20 COMMODITY Top gainers last 6 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 6 Months) COMMODITY


Below is full list of COMMODITY top GAINERS stocks of last 6 Months till date from a closing of 6 Months before

22 top GAINERS stocks COMMODITY (6 Months) Top gainers in last 6 Months list

Gainers as on Wed 09 October 2024, at 41.88%, Zinc Jasta at 26.03%, Zinc Mini at 25.83%, were amongst the top GAINERS in last 6 Months in COMMODITY

50 Top gainers stocks COMMODITY

Company Change Percent Current Price Last 6 Months Price
STEELREBAR 41.88% change 66330.00 46750.00
ZINC ZINC (JASTA Zasta Dhatu) 26.03% change 276.45 219.35
ZINCMINI ZINC MINI (Jasta Dhatu Mini) 25.83% change 276.20 219.50
SILVER Silver (Chandi) 25.5% change 88872.00 70816.00
SILVERMIC SILVER MICRO (Chandi Micro) 25.2% change 88859.00 70975.00
SILVERM SILVER MINI (Chandi Mini) 25.19% change 88831.00 70955.00
GOLDPETAL GOLD PETAL (Sona Patti Leaf) 21.14% change 7368.00 6082.00
GOLD GOLD (Sona Swarna Tola 10gram) 21.12% change 74934.00 61868.00
GOLDGUINEA GOLD GUINEA (Sona Sikka 8gram) 20.77% change 60448.00 50051.00
GOLDM GOLD Mini (Sona Mini) 20.4% change 74512.00 61888.00
ALUMINI ALUMINIUM MINI ( ALUMINUMdhatu Mini) 18.67% change 233.00 196.35
ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM (ALUMINUM Dhatu) 18.61% change 232.65 196.15
MCXBULLDEX 16.52% change 18591.00 15955.00
COPPER COPPER (Tamba Laal Dhatu) 15.58% change 826.25 714.85
MCXMETLDEX 14.76% change 17497.00 15247.00
NATGASMINI 9.97% change 222.90 202.70
NATURALGAS NATURAL GAS 9.81% change 222.70 202.80
NICKEL NICKEL (GILAT Gillette Nickel Dhatu) 7.91% change 1489.10 1380.00
COTTONCNDY 2.18% change 56810.00 55600.00
LEADMINI LEAD MINI (SISA Seesa Dhatu Mini) 1.05% change 182.20 180.30
KAPAS KAPAS (kachcha Rui) 0.65% change 1540.00 1530.00
LEAD LEAD (SISA Seesa Dhatu) 0.58% change 181.55 180.50

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1 top GAINERS stocks with 30%  change in COMMODITY top GAINERS (last 6 Months MONTHLY) list

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      20 COMMODITY Top gainers last 6 Months list. Full list of MONTHLY GAINERS (last 6 Months) COMMODITY


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