940 NSE Top gainers last 12 Weeks list. Full list of WEEKLY GAINERS (last 12 Weeks) NSE

Last 12 Weeks gainers of NSE . Top WEEKLY GAINERS of NSE Full list of WEEKLY GAINERS of NSE

Below is full list of NSE top GAINERS stocks of last 12 Weeks till date from a closing of 12 Weeks before

943 top GAINERS stocks NSE (12 Weeks) Top gainers in last 12 Weeks list

Gainers as on Fri 13 December 2024, 63 Moons at 157.91%, Windsor Machines at 138.92%, Agi Infra at 126.87%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 12 Weeks in NSE

50 Top gainers stocks NSE

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 12 Weeks Price
63MOONS 63 Moons Technologies Ltd 157.91% change 852.90 330.70
WINDMACHIN Windsor Machines Limited 138.92% change 409.75 171.50
AGIIL Agi Infra Limited 126.87% change 1869.65 824.10
BSE Bse Limited 117.39% change 5634.95 2592.05
PGEL PG Electroplast Limited 111.67% change 916.55 433.00
NSIL Nalwa Sons Investments Limited 101.17% change 8450.40 4200.65
SIYSIL Siyaram Silk Mills Limited 100.74% change 969.05 482.75
ANUP The Anup Engineering Ltd 97.44% change 3730.55 1889.45
PAYTM One 97 Communications Ltd 94.46% change 984.25 506.15
VIMTALABS Vimta Labs Limited 93.2% change 956.05 494.85
RGL Renaissance Global Ltd 92.73% change 183.04 94.97
KIRIINDUS Kiri Industries Limited 89.79% change 644.05 339.35
PRECAM Precision Camshafts Ltd. 88.55% change 348.00 184.57
NIITLTD NIIT Limited 87.38% change 213.13 113.74
HIRECT Hind Rectifiers Limited 87.29% change 1512.55 807.60
AVALON Avalon Technologies Ltd 85.57% change 853.15 459.75
PDMJEPAPER Pudumjee Paper Pro. Ltd 83.79% change 195.30 106.26
LGHL Laxmi Goldorna House Ltd 83.36% change 507.55 276.80
JAGSNPHARM Jagsonpal Pharmaceuticals Limited 82.56% change 672.45 368.35
CARTRADE Cartrade Tech Limited 80.34% change 1504.75 834.40
DEEPINDS Deep Industries Limited 79.21% change 570.95 318.60
SUMMITSEC Summit Securities Limited 78.33% change 3393.50 1902.95
KERNEX Kernex Microsystems (India) Limited 77.33% change 1452.15 818.90
GOKULAGRO Gokul Agro Resources Ltd 77.16% change 363.15 204.98
DYCL Dynamic Cables Limited 76.68% change 935.15 529.30
DHANI Dhani Services Limited 76% change 90.27 51.29
GOLDIAM Goldiam International Limited 75.82% change 422.05 240.05
AMIORG Ami Organics Limited 72.15% change 2122.95 1233.20
MHLXMIRU Mahalaxmi Rubtech Limited 71.1% change 310.29 181.35
MOTILALOFS Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited 69.21% change 989.85 585.00
TI Tilaknagar Industries Limited 66.97% change 407.40 244.00
MARKSANS Marksans Pharma Limited 66.05% change 312.25 188.05
EDELWEISS Edelweiss Financial Services Limited 65.05% change 126.38 76.57
GRWRHITECH Garware Hi-tech Films Ltd 64.42% change 5076.00 3087.30
PIXTRANS Pix Transmissions Limited 63.66% change 2499.45 1527.20
BANCOINDIA Banco Products (I) Limited 63.08% change 1079.25 661.80
TBZ Tribhovandas Bhimji Zaveri Limited 62.87% change 271.96 166.98
SHAILY Shaily Eng Plastics Ltd 62.57% change 1489.40 916.15
SOFTTECH Softtech Engineer Limited 62.3% change 564.25 347.65
ANGELONE Angel One Limited 61.9% change 3388.90 2093.25
INNOVACAP Innova Captab Limited 61.19% change 1051.30 652.20
STERTOOLS Sterling Tools Limited 61.07% change 657.65 408.30
RPSGVENT Rpsg Ventures Limited 60.52% change 1212.15 755.15
NELCO NELCO Limited 60.39% change 1436.55 895.65
ARIHANTSUP Arihant Superstruct Ltd 60.08% change 454.30 283.80
SARDAEN Sarda Energy & Minerals Limited 59.52% change 478.15 299.75
RVHL Ravinder Heights Limited 59.43% change 77.53 48.63
WANBURY Wanbury Limited 59.38% change 293.46 184.13
COFORGE Coforge Limited 59.05% change 9300.75 5847.75
HIMATSEIDE Himatsingka Seide Limited 56.94% change 220.57 140.54
BLISSGVS Bliss GVS Pharma Limited 56.67% change 176.25 112.50

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940 NSE Top gainers last 12 Weeks list. Full list of WEEKLY GAINERS (last 12 Weeks) NSE


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