Comparison EPS & PE Electric Utilities NSE sector. Sectorwise comparison of NSE company by EPS and PE

This is a sectorwise comparison based on EPS and PE performance of NSE stocks listed under Electric Utilities sector. Highest PE performing stocks in this NSE sector are listed on top.

This NSE sector list of Electric Utilities sector is based on PE and EPS comparison. View sectorwise comparison based on Price here

Company PE EPS Close Prev
Orient Green Power Company Limited 74 0.23 17.02 17.06
JSW Energy Limited 55.78 11.41 636.50 648.05
Indowind Energy Limited 45.79 0.52 23.81 24.04
SJVN Limited 42.86 2.54 108.87 109.93
Torrent Power Limited 31.45 46.68 1468.25 1502.10
Tata Power Company Limited 34.5 11.72 404.30 399.40
NHPC Limited 27.62 2.97 82.04 82.05
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited 18.37 16.89 310.30 310.10
NLC India 18.09 13.24 239.45 241.20
Gujarat Industries Power Company Limited 16.26 14.23 231.37 236.85
CESC Limited 17.35 10.65 184.82 183.44
Adani Power Limited 15.38 32.98 507.15 496.00
NTPC Limited 14.7 22.76 334.65 335.30
PTC India Limited 7.6 19.47 148.02 143.42
Jaiprakash Power Ventures Limited 9.59 1.89 18.13 18.25
RattanIndia Power Limited 0.7 18.94 13.32 13.53
Karma Energy Limited -931.14 -0.07 65.18 66.41

NSE other sector comparison based on PE & EPS

NSE other sector comparison based on PE & EPS

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Comparison EPS & PE Electric Utilities NSE sector. Sectorwise comparison of NSE company by EPS and PE


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