COMMODITY Sectorwise comparison & Daily Performance BULLION COMMODITY sector

This is a sectorwise comparison and daily performance of COMMODITY stocks listed under BULLION sector. Highest performing stocks in this COMMODITY sector are listed on top.

This sectorwise comparison is based on price performance. View EPS and PE based sectorwise performance list here

Company Change Open Close High Low
Silver (Chandi) -0.21% 88189.00 88695.00 89148.00 87800.00
GOLD PETAL (Sona patti leaf) -0.35% 7693.00 7683.00 7695.00 7622.00
GOLD GUINEA (Sona sikka 8gram) -0.38% 61699.00 61763.00 61905.00 61500.00
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) -0.38% 91000.00 90885.00 91390.00 89940.00
GOLD (Sona Swarna tola 10gram) -0.39% 76904.00 76079.00 76904.00 75534.00
SILVER MICRO (Chandi Micro) -0.39% 91222.00 90898.00 91397.00 89936.00
GOLD Mini (Sona mini) -0.88% 76100.00 75815.00 76189.00 75587.00

COMMODITY other sector comparison based on Price

COMMODITY other sector comparison based on Price

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COMMODITY Sectorwise comparison & Daily Performance BULLION COMMODITY sector


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