1190 NSE Top gainers last 5 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 5 Months) NSE

Last 5 Months gainers of NSE . Top MONTHLY GAINERS of NSE Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS of NSE

Below is full list of NSE top GAINERS stocks of last 5 Months till date from a closing of 5 Months before

1193 top GAINERS stocks NSE (5 Months) Top gainers in last 5 Months list

Gainers as on Fri 13 December 2024, Windsor Machines at 428.03%, Marine Electrical at 226.79%, Black Box at 225.55%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 5 Months in NSE

50 Top gainers stocks NSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 5 Months Price
WINDMACHIN Windsor Machines Limited 428.03% change 409.75 77.60
MARINE Marine Electrical (i) Ltd 226.79% change 301.95 92.40
BBOX Black Box Limited 225.55% change 693.75 213.10
GRWRHITECH Garware Hi-tech Films Ltd 223.26% change 5076.00 1570.25
KERNEX Kernex Microsystems (India) Limited 203.57% change 1452.15 478.35
PAYTM One 97 Communications Ltd 195.57% change 984.25 333.00
BALUFORGE Balu Forge Industries Ltd 194.22% change 799.25 271.65
KAYNES Kaynes Technology Ind Ltd 175.62% change 6752.05 2449.75
POKARNA Pokarna 169.92% change 1191.55 441.45
GOLDIAM Goldiam International Limited 163.37% change 422.05 160.25
TBZ Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Limited 152.99% change 271.96 107.50
GOKULAGRO Gokul Agro Resources Ltd 151.05% change 363.15 144.65
SHAILY Shaily Eng Plastics Ltd 150.36% change 1489.40 594.90
DEEPAKFERT Deepak Fertilizers And Petrochemicals Corporation Limited 146.66% change 1331.35 539.75
NSIL Nalwa Sons Investments Limited 145.47% change 8450.40 3442.50
ZENTEC Zen Technologies Limited 143.67% change 2167.95 889.70
GRAVITA Gravita India Limited 140.93% change 2195.75 911.35
AIIL Authum Invest & Infra Ltd 135.18% change 1830.15 778.20
SUMMITSEC Summit Securities Limited 133.52% change 3393.50 1453.20
INNOVACAP Innova Captab Limited 132.41% change 1051.30 452.35
HIRECT Hind Rectifiers Limited 130.47% change 1512.55 656.30
SHARDACROP Sharda Cropchem Limited 130.46% change 819.85 355.75
PLATIND Platinum Industries Ltd 126.86% change 487.30 214.80
PDMJEPAPER Pudumjee Paper Pro. Ltd 123.58% change 195.30 87.35
3PLAND 3p Land Holdings Limited 121.61% change 64.60 29.15
TAINWALCHM Tainwala Chemical And Plastic (I) Limited 120.82% change 297.00 134.50
DYCL Dynamic Cables Limited 120.76% change 935.15 423.60
PKTEA PERIA KARAMALAI TE INR10 119.62% change 715.85 325.95
MAZDOCK Mazagon Dock Shipbuil Ltd 119.23% change 4849.90 2212.20
PGIL Pearl Global Industries Limited 118.89% change 1291.10 589.85
DIXON Dixon Techno (india) Ltd 117.14% change 17954.40 8268.60
ASALCBR Asso Alcohols & Brew Ltd 116.78% change 1106.25 510.30
COFORGE Coforge Limited 116.21% change 9300.75 4301.80
NIITLTD NIIT Limited 115.5% change 213.13 98.90
WANBURY Wanbury Limited 115.3% change 293.46 136.30
NEULANDLAB Neuland Laboratories Limited 113.59% change 15265.00 7146.85
ELGIRUBCO Elgi Rubber Company Limited 112.77% change 125.64 59.05
63MOONS 63 Moons Technologies Ltd 112.69% change 852.90 401.00
SHREEPUSHK SHREE PUSHKAR CHEM INR10 111.19% change 364.10 172.40
VPRPL Vishnu Prakash R Pungli L 110.92% change 312.05 147.95
SIYSIL Siyaram Silk Mills Limited 109.46% change 969.05 462.65
WABAG VA Tech Wabag Limited 108.81% change 1812.75 868.15
BSE Bse Limited 107.92% change 5634.95 2710.15
ANANTRAJ Anant Raj Limited 107.61% change 759.45 365.80
JAGSNPHARM Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Limited 106.94% change 672.45 324.95
SERVOTECH Servotech Power Sys Ltd. 106.93% change 176.20 85.15
WINDLAS Windlas Biotech Limited 106.79% change 1042.65 504.20
EMSLIMITED Ems Limited 106.79% change 861.70 416.70
GANECOS Ganesha Ecosphere Limited 106.68% change 2188.15 1058.70
HEXATRADEX Hexa Tradex Limited 106.23% change 307.70 149.20
IZMO IZMO Limited 104.93% change 633.85 309.30

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1190 NSE Top gainers last 5 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 5 Months) NSE


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