485 INDICES Top losers last 9 Days list. Full list of DAILY LOSERS (last 9 Days) INDICES
Last 9 Days losers of INDICES . Top DAILY LOSERS of INDICES Full list of DAILY LOSERS of INDICES
Below is full list of INDICES top LOSERS stocks of last 9 Days till date from a closing of 9 Days before
490 top LOSERS stocks INDICES (9 Days) Top losers in last 9 Days list
Losers as on Wed 26 March 2025, at -99.67%, at -99.2%, at -99.1%, were amongst the top LOSERS in last 9 Days in INDICES
50 Top losers stocks INDICES
Company | Change Percent | Current Price | Last 9 Days Price |
F6LK | -99.67% change | 13.52 | 4088.96 |
F1LI | -99.2% change | 12.12 | 1516.06 |
G6LZ | -99.1% change | 42.38 | 4707.36 |
G1LE | -98.65% change | 97.23 | 7182.84 |
G1LD | -98.58% change | 97.23 | 6852.58 |
FYLI | -98.49% change | 12.12 | 804.20 |
F3LI | -98.47% change | 12.12 | 791.93 |
G3LE | -98.32% change | 97.23 | 5772.10 |
GYLE | -98.32% change | 97.23 | 5772.10 |
G3LD | -98.26% change | 97.23 | 5583.42 |
GYLD | -98.26% change | 97.23 | 5583.42 |
G6LC | -98.22% change | 69.98 | 3939.06 |
G6LE | -97.46% change | 97.23 | 3834.25 |
GYLV | -97.36% change | 233.31 | 8841.58 |
G6LD | -97.35% change | 97.23 | 3674.92 |
G3LV | -97.28% change | 233.31 | 8572.45 |
F6LO | -97.27% change | 122.34 | 4485.21 |
F6LI | -97.01% change | 12.12 | 404.81 |
GALZ | -96.99% change | 13.52 | 449.29 |
GYLB | -96.95% change | 22.43 | 735.44 |
G3LB | -96.93% change | 22.43 | 731.28 |
G1LB | -95.99% change | 40.96 | 1022.17 |
G6LB | -95.98% change | 18.48 | 460.05 |
G6LO | -95.98% change | 178.10 | 4432.43 |
FALK | -95.86% change | 13.52 | 326.37 |
F1LB | -95.72% change | 25.11 | 587.05 |
F6LQ | -95.62% change | 196.16 | 4476.06 |
G6LV | -95.59% change | 233.31 | 5290.65 |
G6LY | -95.44% change | 249.72 | 5480.26 |
F6LP | -95.43% change | 278.57 | 6095.33 |
GYLY | -95.42% change | 392.69 | 8581.84 |
F6LG | -95.31% change | 319.23 | 6805.40 |
G3LY | -95.28% change | 392.69 | 8312.71 |
F5LB | -94.99% change | 34.01 | 678.34 |
G1LA | -94.91% change | 26.45 | 519.81 |
F5LF | -94.71% change | 159.76 | 3017.83 |
GYLA | -94.7% change | 21.40 | 404.07 |
F6LZ | -94.69% change | 382.36 | 7200.22 |
G3LA | -94.55% change | 21.40 | 392.59 |
G1LV | -94.28% change | 754.17 | 13178.12 |
M3LE 3-Month Lows ETFS | -94.25% change | 62.00 | 1078.00 |
M6LE 6-Month Lows ETFS | -94.06% change | 52.00 | 876.00 |
G6LA | -93.89% change | 17.23 | 281.93 |
MYLE YTD Lows ETFS | -93.85% change | 68.00 | 1105.00 |
FALI | -93.35% change | 12.12 | 182.28 |
MYLG | -92.86% change | 19.00 | 266.00 |
F5LY | -92.81% change | 126.09 | 1753.80 |
M1LP 1-Month Lows Sp500 | -92.74% change | 13.00 | 179.00 |
GALB | -92.68% change | 15.77 | 215.49 |
M3LG | -92.64% change | 19.00 | 258.00 |
M1LG | -92.16% change | 29.00 | 370.00 |
245 top LOSERS stocks with 50% change in INDICES top LOSERS (last 9 Days DAILY) list
- M3LE 3-Month Lows ETFS 94.25% loss. CMP is 62.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M6LE 6-Month Lows ETFS 94.06% loss. CMP is 52.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MYLE YTD Lows ETFS 93.85% loss. CMP is 68.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M1LP 1-Month Lows Sp500 92.74% loss. CMP is 13.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MYLN YTD Lows NYSE 87.83% loss. CMP is 50.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M3LN 3-Month Lows NYSE 87.44% loss. CMP is 49.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M1LE 1-Month Lows ETFS 87.14% loss. CMP is 190.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MYLH YTD Lows Price Gt 85.49% loss. CMP is 83.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M6LN 6-Month Lows NYSE 85.27% loss. CMP is 43.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M3LH 3-Month Lows Price Gt 84.96% loss. CMP is 83.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M1LN 1-Month Lows NYSE 84.64% loss. CMP is 84.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M1LH 1-Month Lows Price Gt 83.42% loss. CMP is 134.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M6LH 6-Month Lows Price Gt 83.33% loss. CMP is 62.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- LOWN NYSE New Lows 82.39% loss. CMP is 25.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MALH 12-Month Lows Price Gt 78.57% loss. CMP is 42.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
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55 top LOSERS stocks with 30% change in INDICES top LOSERS (last 9 Days DAILY) list
- M1LU 1-Month Lows Volume Lt 100K 49.82% loss. CMP is 137.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M1LQ 1-Month Lows Nasdaq 49.74% loss. CMP is 384.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MYLU YTD Lows Volume Lt 100K 49.48% loss. CMP is 98.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MYLQ YTD Lows Nasdaq 49.06% loss. CMP is 298.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MALX 12-Month Lows Overall 48.85% loss. CMP is 223.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- UVCE ETFS Unchanged Volume 47.89% loss. CMP is 34.71 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M3LQ 3-Month Lows Nasdaq 46.81% loss. CMP is 292.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- LOWQ NASD New Lows 46.1% loss. CMP is 83.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M3LU 3-Month Lows Volume Lt 100K 44.19% loss. CMP is 96.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- AVVX CAD Total Advancing Volume 43.4% loss. CMP is 156.61 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MYLA YTD Lows AMEX 40.91% loss. CMP is 13.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- AVVS TSX Advancing Volume 40.45% loss. CMP is 112.06 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- AVVE ETFS Advancing Volume 39.52% loss. CMP is 826.93 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M6LQ 6-Month Lows Nasdaq 38.62% loss. CMP is 232.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- HIGS TSX New Highs 37.84% loss. CMP is 23.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
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35 top LOSERS stocks with 20% change in INDICES top LOSERS (last 9 Days DAILY) list
- DVCS TSX Declining Volume 29.86% loss. CMP is 200.68 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M6LL 6-Month Lows Price Lt 28.57% loss. CMP is 220.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MPTW Percent Above 20-Day Average Last Month 27.72% loss. CMP is 31.65 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- BGMF Barchart TSX Market Momentum Declines Last Month 27.38% loss. CMP is 297.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DVCN NYSE Declining Volume 72 26.9% loss. CMP is 2555.66 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- M1HA 1-Month Highs AMEX 26.32% loss. CMP is 14.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DECN NYSE Declining Stocks 1.733.999.000 25.49% loss. CMP is 1067.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- BGMD Barchart Market Momentum Declines Last Month 25.4% loss. CMP is 1930.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MALL 12-Month Lows Price Lt 24.58% loss. CMP is 181.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- ADVS TSX Advancing Stocks 22.52% loss. CMP is 492.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- ADVE ETFS Advancing Stocks 21.9% loss. CMP is 624.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DVCT Total Declining Volume 122 21.75% loss. CMP is 6208.82 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DVCX CAD Total Declining Volume 21.13% loss. CMP is 274.81 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- ADVA AMEX Advancing Stocks 20.93% loss. CMP is 68.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- ADVX CAD Total Advancing Stocks 20.77% loss. CMP is 885.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
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27 top LOSERS stocks with 10% change in INDICES top LOSERS (last 9 Days DAILY) list
- ASHU AMEX Advancing Stocks 19.61% loss. CMP is 578.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- BDME Barchart TSX Market Momentum Advances Yesterday 18.1% loss. CMP is 430.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- NVLD NYSE Declining Volume 2 17.76% loss. CMP is 1998.61 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- ADVV Tsxv Advancing Stocks 17.7% loss. CMP is 293.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DECT Total Declining Stocks 2.698.693.000 16.86% loss. CMP is 3239.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- UNCX CAD Total Unchanged Stocks 16.84% loss. CMP is 627.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MPOH Percent Above 100-Day Average Last Month 15.27% loss. CMP is 40.39 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DUTW DOW Util Stocks Above 20-Day Average 14.27% loss. CMP is 40.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- UNCS TSX Unchanged Stocks 14.01% loss. CMP is 135.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- QVLD NASD Declining Volume 13.84% loss. CMP is 3058.92 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DECQ NASD Declining Stocks 937.973.400 13.4% loss. CMP is 2023.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MPOF Percent Above 150-Day Average Last Month 11.3% loss. CMP is 45.82 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- BCME Barchart TSX Market Momentum Index Advances 10.73% loss. CMP is 258.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- NSHD NYSE Declining Stocks 54 10.23% loss. CMP is 1782.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MPFI Percent Above 50-Day Average Last Month 10.22% loss. CMP is 40.68 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- Show full list of DAILY LOSERS
20 top LOSERS stocks with 5% change in INDICES top LOSERS (last 9 Days DAILY) list
- DVCE ETFS Declining Volume 9.31% loss. CMP is 1926.08 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MWFI TSX Percent Above 50-Day Average Last Month 8.87% loss. CMP is 51.70 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MPTH Percent Above 200-Day Average Last Month 8.7% loss. CMP is 49.20 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- BCMG Barchart TSX Market Momentum Index Unch 7.69% loss. CMP is 48.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MWTW TSX Percent Above 20-Day Average Last Month 7.54% loss. CMP is 43.78 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG8A S&P GSCI Natural Gas Index 7.43% loss. CMP is 181.29 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MWOF TSX Percent Above 150-Day Average Last Month 6.71% loss. CMP is 62.56 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MWOH TSX Percent Above 100-Day Average Last Month 6.57% loss. CMP is 56.70 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- DSFT DJ US FOOTWEAR 6.23% loss. CMP is 1482.11 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- QSHD NASD Declining Stocks 17 6.22% loss. CMP is 2983.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SPOH S&P Con Staples Stocks Above 100-Day Average 5.55% loss. CMP is 44.73 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- JKSE Jakarta Composite Index 5.03% loss. CMP is 6312.97 Quick Chart Bull Charts
28 top LOSERS stocks with 2% change in INDICES top LOSERS (last 9 Days DAILY) list
- BWH POWERSHARES WILDERHILL CLEAN EN 4.84% loss. CMP is 197.87 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SGSR S&P GSCI Wheat Index 4.84% loss. CMP is 363.18 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SGST S&P GSCI Wheat Index Total Return 4.7% loss. CMP is 54.59 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG1B S&P GSCI All Wheat Index 4.51% loss. CMP is 362.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG1D S&P GSCI All Wheat Index Total Return 4.36% loss. CMP is 70.48 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG1E S&P GSCI Aluminum Index 3.83% loss. CMP is 165.15 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG6D S&P GSCI Kansas Wheat Index 3.83% loss. CMP is 173.44 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG1F S&P GSCI Aluminum Index Excess Return 3.81% loss. CMP is 27.01 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG6E S&P GSCI Kansas Wheat Index Excess 3.78% loss. CMP is 12.48 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- MWTH TSX Percent Above 200-Day Average Last Month 3.74% loss. CMP is 65.36 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG1G S&P GSCI Aluminum Index Total Return 3.68% loss. CMP is 65.96 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SG6F S&P GSCI Kansas Wheat Index Total Return 3.67% loss. CMP is 21.00 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SPIN S&P GSCI Platinum Index 3.32% loss. CMP is 261.74 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- SPIR S&P GSCI Platinum Index Excess Return 3.32% loss. CMP is 180.65 Quick Chart Bull Charts
- STRS S&P 500 TR Short 3.19% loss. CMP is 76.51 Quick Chart Bull Charts
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