905 BSE Top gainers last 11 Days list. Full list of DAILY GAINERS (last 11 Days) BSE

Last 11 Days gainers of BSE . Top DAILY GAINERS of BSE Full list of DAILY GAINERS of BSE

Below is full list of BSE top GAINERS stocks of last 11 Days till date from a closing of 11 Days before

909 top GAINERS stocks BSE (11 Days) Top gainers in last 11 Days list

Gainers as on Tue 11 March 2025, Niesspa at 185.3%, at 185.14%, 08qpr at 159.32%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 11 Days in BSE

50 Top gainers stocks BSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price
542810 NIESSPA 185.3% change 11051.30 3873.55
543100 185.14% change 153.52 53.84
543154 08QPR 159.32% change 1827.45 704.70
543445 SFMP58GR 159.3% change 3597.00 1387.17
542837 NIESSPE 83.08% change 29.00 15.84
512485 DHANAL.COTEX 70.83% change 323.90 189.60
523862 PIFL 70.72% change 33.58 19.67
542804 NIESSPJ 65.36% change 88.78 53.69
512399 KAPASHI COMM 53.65% change 41.41 26.95
512014 SOBHAGH.MERC 51.73% change 434.25 286.20
542842 NIESSPK 50.07% change 209.95 139.90
526269 CRESTCHEM LT 49.85% change 242.90 162.10
531931 SAI CAPITAL 39.45% change 262.45 188.20
533001 SOMI CONVEY 39.07% change 184.20 132.45
531677 ARISINT 38.05% change 200.35 145.13
530231 SUBHASH SILK 37.59% change 71.78 52.17
508963 STERL.GUARA. 37.49% change 29.45 21.42
544346 RDB Real Estate Constructions 35.43% change 45.87 33.87
509732 KOTHARI IND. 34.95% change 153.10 113.45
536846 YURANUS INFR 33.57% change 107.00 80.11
530141 GYAN DEVELOP 33.25% change 41.72 31.31
542845 NIEHSPJ 32.3% change 20.48 15.48
531591 BAMPSL SECUR 31.72% change 18.52 14.06
526071 STELLANT 31.43% change 124.20 94.50
503229 SIMPLEX REAL 30.94% change 235.70 180.00
544198 DEEDEV 30.93% change 239.80 183.15
540198 OSIAJEE 30.87% change 147.20 112.48
501421 TECHNVISN 30.43% change 6070.25 4653.90
502250 LERTHAI 30.04% change 540.00 415.25
539288 AVI 29.04% change 16.22 12.57
540980 YSL 29.02% change 39995.00 31000.00
522036 MIVEN MACHIN 28.93% change 101.80 78.96
519156 VADILAL IND 28.59% change 4895.05 3806.80
522261 DOLPHIN OFF. 28.19% change 272.60 212.65
531210 COLINZ LABOR 27.77% change 54.48 42.64
538546 BANSAL ROOF 27.06% change 113.41 89.26
540703 PROVESTSER 26.94% change 36.05 28.40
517467 MARSONS 26.92% change 165.25 130.20
532642 JSWHL 26.89% change 19245.70 15166.85
540809 MRCEXIM 26.44% change 14.06 11.12
531286 ADHATA GLOBAL LIMITED 26.43% change 55.63 44.00
543993 ARCL 25.51% change 237.90 189.55
534623 JUPITER INFO 25.48% change 37.18 29.63
540788 ASPIRA 24.71% change 82.17 65.89
509196 M.M.RUBBER 24.6% change 91.67 73.57
501423 SHA ENG PLA 24.46% change 1791.60 1439.45
512345 YASH TRADING 24.28% change 82.31 66.23
504346 GD TR.AGENCY 24.27% change 487.25 392.10
506365 CHEMO PHARMA 24.24% change 98.81 79.53
531223 ANJANI SYNT. 24.24% change 49.66 39.97
542866 JSGLEASING 24.23% change 74.86 60.26

11 top GAINERS stocks with 50% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 11 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price Sector More
(542810) NIESSPA 185.3% change 11051.30 3873.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543154) 08QPR 159.32% change 1827.45 704.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543445) SFMP58GR 159.3% change 3597.00 1387.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542837) NIESSPE 83.08% change 29.00 15.84 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512485) DHANAL.COTEX 70.83% change 323.90 189.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523862) PIFL 70.72% change 33.58 19.67 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542804) NIESSPJ 65.36% change 88.78 53.69 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512399) KAPASHI COMM 53.65% change 41.41 26.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512014) SOBHAGH.MERC 51.73% change 434.25 286.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542842) NIESSPK 50.07% change 209.95 139.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY GAINERS

18 top GAINERS stocks with 30% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 11 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price Sector More
(526269) CRESTCHEM LT 49.85% change 242.90 162.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531931) SAI CAPITAL 39.45% change 262.45 188.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533001) SOMI CONVEY 39.07% change 184.20 132.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531677) ARISINT 38.05% change 200.35 145.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530231) SUBHASH SILK 37.59% change 71.78 52.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508963) STERL.GUARA. 37.49% change 29.45 21.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544346) RDB Real Estate Constructions 35.43% change 45.87 33.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509732) KOTHARI IND. 34.95% change 153.10 113.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(536846) YURANUS INFR 33.57% change 107.00 80.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530141) GYAN DEVELOP 33.25% change 41.72 31.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542845) NIEHSPJ 32.3% change 20.48 15.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531591) BAMPSL SECUR 31.72% change 18.52 14.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526071) STELLANT 31.43% change 124.20 94.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503229) SIMPLEX REAL 30.94% change 235.70 180.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544198) DEEDEV 30.93% change 239.80 183.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540198) OSIAJEE 30.87% change 147.20 112.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501421) TECHNVISN 30.43% change 6070.25 4653.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502250) LERTHAI 30.04% change 540.00 415.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

Show easy list of DAILY GAINERS

54 top GAINERS stocks with 20% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 11 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price Sector More
(539288) AVI 29.04% change 16.22 12.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540980) YSL 29.02% change 39995.00 31000.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522036) MIVEN MACHIN 28.93% change 101.80 78.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519156) VADILAL IND 28.59% change 4895.05 3806.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522261) DOLPHIN OFF. 28.19% change 272.60 212.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531210) COLINZ LABOR 27.77% change 54.48 42.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538546) BANSAL ROOF 27.06% change 113.41 89.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540703) PROVESTSER 26.94% change 36.05 28.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517467) MARSONS 26.92% change 165.25 130.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532642) JSWHL 26.89% change 19245.70 15166.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540809) MRCEXIM 26.44% change 14.06 11.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531286) ADHATA GLOBAL LIMITED 26.43% change 55.63 44.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543993) ARCL 25.51% change 237.90 189.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534623) JUPITER INFO 25.48% change 37.18 29.63 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540788) ASPIRA 24.71% change 82.17 65.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509196) M.M.RUBBER 24.6% change 91.67 73.57 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501423) SHA ENG PLA 24.46% change 1791.60 1439.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512345) YASH TRADING 24.28% change 82.31 66.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504346) GD TR.AGENCY 24.27% change 487.25 392.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506365) CHEMO PHARMA 24.24% change 98.81 79.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531223) ANJANI SYNT. 24.24% change 49.66 39.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542866) JSGLEASING 24.23% change 74.86 60.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543860) JAFINANCE 24.22% change 88.16 70.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526570) MIDWEST GOLD 24.2% change 246.85 198.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539533) ELITECON 24.2% change 255.85 206.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511712) RELIC TECHNO 24.19% change 56.53 45.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505504) SINDU VALLEY 24.18% change 238.80 192.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530253) RAJ.TUBE MFG 24.15% change 187.40 150.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523888) V.R. WOODART 24.04% change 23.58 19.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513536) GNRL 23.99% change 23.93 19.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512099) PUNIT COMMER 23.88% change 1135.00 916.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531663) YUVRAAJHPL 23.76% change 12.97 10.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531441) LYONS CORPORATE MARKET LTD. 23.63% change 45.99 37.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543275) ANURAS 23.52% change 788.30 638.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519367) TRANSGL.FOOD 23.43% change 240.00 194.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543534) AETHER 23.35% change 932.50 755.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543186) 11DPD 23.08% change 12.48 10.14 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531638) SURAJ LTD 22.96% change 426.35 346.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531237) DHRUVA CAP. 22.56% change 239.00 195.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531349) PANACEA BIOT 22.52% change 396.40 323.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524632) SHUKRAPHAR 22.09% change 236.30 193.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543376) SAMOR 21.87% change 70.38 57.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532402) USGTECH 21.81% change 15.25 12.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507155) JAGATJIT IND 21.69% change 205.60 168.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533149) ESSAR SECU 21.62% change 13.39 11.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543276) CRAFTSMAN 21.61% change 4898.30 4027.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530213) FORTUNE INT. 21.48% change 63.41 52.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512020) SARASW.COMM. 21.45% change 13216.40 10882.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542808) NIESSPC 21.11% change 40.67 33.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532820) ELAND 20.64% change 17.36 14.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544339) Laxmi Dental Limited 20.55% change 434.75 360.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(800517) GS19SEP2058 20.5% change 34.27 28.44 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531449) GRM OVERSEAS 20.39% change 261.55 217.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531301) HIGH STREET 20.14% change 156.00 129.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

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118 top GAINERS stocks with 10% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 11 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price Sector More
(502589) VAPI PAPER 19.98% change 128.50 107.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538539) JTAPARIA 19.49% change 20.54 17.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539006) PTCIL 19.42% change 12368.70 10357.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532395) AXISCADES 19.35% change 896.70 751.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531495) BLUECOAST 19.34% change 49.42 41.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544343) CAPITALNUMBERS INFOTECH LIMIT 19.22% change 189.50 158.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524709) NACLIND 18.98% change 70.91 59.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503685) MEDIA ONE 18.68% change 28.97 24.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543329) WINDLAS 18.57% change 936.10 789.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506618) PUN.CHEM 18.21% change 810.95 686.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544292) Onesource Specialty Pharma Lim 18.16% change 1509.40 1277.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526827) SPICE ISLAND 17.69% change 41.65 35.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520113) VESUVIUS IND 17.62% change 4500.45 3826.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544321) Ventive Hospitality Limited 17.58% change 738.05 627.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532386) CALIFORN.SOF 17.38% change 13.44 11.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(938149) 1050UCL25 17.37% change 1169.00 996.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543743) SAH 17.33% change 83.89 71.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513517) STEELCAST 17.19% change 954.20 814.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532090) VANDANA 17.15% change 11.75 10.03 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532924) KOLTEPATIL 17% change 317.30 271.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544177) AZTEC 16.88% change 93.50 80.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541299) DLCL 16.6% change 17.00 14.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511000) MADHUS.SEC 16.46% change 24.20 20.78 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531583) RAP MEDIA 16.2% change 29.70 25.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531338) MILE GLOBAL 16.15% change 18.48 15.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544315) Concord Enviro Systems Limited 16.07% change 538.05 463.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538646) QGO 16.04% change 61.43 52.94 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531412) RADIX IND 15.61% change 185.20 160.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543597) VOEPL 15.61% change 573.00 495.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531758) G.K.CONSULT. 15.53% change 18.45 15.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539111) SHESHAINDS 15.38% change 16.50 14.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531509) STEP TWO COR 15.37% change 30.70 26.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511034) JINDAL DRILL 15.31% change 945.30 819.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507948) KEY CORP.LTD 15.13% change 205.40 178.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526568) LONGVIEW TEA 15.12% change 33.95 29.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542918) GIANLIFE 14.91% change 17.49 15.22 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500123) ELANTAS 14.83% change 9886.05 8609.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533252) WELSPUN INV 14.77% change 774.70 675.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519528) NORBEN TEA 14.68% change 49.14 42.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531126) VIRTUALSOFT. 14.68% change 41.48 36.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526987) URJA GLOBAL 14.59% change 13.98 12.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532855) HARYA CAPFIN 14.45% change 186.50 162.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522152) SOLITAIR MC 14.33% change 145.60 127.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543657) ACI 14.15% change 551.95 483.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523301) TCPL PACK 14.09% change 4573.80 4009.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543594) DPL 13.97% change 13.38 11.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531003) SWARNA SECUR 13.92% change 73.99 64.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539254) ADANITRANS 13.91% change 762.75 669.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543161) 10AGG 13.89% change 205.00 180.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538451) WORTH INV 13.84% change 19.25 16.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506820) ASTRAZEN.PH. 13.61% change 7803.45 6868.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500456) PAS.ACRYLON 13.53% change 50.86 44.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539528) AAYUSH 13.47% change 65.95 58.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507912) LKP FIN 13.46% change 367.55 323.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504918) SANDUR MANG. 13.42% change 485.50 428.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509046) TRILIANCE 13.34% change 70.27 62.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533316) STEL 13.34% change 413.80 365.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530973) ALFA ICA (I) 13.33% change 85.00 75.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538521) CROWNTOURS 13.23% change 63.75 56.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543744) REXSEAL 13.19% change 206.00 182.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539551) NH 13.18% change 1583.60 1399.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544176) AADHARHFC 13.16% change 431.55 381.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512573) AVANTI FEEDS 13.1% change 819.45 724.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544263) KRN HEAT EXCHANGER AND REFRIGE 12.96% change 954.75 845.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514264) SEASONS TEXT 12.89% change 19.18 16.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533451) KARMA ENERG 12.88% change 56.87 50.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531352) PEETI SECURT 12.81% change 22.11 19.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533158) THANGAMAYIL 12.77% change 1862.45 1651.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540735) IRIS 12.72% change 408.00 361.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512103) NIDHI GRANIT 12.67% change 112.33 99.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526727) GARNET CONST 12.62% change 26.24 23.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543991) TECHKGREEN 12.58% change 178.55 158.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530495) STRATMONT 12.56% change 83.27 73.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524640) ARCHITORG 12.54% change 43.90 39.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514440) BPTEX 12.4% change 173.10 154.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523550) KRYPTON IND 12.21% change 50.26 44.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500870) CASTROL 12.13% change 241.35 215.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533270) BEDMUTHA IN 12.05% change 167.80 149.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507946) KIDUJA INDIA 11.91% change 24.05 21.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524370) BODAL CHEM 11.84% change 65.94 58.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526861) RISHI LASER 11.82% change 123.95 110.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539911) SNIM 11.75% change 28.54 25.54 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500262) HYBRIDFIN 11.56% change 12.55 11.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531529) SOFTRAK VENT 11.55% change 34.20 30.66 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500239) KG DENIM 11.51% change 19.08 17.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538609) GAJANANSEC 11.5% change 102.02 91.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539799) BHARATWIRE 11.45% change 175.75 157.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530421) KUWER INDS. 11.44% change 11.59 10.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543181) 11AGG 11.29% change 62.79 56.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530747) INDO ASN.FIN 11.21% change 25.50 22.93 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(516078) JUMBO BAG 11.11% change 60.00 54.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509631) HEG LIMITED 11.04% change 399.65 359.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523566) MARTIN BURN 11.03% change 72.17 65.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522289) NMSRESRC 10.96% change 32.79 29.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500089) DIC INDIA 10.95% change 711.70 641.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500674) SANOFI 10.92% change 5631.00 5076.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511441) GUJ.CREDIT 10.9% change 34.99 31.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541143) BDL 10.83% change 1118.35 1009.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533104) GLOBUS SPR 10.82% change 948.35 855.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500575) VOLTAS LTD 10.79% change 1407.65 1270.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532853) ASAHI SONG 10.64% change 316.70 286.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504648) BOM.WIRE ROP 10.58% change 67.02 60.61 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531199) GLANCE FIN. 10.52% change 147.60 133.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532725) SOLAR IND 10.37% change 9764.60 8847.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532390) TAJ GVK HOTL 10.35% change 501.15 454.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544162) BHARTIHEXA 10.32% change 1454.00 1317.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531080) SHRI KRISH 10.31% change 36.58 33.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544257) Sodhani Academy Of Fintech Ena 10.3% change 220.00 199.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543375) PROMAX 10.29% change 34.09 30.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544202) STANLEY 10.21% change 313.10 284.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544264) Diffusion Engineers Limited 10.2% change 287.50 260.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543533) EMUDHRA 10.18% change 840.70 763.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540222) LAURUSLABS 10.17% change 574.05 521.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507526) ASSO.ALCOHOL 10.04% change 1298.05 1179.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539546) BNL 10.04% change 141.95 129.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543299) SHYAMMETL 10.04% change 800.90 727.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521137) EUREKA IND. 10.03% change 14.92 13.56 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(534809) PC JEWELLER 10.03% change 13.06 11.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

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196 top GAINERS stocks with 5% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 11 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price Sector More
(524394) VIMTA LABS 9.98% change 1042.00 947.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532811) AHLUWALIA CO 9.95% change 715.80 651.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511153) ANJANIFOODS 9.92% change 32.01 29.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505737) INTER.COMBUS 9.83% change 880.25 801.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513375) CARBORUNDUM 9.78% change 986.75 898.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508571) COCHIN MALA 9.73% change 169.10 154.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544342) Stallion India Fluorochemicals 9.7% change 80.29 73.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524774) NGL FINE CHM 9.65% change 1205.00 1098.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544044) INDIASHLTR 9.63% change 761.40 694.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526853) BILCARE LTD. 9.62% change 66.20 60.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530289) SP CAPITAL 9.6% change 51.71 47.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544261) ARKADE DEVELOPERS LIMITED 9.6% change 160.40 146.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539195) POEL 9.56% change 164.40 150.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538565) VISTARAMAR 9.53% change 122.40 111.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519262) PRIMA AGRO L 9.46% change 24.42 22.31 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(961819) 866IIFCL34B 9.43% change 1196.01 1092.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517431) NARMADA MACP 9.4% change 131.45 120.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533339) ZEN TECH 9.33% change 1191.25 1089.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544009) BLUEJET 9.32% change 819.95 750.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511543) GSB FINANCE 9.28% change 40.29 36.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524735) HIKAL LTD. 9.28% change 391.00 357.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539300) AKSPINTEX 9.25% change 943.95 864.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500058) BIHAR SPONGE 9.21% change 14.11 12.92 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501351) RAPID INVES. 9.16% change 111.40 102.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530457) CINERAD COMM 9.15% change 84.58 77.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531323) JAYIND 9.13% change 13.75 12.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530469) GSL SECUR. 9.11% change 20.72 18.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532889) K.P.R. MILL 9.11% change 884.15 810.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500110) CHENNAI PET. 9.09% change 551.40 505.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511218) SHRIRAM TRAN 9.09% change 638.55 585.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544036) DEEPAKCHEM 9.04% change 112.20 102.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533293) KIRLOIL ENG 9% change 638.25 585.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543239) GMPL 9% change 115.00 105.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504258) LAKSHMI ELEC 8.92% change 1034.65 949.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506222) INEOSSTYRO 8.82% change 2716.35 2496.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511702) PARSHARTI IN 8.8% change 103.25 94.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544046) INOXINDIA 8.67% change 995.65 916.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(890202) SOLARAPP 8.67% change 255.00 234.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514318) JATTAINDUS 8.66% change 170.00 156.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519500) BKV INDUSTRS 8.64% change 13.46 12.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519152) VADILAL ENT 8.61% change 8743.05 8049.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542774) APMFINVEST 8.58% change 78.74 72.52 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507580) IVP LIMITED 8.57% change 157.10 144.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500252) LAXMIMACH 8.51% change 15638.55 14411.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511714) NIMBSPROJ 8.48% change 241.20 222.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526113) UNIROYAL MAR 8.43% change 16.59 15.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505537) ZEE ENTER 8.4% change 106.02 97.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531968) IITL PROJ 8.33% change 65.00 60.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530005) INDIA CEM. 8.31% change 280.35 258.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542904) UJJIVANSFB 8.31% change 35.07 32.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531453) MOHIT INDUS. 8.28% change 29.41 27.16 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544090) SHPLPUNE 8.27% change 812.00 750.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500049) BHARAT ELECT 8.24% change 277.15 256.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530795) SUNCITY SYNT 8.21% change 17.80 16.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512597) KEYFINSER 8.19% change 220.00 203.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544335) B.R.GOYAL INFRASTRUCTURE LIMIT 8.15% change 114.10 105.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506655) SUDARSH.CHEM 8.14% change 957.35 885.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526433) ASM TECHNOLO 7.99% change 1225.45 1134.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533581) PG ELECTRO 7.96% change 892.70 826.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517449) MAGNA ELECTR 7.95% change 893.15 827.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544091) QLL 7.86% change 259.95 241.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531254) OPTIFIN 7.77% change 222.00 206.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503031) PENLAND LTD 7.75% change 27.53 25.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531832) NAGAR.AGRITE 7.73% change 47.27 43.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504614) SARDA ENMIN 7.71% change 527.35 489.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532296) GLENMARK PHA 7.71% change 1400.45 1300.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538567) GULFOIL LUB 7.68% change 1210.05 1123.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544243) Baazar Style Retail Limited 7.66% change 232.65 216.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544047) SIYARAM 7.62% change 134.10 124.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500249) KSB 7.59% change 690.85 642.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522029) WINDSOR MACH 7.58% change 290.80 270.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513269) MAN IND.(I) 7.53% change 260.55 242.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532967) KIRI DYES 7.53% change 601.10 559.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541770) CREDITACC 7.46% change 930.25 865.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531253) INDIA GELAT. 7.44% change 399.80 372.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532397) KONNDOR 7.41% change 11.60 10.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540762) TIINDIA 7.4% change 2883.85 2685.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543901) RHL 7.4% change 208.35 194.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511535) NDA SECURIT. 7.39% change 33.15 30.87 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538894) OCTAL 7.39% change 21.94 20.43 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531900) CCL INTER 7.36% change 26.83 24.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513699) SOLID STONE 7.35% change 33.87 31.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500470) TATA STEEL 7.29% change 150.85 140.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538970) MANVIJAY 7.29% change 31.19 29.07 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544045) DOMS 7.28% change 2736.55 2550.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504973) CHOLAHLDNG 7.26% change 1604.00 1495.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542399) CHALET 7.23% change 770.10 718.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(535754) ORIENT CEM 7.14% change 346.60 323.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530881) ABVL 7.13% change 15.18 14.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524204) TEESTA AGRO 7.09% change 111.70 104.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523373) MINI DIAMOND 7.08% change 127.00 118.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543712) AHL 7.06% change 198.00 184.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502893) UNITEDINT 7.02% change 80.95 75.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526095) RAVILEELA GR 7.01% change 38.00 35.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514280) SANRHEA TECH 6.98% change 108.05 101.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526550) CCHHL 6.98% change 16.86 15.76 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544001) SUNITATOOL 6.97% change 864.35 808.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541096) BPLPHARMA 6.96% change 1027.55 960.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530317) GODAVARI DRU 6.91% change 93.49 87.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540902) AMBER 6.87% change 6410.95 5998.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543212) BOROLTD 6.87% change 336.05 314.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533022) 20 MICRONS 6.83% change 195.60 183.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544197) RETAIL 6.83% change 35.51 33.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543926) BIZOTIC 6.79% change 79.85 74.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500458) KORE 6.76% change 30.00 28.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531259) ESHAMEDIA 6.74% change 12.99 12.17 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544354) SOLARIUM GREEN ENERGY LIMITED 6.74% change 247.75 232.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530449) RUNGTA IRRIG 6.72% change 75.78 71.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530821) SSPDL LTD 6.71% change 17.50 16.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530313) KIMIABL 6.67% change 45.07 42.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504908) DUNCANENG 6.65% change 327.00 306.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(520151) SHREY SH LOG 6.64% change 276.05 258.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544081) JYOTICNC 6.62% change 956.30 896.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523642) PI INDUS.LTD 6.61% change 3354.05 3146.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543237) MAZDOCK 6.61% change 2257.50 2117.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533096) ADANI POWER 6.6% change 510.40 478.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522001) CRANEX LTD. 6.59% change 103.66 97.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514354) PREMIER POLY 6.58% change 63.82 59.88 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532899) KAVERI SEED 6.58% change 1044.65 980.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530723) ASIT C FIN 6.56% change 119.35 112.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500840) EIH LTD. 6.53% change 341.00 320.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538446) MONEYBOXX 6.5% change 184.30 173.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500440) HINDALCO 6.45% change 695.75 653.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530361) SEAGOLD AQUA 6.4% change 120.20 112.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539469) PANORAMA 6.38% change 210.05 197.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532834) CAMLINFINE 6.35% change 164.90 155.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544105) HARSHDEEP 6.35% change 67.00 63.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505725) HIND.EVEREST 6.33% change 902.35 848.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526783) DR.AGAR.EYE 6.31% change 4405.40 4143.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523716) ASHIANA HOU 6.29% change 301.65 283.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538713) ATISHAY 6.27% change 153.50 144.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505368) REVATHI EQU. 6.25% change 332.10 312.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539527) CREATIVE 6.24% change 589.65 555.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532001) INDUCTO STL. 6.23% change 58.00 54.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530405) JINDAL CAP. 6.22% change 44.05 41.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539767) MNIL 6.22% change 18.79 17.69 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531163) KEMISTAR 6.2% change 78.47 73.89 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500407) SWARAJ ENGIN 6.17% change 3011.05 2836.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523319) BALMER LAWRI 6.16% change 173.15 163.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526525) WWALUM 6.16% change 24.98 23.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523850) AXTEL INDUS. 6.15% change 460.10 433.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530825) DAIKAFFIL CH 6.1% change 194.05 182.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532754) GMR INFRASTR 6.08% change 74.16 69.91 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(936400) 1060EFL29 6.07% change 1013.00 955.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505714) GABRIEL(I) 6.06% change 509.95 480.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539455) ARYAVAN 6.05% change 47.50 44.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531979) HIND ALUMIN 6.04% change 67.21 63.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533896) FERVENTSYN 6.03% change 24.45 23.06 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539798) UMIYA 6.02% change 29.95 28.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544336) Quadrant Future Tek Limited 6.01% change 497.15 468.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539353) SALAUTO 5.99% change 563.90 532.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539494) SMARTFIN 5.99% change 12.91 12.18 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500282) MODERN THREA 5.95% change 43.45 41.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530355) ASIAN OILFIE 5.92% change 244.15 230.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531158) CATVISION 5.86% change 25.65 24.23 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500660) GLAXOSMITH 5.85% change 2655.55 2508.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511533) SAHARA HOUSG 5.85% change 43.40 41.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505400) TEXINFRA 5.81% change 100.63 95.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500067) BLUE STAR 5.79% change 2023.75 1912.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524218) RESONANCE 5.77% change 85.99 81.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524314) GUJ.TERC LAB 5.77% change 71.50 67.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500285) SPICEJET LTD 5.69% change 49.05 46.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543333) CARTRADE 5.63% change 1552.80 1470.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544204) VRAJ 5.62% change 171.95 162.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590113) HNGSNGBEES 5.62% change 438.59 415.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543245) GLAND 5.6% change 1609.55 1524.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513548) SHARDA ISPAT 5.58% change 287.50 272.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543259) HOMEFIRST 5.57% change 983.90 931.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532993) SEZALGLASS 5.54% change 376.05 356.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503806) SRF LIMITED 5.49% change 2928.50 2776.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543687) DHARMAJ 5.46% change 197.00 186.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524628) PARKER AGRO. 5.45% change 17.40 16.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543498) MSUMI 5.44% change 51.77 49.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538666) SHARDACROP 5.43% change 560.50 531.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500488) ABBOTT (I) 5.4% change 30507.70 28944.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526813) RAGHUNATH IN 5.39% change 14.48 13.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512599) ADANI ENTER 5.38% change 2250.35 2135.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543414) MAHKTECH 5.34% change 26.45 25.11 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523204) ABAN OFFSHO 5.3% change 41.11 39.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544129) JUNIPER 5.3% change 269.10 255.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531099) RUBRA MEDICA 5.23% change 17.10 16.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512453) SHRI JAGDAMB 5.22% change 795.70 756.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523696) FORTIS MLR 5.22% change 62.73 59.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543187) POWERINDIA 5.21% change 12175.25 11572.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500547) BHARAT PET. 5.19% change 264.60 251.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531212) NALIN LEASE 5.16% change 62.55 59.48 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530675) YORK EXPORTS 5.15% change 49.00 46.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501833) CHOWGULE ST 5.13% change 28.28 26.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543938) ACCELERATE 5.05% change 121.80 115.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526668) KAMAT HOTELS 5.04% change 303.25 288.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514460) OSWAL YARNS 5.03% change 35.93 34.21 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544250) Sanofi Consumer Healthcare Ind 5.03% change 4892.45 4658.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540519) MEERA 5.02% change 65.52 62.39 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530167) MOONGIPA CAP 5.01% change 20.74 19.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530171) DAULAT SEC. 5.01% change 42.14 40.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543616) TLL 5% change 252.00 240.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction

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217 top GAINERS stocks with 2% change in BSE top GAINERS (last 11 Days DAILY) list

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 11 Days Price Sector More
(507966) RAS RESORTS 4.98% change 52.49 50.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531673) ANKA INDIA 4.98% change 16.02 15.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524820) PANAMA PETRO 4.95% change 367.85 350.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500042) BASF INDIA 4.94% change 4620.50 4403.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530079) FAZE THREE L 4.92% change 369.65 352.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531228) RANDER CORP. 4.92% change 11.94 11.38 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532921) ADANI PORTS 4.91% change 1136.15 1082.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517035) RUTTONSHA IN 4.89% change 1804.45 1720.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519238) SAPTARISHI A 4.88% change 28.17 26.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537253) SUNIL HEALTH 4.88% change 70.00 66.74 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532144) WELCORP 4.86% change 816.95 779.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541540) SOLARA 4.86% change 513.95 490.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532650) MSP STEEL 4.82% change 28.50 27.19 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526807) SEAMEC LTD 4.81% change 962.40 918.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524675) KABSONS INDU 4.79% change 25.40 24.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511243) CHOLAFIN 4.78% change 1450.15 1384.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521216) DHAN ROTO SP 4.77% change 201.90 192.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541988) AAVAS 4.68% change 1770.00 1690.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539450) SHK 4.66% change 176.30 168.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540975) ASTERDM 4.63% change 434.00 414.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524590) HEMORGANIC 4.57% change 10.99 10.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519287) MODERN DAIRI 4.53% change 54.21 51.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540686) SMRUTHIORG 4.53% change 116.50 111.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543229) SAMRATFORG 4.53% change 344.95 330.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509597) HARDCASTLE 4.43% change 710.15 680.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500338) PRSMJOHNSN 4.39% change 127.20 121.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505890) KENNAMETAL 4.38% change 2218.90 2125.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(537985) INFRONICS SY 4.38% change 35.97 34.46 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539660) BESTAGRO 4.38% change 298.95 286.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532902) CONSOL CONST 4.37% change 14.09 13.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500645) DEEPAK FERT. 4.36% change 1114.85 1068.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517146) USHA MART.LT 4.35% change 319.10 305.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500360) RAPICUT CARB 4.32% change 87.20 83.59 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500033) FORCE MOTR 4.31% change 7248.40 6949.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506076) GRIND NORTON 4.31% change 1570.75 1505.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531921) AGAR IND COR 4.29% change 986.85 946.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500333) PIX TRANS 4.27% change 1535.70 1472.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544172) INDGN 4.27% change 578.60 554.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522275) GET&D 4.26% change 1476.20 1415.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531314) INTEGRA CAP. 4.23% change 14.80 14.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(503100) PHOENIX MILL 4.21% change 1655.65 1588.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526881) 63MOONS 4.21% change 713.45 684.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540174) SOUTHERNIN 4.2% change 25.81 24.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500171) GHCL LTD 4.16% change 630.40 605.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530331) PREMCO GLOB. 4.13% change 396.10 380.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(519064) KHANDEL. EXT 4.12% change 82.60 79.33 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542803) ELLORATRAD 4.08% change 12.49 12.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532497) RADICOKHAIT 4.01% change 2183.45 2099.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(506734) MYS PETRO 4% change 142.95 137.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531246) PRIMA IND. 4% change 26.00 25.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533023) WABCO 3.99% change 11259.85 10828.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532698) NITINSPINNER 3.98% change 335.35 322.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511549) MORARKA FIN. 3.97% change 106.05 102.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523144) MEDI CAPS 3.91% change 45.76 44.04 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532508) JSL 3.9% change 649.30 624.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539946) BAZELINTER 3.85% change 71.73 69.07 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539843) NINSYS 3.84% change 500.20 481.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532102) SBEC SUGAR 3.83% change 41.97 40.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533519) LNT FH 3.83% change 140.95 135.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530735) SUPER BAKERS 3.82% change 28.55 27.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500228) JSWSL 3.81% change 1019.00 981.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539876) CROMPTON 3.78% change 345.95 333.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544281) A B INFRABUILD LIMITED 3.78% change 83.27 80.24 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500650) EXCEL INDUST 3.76% change 916.60 883.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517385) SYMPHONY 3.76% change 1182.30 1139.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543332) MFL 3.75% change 1809.10 1743.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517360) SBEC SYSTEMS 3.74% change 20.55 19.81 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530997) UNIQUE ORGAN 3.74% change 138.70 133.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508664) BEST E.HOTEL 3.71% change 13.99 13.49 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539598) ORACLECR 3.71% change 28.80 27.77 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500389) SILVERLINE TECHNOLOGIES LTD. 3.7% change 12.05 11.62 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544333) STANDARD GLASS LINING TECHNOLO 3.7% change 140.15 135.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539523) ALKEM 3.69% change 4775.70 4605.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500257) LUPIN LTD. 3.68% change 1976.30 1906.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514043) HIMAT.SEIDE 3.68% change 132.55 127.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543530) PARADEEP 3.68% change 91.34 88.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531307) RRIL 3.62% change 18.62 17.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524572) PHARMAIDS PH 3.6% change 69.55 67.13 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542812) FLUOROCHEM 3.57% change 3835.35 3703.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541302) DHRUV 3.55% change 93.14 89.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533148) JSW ENERGY 3.54% change 514.15 496.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543336) CHEMPLASTS 3.53% change 433.00 418.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543367) PARAS 3.53% change 925.70 894.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(936386) 981JMFCSL28 3.53% change 1056.00 1020.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532779) TORNT POWER 3.5% change 1333.85 1288.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544325) ITC Hotels Limited 3.5% change 168.45 162.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523269) ADVANI HOTEL 3.49% change 62.51 60.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517258) PRECISION EL 3.48% change 107.67 104.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538730) PDSMFL 3.47% change 454.65 439.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540205) AVL 3.47% change 426.30 412.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543227) HAPPSTMNDS 3.47% change 695.70 672.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522005) AUSTIN ENGG. 3.45% change 154.25 149.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531911) GALAXY AGRIC 3.43% change 40.70 39.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532230) BENGAL TEA & 3.41% change 162.05 156.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(504273) MODULEX 3.4% change 24.04 23.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539947) JLL 3.39% change 43.97 42.53 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(517530) SURANATP 3.38% change 20.16 19.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540710) CAPACITE 3.36% change 340.10 329.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511501) BHARAT BHUSH 3.33% change 47.50 45.97 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539448) INDIGO 3.33% change 4659.80 4509.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532808) PGIL 3.32% change 1491.65 1443.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521194) SIL INVEST 3.31% change 510.35 494.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526521) SANGHI IND. 3.28% change 55.40 53.64 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512600) MACRO INTER. 3.27% change 86.60 83.86 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540590) RIDDHICORP 3.26% change 64.01 61.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508989) NAVNETEDUL 3.24% change 137.20 132.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(509496) ITDCEM 3.23% change 546.10 529.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522165) INDSIL HYD 3.22% change 41.72 40.42 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540047) DBL 3.2% change 453.75 439.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(501301) TATA INVEST. 3.19% change 6136.60 5946.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532976) JAIBALA IND 3.19% change 140.70 136.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(938218) 965EFSL32 3.16% change 980.00 950.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500271) MFSL 3.15% change 1086.75 1053.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507514) SOM DISTILL. 3.12% change 120.55 116.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521131) SBFL 3.1% change 26.29 25.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511559) TIMES GUARAN 3.09% change 170.00 164.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533193) KIRLOSKAR EL 3.09% change 128.60 124.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543321) TATVA 3.09% change 703.65 682.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(507645) POLSON LTD. 3.06% change 12110.00 11750.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511413) CREST 3.06% change 382.30 370.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539302) POWERMECH 3.06% change 2001.70 1942.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523021) RISHITECH 3.04% change 50.48 48.99 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500093) CGPOWER 3.01% change 607.55 589.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526574) ENTERPR.INTE 2.99% change 30.64 29.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543955) TREL 2.97% change 31.16 30.26 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500483) TATA COMM 2.95% change 1494.00 1451.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533150) GODREJ PROP 2.94% change 2047.85 1989.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530965) INDIAN OIL 2.93% change 124.85 121.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(521105) OLYMPIA IND. 2.91% change 45.33 44.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542012) AAL 2.91% change 454.60 441.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544283) ACME Solar Holdings Limited 2.89% change 201.05 195.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500425) AMBUJA CEME 2.88% change 495.55 481.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532717) INDOTECHTR 2.88% change 2089.95 2031.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532784) SOBHA 2.88% change 1224.55 1190.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500336) SURYA ROSHNI 2.86% change 241.05 234.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513709) SHILP GRAVUR 2.85% change 242.00 235.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(538476) CTL 2.85% change 40.83 39.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532826) RAJ TELE 2.84% change 84.74 82.40 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532286) JINDAL STE 2.83% change 904.80 879.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522034) SHANTHI GEAR 2.82% change 450.95 438.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540718) AKM 2.82% change 790.00 768.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541154) HAL 2.79% change 3463.50 3369.60 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532891) PURAVANKARA 2.78% change 240.15 233.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532335) AMBICA AGAR. 2.77% change 28.56 27.79 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542459) KRANTI 2.77% change 99.50 96.82 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544287) Mangal Compusolution Limited 2.77% change 40.50 39.41 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512381) STARTECK 2.76% change 298.00 290.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543182) 11AMD 2.76% change 39.53 38.47 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539289) MJCO 2.69% change 177.55 172.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544118) JSFB 2.68% change 431.60 420.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513422) BLOOM INDUST 2.66% change 28.95 28.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533218) EMAMIREAL 2.65% change 91.00 88.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(541945) RANJEET 2.64% change 38.95 37.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531539) RISHABH DIGH 2.63% change 45.98 44.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544222) Akums Drugs And Pharmaceutical 2.63% change 509.50 496.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500335) BIRLA CORPN. 2.62% change 1036.80 1010.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(502157) MANGALAM CEM 2.62% change 746.95 727.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542066) ADANIGAS 2.62% change 597.25 582.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500284) LORDS CHLORO 2.6% change 136.00 132.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513023) NAV BHAR VEN 2.6% change 416.80 406.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500069) BNK CAPITAL 2.57% change 363.05 353.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530433) SHIVA FERT. 2.55% change 40.59 39.58 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500085) CHAMBAL FERT 2.54% change 564.05 550.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526604) LIPPI SYSTEM 2.53% change 20.63 20.12 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(539978) QUESS 2.53% change 631.25 615.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522241) M.M.FORGINGS 2.52% change 357.95 349.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522229) TANEJA AERO. 2.5% change 315.25 307.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(531719) BHAGIRA.CHEM 2.5% change 297.25 290.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(512527) SUPER SAL IN 2.48% change 876.70 855.45 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514162) WELSPUN (I) 2.48% change 121.85 118.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533278) COAL INDIA 2.47% change 379.05 369.90 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543590) RHETAN 2.47% change 15.33 14.96 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526729) GOLDIAM INT. 2.45% change 406.90 397.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526747) P.G.FOILS 2.45% change 327.65 319.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505850) MANCREDIT 2.44% change 164.05 160.15 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532810) POWER FINAN 2.4% change 399.60 390.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508941) PANASON CAR 2.39% change 488.60 477.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523395) 3M INDIA LTD 2.36% change 27991.25 27345.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526508) SHAHISHIP 2.36% change 16.46 16.08 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(590018) HISARMET(PS 2.36% change 190.75 186.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(505710) GRAUER& WEIL 2.35% change 91.42 89.32 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(511196) CANFIN HOMES 2.35% change 612.60 598.55 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532734) GODAWARI POW 2.34% change 177.15 173.10 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(961714) PFCBS4 2.33% change 15350.00 15000.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(524342) INDOBORAXC 2.31% change 161.95 158.30 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540777) HDFCLIFE 2.29% change 637.10 622.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(508875) NITINCAST 2.27% change 602.00 588.65 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522273) AHMED.STEEL 2.27% change 230.10 225.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543350) VIJAYA 2.27% change 1016.25 993.70 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532504) NAVIN FLUORI 2.25% change 4126.05 4035.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540692) APEX 2.25% change 217.80 213.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(542580) AARTECH 2.25% change 62.38 61.01 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(514045) BSL LTD. 2.24% change 176.05 172.20 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(522292) CHANDNI TE 2.24% change 91.86 89.85 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(540824) ASTRON 2.23% change 13.27 12.98 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(939857) EFSL-10.49%-24-10-34-NCD 2.23% change 1010.00 988.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532334) HB ESTATE DE 2.22% change 101.20 99.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(938216) EFSL201022B 2.2% change 1160.00 1135.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532867) V2RETAIL 2.19% change 1630.00 1595.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(533168) ROSSELL IND 2.19% change 62.13 60.80 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500104) HIND.PETRO 2.18% change 330.00 322.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(523638) IP RINGS LTD 2.17% change 141.00 138.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(513097) SHIV.BIMETAL 2.16% change 460.10 450.35 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(544179) GODIGIT 2.16% change 305.45 299.00 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532523) BIOCON LTD. 2.14% change 328.95 322.05 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532898) POWER GRID 2.14% change 267.35 261.75 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(532652) KARNATAKA BK 2.12% change 173.55 169.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(543994) JSWINFRA 2.12% change 265.00 259.50 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(500153) GANESH BENZO 2.11% change 116.35 113.95 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(530695) PRIME PROP 2.1% change 35.99 35.25 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
(526616) NAT.PLASTIC 2.09% change 57.69 56.51 Tips NEWS Tomorrow Forecast Targets ExpertsView Analysis Munafa AI prediction
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NIFTY: 22470.50 at (15:45 12 Wed March)

-0.12% from prev closing of 22497.90

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BANKNIFTY: 48056.65 at (15:45 12 Wed March)

0.42% from prev closing of 47853.95

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FINNIFTY: 23327.90 at (15:45 12 Wed March)

0.54% from prev closing of 23203.35

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