND. 4.34% change 290.00 277.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590113) HNGSNGBEES 4.34% change 439.83 421.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532486) POKARNA LTD 4.32% change 1151.95 1104.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541153) BANDHANBNK 4.32% change 147.30 141.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543161) 10AGG 4.32% change 162.10 155.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507912) LKP FIN 4.28% change 345.90 331.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524816) NATCO PHARM 4.28% change 804.70 771.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533149) ESSAR SECU 4.28% change 11.45 10.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532296) GLENMARK PHA 4.27% change 1333.35 1278.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532375) TIPSINDUSTR 4.27% change 615.45 590.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542682) HARISH 4.27% change 72.99 70.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543346) AASHKA 4.27% change 98.95 94.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540710) CAPACITE 4.26% change 314.75 301.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541019) HGINFRA 4.25% change 1007.40 966.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523021) RISHITECH 4.24% change 47.73 45.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512589) SITA ENTER. 4.23% change 141.75 136.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523618) DREDGING COR 4.23% change 537.25 515.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523606) SIKA INTER. 4.22% change 2411.10 2313.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523710) SAYAJI HOTEL 4.21% change 275.90 264.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532853) ASAHI SONG 4.21% change 294.60 282.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590013) XPRO INDI(PS 4.21% change 1084.35 1040.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505729) SINGER INDIA 4.19% change 61.14 58.68 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543437) NQ 4.17% change 84.91 81.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544174) TBOTEK 4.16% change 1251.10 1201.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523550) KRYPTON IND 4.15% change 44.19 42.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526666) BHARTIYA INT 4.14% change 534.25 513.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526723) NTC INDUST 4.14% change 180.05 172.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542652) POLYCAB 4.14% change 4905.85 4710.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531161) ABM KNOWLEDG 4.13% change 156.40 150.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502933) KATARE SPG. 4.11% change 193.95 186.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500027) ATUL LTD. 4.1% change 5521.60 5304.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531633) LINCOLN PHAR 4.1% change 541.75 520.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532735) RSYSTEMINT 4.09% change 329.40 316.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500112) STATE BANK 4.05% change 716.15 688.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504346) GD TR.AGENCY 4.03% change 441.40 424.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506365) CHEMO PHARMA 4.03% change 89.52 86.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509546) GRAVISS HOSP 4.03% change 46.45 44.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512345) YASH TRADING 4.03% change 74.56 71.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514440) BPTEX 4.03% change 166.45 160.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520141) SIBAR AUTO 4.03% change 10.59 10.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532523) BIOCON LTD. 4.03% change 314.80 302.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542866) JSGLEASING 4.03% change 67.83 65.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543172) COSPOWER 4.03% change 717.30 689.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511712) RELIC TECHNO 4.02% change 51.23 49.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526071) STELLANT 4.02% change 112.65 108.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526570) MIDWEST GOLD 4.02% change 223.70 215.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530127) NPR FINANCE 4.02% change 22.27 21.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531441) LYONS CORPORATE MARKET LTD. 4.02% change 41.67 40.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531495) BLUECOAST 4.02% change 46.60 44.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539533) ELITECON 4.02% change 231.85 222.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543860) JAFINANCE 4.02% change 79.88 76.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505504) SINDU VALLEY 4.01% change 216.40 208.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519528) NORBEN TEA 4.01% change 48.22 46.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530253) RAJ.TUBE MFG 4.01% change 169.85 163.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531126) VIRTUALSOFT. 4.01% change 40.70 39.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531338) MILE GLOBAL 4% change 18.21 17.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544346) RDB Real Estate Constructions 4% change 41.57 39.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(938804) MFL200923B 4% change 1040.00 1000.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523888) V.R. WOODART 3.99% change 21.38 20.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531667) RRMETAL 3.99% change 41.99 40.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501343) MOTOR&GEN.FI 3.98% change 25.89 24.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505520) HEM HOLDINGS 3.98% change 12.79 12.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531663) YUVRAAJHPL 3.98% change 11.77 11.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539115) ALAN SCOTT 3.98% change 147.60 141.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540575) STARCEMENT 3.98% change 210.20 202.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519126) HIND.FOODS 3.97% change 530.35 510.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532725) SOLAR IND 3.95% change 9035.90 8692.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530965) INDIAN OIL 3.92% change 118.00 113.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531212) NALIN LEASE 3.91% change 55.27 53.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532811) AHLUWALIA CO 3.89% change 670.85 645.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532967) KIRI DYES 3.86% change 545.70 525.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544105) HARSHDEEP 3.86% change 59.25 57.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524080) HAR.LEATHER 3.85% change 73.46 70.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532504) NAVIN FLUORI 3.84% change 3905.20 3760.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538962) MINDACORP 3.84% change 499.95 481.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543921) COMRADE 3.84% change 111.00 106.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500300) GRASIM IND. 3.83% change 2393.95 2305.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526113) UNIROYAL MAR 3.79% change 15.05 14.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590006) AMRUTANJAN 3.78% change 598.65 576.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533148) JSW ENERGY 3.76% change 481.35 463.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531225) XTGLOBAL 3.75% change 33.99 32.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523537) APM INDUS. 3.72% change 36.50 35.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533150) GODREJ PROP 3.72% change 2008.30 1936.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506767) ALKYL AMINES 3.69% change 1649.45 1590.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523736) DVL 3.67% change 319.30 308.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526841) SHAKTI PRESS 3.66% change 28.59 27.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532960) IBVENTURES 3.64% change 60.01 57.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500650) EXCEL INDUST 3.63% change 903.65 872.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507785) TAINWALA CH. 3.61% change 239.35 231.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532455) SHALIMAR WIR 3.61% change 21.23 20.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538546) BANSAL ROOF 3.61% change 87.24 84.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500670) GUJ.NARMADA 3.59% change 485.85 469.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507813) NATI. OXYGEN 3.59% change 113.95 110.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531591) BAMPSL SECUR 3.58% change 15.91 15.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540198) OSIAJEE 3.58% change 128.95 124.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543213) ROSSARI 3.58% change 619.70 598.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543212) BOROLTD 3.57% change 319.05 308.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540788) ASPIRA 3.56% change 75.60 73.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511243) CHOLAFIN 3.53% change 1449.95 1400.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542727) CPML 3.52% change 1262.80 1219.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533218) EMAMIREAL 3.51% change 99.21 95.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500322) PANYAM CEMEN 3.5% change 105.00 101.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540048) SPAL 3.5% change 701.60 677.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540743) GODREJAGRO 3.5% change 739.40 714.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502137) DECAN CEMENT 3.47% change 810.15 783.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532808) PGIL 3.47% change 1382.05 1335.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(938912) 1045EFSL33B 3.47% change 950.00 918.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502175) SAURAS.CEM. 3.46% change 79.77 77.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531209) NUCLE.SOFT E 3.46% change 881.20 851.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532524) PTC INDIA 3.45% change 143.85 139.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532668) AURIONPRO SO 3.45% change 1405.70 1358.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540755) GICRE 3.45% change 382.45 369.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506414) FERMENTA 3.44% change 233.10 225.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507609) OLYMPIC OIL 3.44% change 35.17 34.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512587) ZODIAC JRD 3.44% change 53.76 51.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532926) JYOTHYLAB 3.43% change 333.00 321.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543524) RAINBOW 3.43% change 1285.90 1243.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524164) IOL CHEM PH 3.41% change 315.40 305.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532349) TRANSPORT CO 3.4% change 935.60 904.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500213) INTER.TRAVEL 3.39% change 412.20 398.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532527) RK FORGINGS 3.39% change 669.80 647.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544319) SENORES PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITE 3.39% change 562.20 543.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501311) JAYBH.CREDIT 3.38% change 15.00 14.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502168) N C L IND. 3.38% change 194.05 187.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530461) SABOO SODIUM 3.37% change 19.63 18.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500201) IND.GLYCOLS 3.36% change 1086.80 1051.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509945) THACKER 3.36% change 1238.05 1197.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512038) AASWA TRAD. 3.36% change 454.70 439.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538918) VANICOM 3.36% change 11.37 11.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539524) LALPATHLAB 3.35% change 2387.05 2309.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540173) PNBHOUSING 3.35% change 787.10 761.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530271) RICH UNV 3.34% change 12.39 11.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532189) INDIA TOURIS 3.33% change 508.50 492.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507759) LIME CHEM. 3.32% change 18.97 18.36 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509079) GUFIC BIO SC 3.32% change 340.40 329.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543411) HITECH 3.32% change 107.35 103.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519602) KELLTONTEC 3.31% change 112.25 108.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540222) LAURUSLABS 3.31% change 545.30 527.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500128) ELEC.CASTING 3.3% change 95.86 92.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509196) M.M.RUBBER 3.3% change 72.00 69.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539045) MNKALCOLTD 3.3% change 20.02 19.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520155) STARLOG 3.29% change 50.49 48.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532924) KOLTEPATIL 3.28% change 258.05 249.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544354) SOLARIUM GREEN ENERGY LIMITED 3.27% change 260.20 251.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507779) KANPUR PLAST 3.26% change 118.75 115.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500042) BASF INDIA 3.25% change 4422.95 4283.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519183) ADF FOODS LT 3.25% change 241.65 234.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507300) RAVALGAON 3.24% change 1085.00 1051.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509960) U.P.HOTELS 3.24% change 1645.85 1594.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520119) AUTOMOTIVE S 3.24% change 486.35 471.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540652) CTCL 3.24% change 510.00 494.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532370) RAMCO SYSTM 3.23% change 299.15 289.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543498) MSUMI 3.23% change 48.53 47.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526616) NAT.PLASTIC 3.17% change 54.70 53.02 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544044) INDIASHLTR 3.17% change 751.05 728.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530011) MANGLR.CHEM 3.16% change 135.50 131.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540205) AVL 3.14% change 447.15 433.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500495) ESCORTS LTD. 3.11% change 2959.65 2870.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514266) ZENITH FIBRE 3.11% change 71.89 69.72 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544198) DEEDEV 3.11% change 205.45 199.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507514) SOM DISTILL. 3.1% change 114.90 111.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506808) TUTICORIN. 3.09% change 87.06 84.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535458) NRB IND BEA 3.09% change 24.33 23.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543331) MOL 3.09% change 64.15 62.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544280) Afcons Infrastructure Limited 3.09% change 425.70 412.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524506) CORAL LAB. 3.08% change 760.00 737.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532741) KAMDHENU 3.08% change 30.78 29.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502865) FORBES & CO 3.07% change 331.90 322.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507155) JAGATJIT IND 3.06% change 165.20 160.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500187) HSIL 3.05% change 656.10 636.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513252) JAY USHIN 3.05% change 596.50 578.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532343) TVS MOTOR L 3.05% change 2293.25 2225.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500405) SUPREME PET 3.04% change 550.60 534.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507864) PION INVEST 3.04% change 64.81 62.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538920) SPACEAGE 3.04% change 83.72 81.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500295) VEDL 3.03% change 406.75 394.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511509) VIVO BIO TEC 3.03% change 40.80 39.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511196) CANFIN HOMES 3.02% change 593.80 576.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531049) NEELKANTH RO 3.02% change 14.69 14.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540727) POOJA 3.02% change 27.31 26.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533339) ZEN TECH 3% change 1076.90 1045.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533104) GLOBUS SPR 2.99% change 892.00 866.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544168) VARYAA 2.99% change 69.00 67.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500251) TRENT LTD. 2.98% change 4997.95 4853.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505075) SETCO AUTO 2.98% change 16.96 16.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(515059) MADHUS.IND. 2.98% change 47.00 45.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(939423) 967EFSL29A 2.98% change 968.00 940.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533519) LNT FH 2.97% change 138.90 134.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(937805) 93EFSL31A 2.97% change 921.80 895.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500404) SUNFLAG IRON 2.96% change 216.00 209.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530073) SANGHVI MOVE 2.95% change 216.50 210.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541358) SHWL 2.95% change 629.50 611.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500488) ABBOTT (I) 2.94% change 31365.20 30470.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532707) DYNEMIC PRO 2.94% change 276.65 268.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542665) NEOGEN 2.94% change 1716.90 1667.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(975905) EEL-13-8-27-PVT 2.94% change 102000.00 99085.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514428) HINDU.ADHESI 2.92% change 334.45 324.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501423) SHA ENG PLA 2.91% change 1570.45 1526.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526211) SURAJ INDUS. 2.91% change 62.59 60.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526433) ASM TECHNOLO 2.91% change 1205.85 1171.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544250) Sanofi Consumer Healthcare Ind 2.91% change 4685.15 4552.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532773) GLOBAL VECT 2.9% change 239.50 232.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543397) SAPPHIRE 2.9% change 319.75 310.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530017) STD.INDUST. 2.89% change 19.60 19.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519152) VADILAL ENT 2.88% change 8199.60 7970.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511413) CREST 2.87% change 350.00 340.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522289) NMSRESRC 2.87% change 35.53 34.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532726) GALLAN METAL 2.87% change 316.90 308.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523007) ANSAL BUILD. 2.86% change 113.45 110.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543182) 11AMD 2.86% change 38.84 37.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543426) METROBRAND 2.86% change 1152.20 1120.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519331) VSF PROJ 2.85% change 44.81 43.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532356) TRIVENI ENGG 2.84% change 357.95 348.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533022) 20 MICRONS 2.84% change 177.55 172.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506734) MYS PETRO 2.83% change 132.85 129.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543926) BIZOTIC 2.83% change 82.81 80.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513121) ORICON ENT 2.82% change 39.75 38.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540595) TEJASNET 2.82% change 731.95 711.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532756) MAHINDCIE 2.81% change 386.65 376.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535789) IBUL HSG FIN 2.81% change 113.50 110.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509820) PAPERPROD 2.77% change 181.55 176.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511194) I.C.D.S. 2.75% change 44.90 43.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544204) VRAJ 2.74% change 153.55 149.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507488) G.M.BREWERI 2.73% change 619.50 603.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505163) ZF STEERING 2.7% change 1016.05 989.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539492) GARBIFIN 2.7% change 12.56 12.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541634) RAWEDGE 2.7% change 27.77 27.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533170) TAMBOLI CAP 2.69% change 143.00 139.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500113) STEEL AUTH. 2.67% change 107.80 105.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538992) SAPL 2.67% change 2079.00 2025.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543573) SYRMA 2.67% change 425.10 414.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542729) DCMNVL 2.66% change 154.55 150.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543181) 11AGG 2.64% change 52.14 50.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544172) INDGN 2.64% change 528.15 514.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511571) SOMDATT FIN 2.63% change 97.50 95.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530245) ARYAMAN FIN. 2.63% change 517.00 503.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590065) INDIA MOTOR 2.63% change 902.10 879.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526971) DHOOT I.FIN. 2.62% change 229.20 223.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530951) RAMINFO 2.62% change 68.44 66.69 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500940) FINOLEX IND. 2.61% change 175.10 170.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526847) ASHIRWAD STL 2.61% change 32.61 31.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539448) INDIGO 2.61% change 4597.20 4480.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543635) PPLPHARMA 2.61% change 194.90 189.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517477) ELNET TECH. 2.6% change 337.00 328.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524332) BCLIL 2.6% change 37.05 36.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531552) RAGHUNATH TO 2.6% change 17.75 17.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542920) SUMICHEM 2.6% change 472.10 460.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(940141) MML-10%-5-3-26-NCD 2.6% change 985.00 960.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532538) ULTRATECH CM 2.59% change 10376.10 10114.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543320) ZOMATO 2.59% change 227.50 221.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534809) PC JEWELLER 2.57% change 11.58 11.29 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512599) ADANI ENTER 2.56% change 2146.70 2093.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530997) UNIQUE ORGAN 2.55% change 124.90 121.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540686) SMRUTHIORG 2.55% change 112.80 110.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532553) WELENT 2.54% change 425.80 415.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533719) IDBIGOLD 2.54% change 7926.29 7730.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534804) CARERATING 2.54% change 1147.55 1119.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500890) MODI RUBBER 2.53% change 100.27 97.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519475) CHORDIA FOOD 2.53% change 83.00 80.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539090) RAJPUTANA 2.53% change 36.00 35.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531719) BHAGIRA.CHEM 2.52% change 294.80 287.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532754) GMR INFRASTR 2.51% change 71.19 69.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540649) AVADHSUGAR 2.51% change 382.30 372.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543401) GOCOLORS 2.51% change 726.80 709.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542248) DECCAN 2.5% change 20.95 20.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532891) PURAVANKARA 2.48% change 245.50 239.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539096) AANANDALAK 2.48% change 16.53 16.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530305) PICCADILY AG 2.47% change 627.50 612.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503811) SIYARAM SILK 2.46% change 615.25 600.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511218) SHRIRAM TRAN 2.46% change 632.75 617.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541233) LEMONTREE 2.46% change 124.85 121.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500439) VARD HOLDNG 2.45% change 3027.60 2955.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509525) EMPIRE IND. 2.45% change 1022.35 997.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524790) EVEREST ORG. 2.45% change 225.75 220.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539267) DRHABEEB 2.45% change 18.41 17.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544012) CELLO 2.45% change 567.35 553.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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