CelgeneCorporation CELG today's live predictions

Celgene Corporation CELG today's live predictions

operates under Health Care sector & deals in Major Pharmaceuticals

Check this page to get today's predictions for Celgene Corporation, both pre market predictions and predictions while market is open.

Today's predictions using pre market prices

Today's movement Prediction of Celgene Corporation CELG appears to be in uptrend. And this trend seems to be continuing further.

Price is below an important level of 108.71 on charts, and if price remains below this level, then stock might show a fall in short term.

Today's movement Prediction of Celgene Corporation CELG appears to be moving in a flat line. No recent bulk deals happened to affect the stock trend.

Today's movement Prediction of Celgene Corporation CELG is showing signs of strength. Either there is a positive sentiment following this stock or an Elephant got in here.

Today's movement Prediction of Celgene Corporation CELG is bearish. The stock has broken weekly support. An up move can be expected only after it starts trading above 109.41

Munafa value is at 55

This Munafa value indicates that the stock is moving sideways and there is no definite momentum in the stock.

Celgene Corporation CELG usually gives a daily move between 0.27 and 0.83 points on daily charts.

Live market predictions for Celgene Corporation

Celgene Corporation CELG generally gives an average maximum move of 0.2 points on 15 minute charts and can give a maximum move of 0.91 points on hourly charts under normal market conditions.

New current data is not available for this stock in this stock exchange.

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CelgeneCorporation CELG today's live predictions


NIFTY: 23591.95 at (15:45 27 Thu March)

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BANKNIFTY: 51575.85 at (15:45 27 Thu March)

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FINNIFTY: 25011.15 at (15:45 27 Thu March)

0.73% from prev closing of 24829.60

FINNifty Today Live Predictions

FINNifty 24850 CE , FINNifty 24850 PE FINNifty 24900 CE , FINNifty 24900 PE FINNifty 24950 CE , FINNifty 24950 PE FINNifty 25000 CE , FINNifty 25000 PE FINNifty 25050 CE , FINNifty 25050 PE FINNifty 25100 CE , FINNifty 25100 PE FINNifty 25150 CE , FINNifty 25150 PE FINNifty 25200 CE , FINNifty 25200 PE FINNifty 25250 CE , FINNifty 25250 PE

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