NSE Sectorwise comparison & Daily Performance Iron & Steel NSE sector

This is a sectorwise comparison and daily performance of NSE stocks listed under Iron & Steel sector. Highest performing stocks in this NSE sector are listed on top.

This sectorwise comparison is based on price performance. View EPS and PE based sectorwise performance list here

Company Change Open Close High Low
Sarda Energy & Minerals Limited 6.69% 473.00 502.55 514.85 473.00
Shah Alloys Limited 3.27% 47.00 48.67 49.39 47.00
Godawari Power And Ispat limited 0.64% 179.04 180.19 186.99 178.10
JSW Steel Limited 0.23% 1011.15 1013.50 1032.75 1010.25
Tata Steel Limited -0.34% 151.56 151.05 154.24 150.41
Jindal Steel & Power Limited -0.40% 909.00 905.30 933.80 900.60
Vedanta Limited -1.81% 445.45 437.40 451.80 436.15
Vaswani Industries Limited -1.87% 40.20 38.79 42.35 37.62
Jindal Stainless Limited -2.14% 653.00 640.60 664.00 635.00
Pennar Industries Limited -2.46% 174.00 169.96 177.00 168.51
Steel Authority of India Limited -3.28% 110.90 107.27 112.66 106.80
Gallantt Metal Limited -3.47% 339.90 324.40 339.90 322.65
Kalyani Steels Limited -3.59% 809.80 773.40 809.80 766.40
Jai Balaji Industries Limited -3.70% 151.00 146.41 153.01 144.00
Indian Metals & Ferro Alloys Limited -4.27% 655.00 629.80 663.20 623.45
Prakash Industries Limited -4.74% 157.00 149.69 158.70 148.25
Jai Corp Limited -5.01% 109.00 103.02 112.00 103.02
KAMDHENU LIMITED -5.65% 35.15 33.22 36.35 33.00
Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited -7.09% 35.95 33.17 36.26 32.30
Mukand Limited -7.37% 102.90 94.12 102.90 93.05
S.A.L. Steel Limited -8.33% 19.57 18.48 20.60 18.30

NSE other sector comparison based on Price

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NSE Sectorwise comparison & Daily Performance Iron & Steel NSE sector


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