NSE Sectorwise comparison & Daily Performance Agrochemicals NSE sector

This is a sectorwise comparison and daily performance of NSE stocks listed under Agrochemicals sector. Highest performing stocks in this NSE sector are listed on top.

This sectorwise comparison is based on price performance. View EPS and PE based sectorwise performance list here

Company Change Open Close High Low
Bayer Cropscience Limited 2.45% 4571.00 4700.10 4833.25 4500.00
PI Industries Limited 1.51% 3115.50 3165.60 3179.05 3097.60
Excel Industries Limited 0.56% 880.00 875.65 885.55 856.70
Atul Limited -0.15% 5322.05 5394.90 5459.85 5300.00
UPL Limited -0.22% 633.00 630.80 634.35 625.20
Insecticides (India) Limited -1.28% 578.50 571.10 588.55 568.05
Rallis India Limited -1.47% 212.85 209.72 214.60 204.38
Punjab Chemicals & Crop Protection Limited -2.88% 723.25 698.80 723.30 685.30
Dhanuka Agritech Limited -3.52% 1383.20 1322.30 1383.20 1309.00
Sharda Cropchem Limited -4.76% 539.75 518.15 555.00 508.30
Astec LifeSciences Limited -5.38% 746.00 710.25 762.85 647.50

NSE other sector comparison based on Price

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NSE Sectorwise comparison & Daily Performance Agrochemicals NSE sector


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