Munafa technical analysis SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM technical analysis buy or sell
Munafa technical analysis SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM technical analysis buy or sell Analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM to buy or sell for Daily, weekly or monthly
Quick Chart Bull Charts Forecast Tomorrow Price Targets View Analysis
Date | Close | Open | High | Low |
08 Tue Oct | 88730.00 | 91646.00 | 91667.00 | 88229.00 |
07 Mon Oct | 92246.00 | 93035.00 | 93180.00 | 91407.00 |
04 Fri Oct | 93245.00 | 92999.00 | 95162.00 | 91652.00 |
03 Thu Oct | 92825.00 | 91817.00 | 93070.00 | 91357.00 |
30 Mon Sep | 90668.00 | 91601.00 | 92046.00 | 90158.00 |
Stock of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) closed at 88730.00 and it opened at 91646.00
It moved inside a range of 88229.00 and 91667.00
52 week High is 96380.00 and 52 week Low is 66521.00
Financial Year High is 96380.00 and Low is 74970.00
This year High is 96380.00 and Low is 66521.00
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM Daily Analysis to buy or sell
As per my analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM, 12 day returns for SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM have been negative, with total returns of -1107, which is -1.23% with investment starting at 89837.00.
An investment of 100,000 bucks in SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) would have become 98770 bucks today.
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM moves in a range of 1111.6 points on a day to day basis. This means that a total of approx 1111.6 plus points of returns can be expected in a bullish day, and a total of 1111.6 minus points can be expected in a bearish day.
This is about 1.25% of returns per day.
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) Munafa analysis, looking for Trend and BUY or SELL opportunities.
Stock is in a uptrend for shortterm, and I will avoid taking a SHORT or SELL trade in this stock. Look for opportunities to BUY or go LONG in SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM at this time.
It appears as if SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM gave a large move recently.
Stock of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) (SILVERM) is trading below an important moving average line, but it crossed this line recently, which means that it could show a small or a large recovery soon enough depending on its trend.
My analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is bearish for shortterm, and stock might move down till 86642.8 or till 83237.8. Use a stoploss of 89480.35 and if the stock hits stoploss, then it can shoot up till 92317.88
You can find more Price Targets here or Forecast here for Shortterm, Midterm, and Longterm
Daily Candle Stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 08 Tue Oct 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 3.9 HC: 3.3 LC: 0.6 OC: 0
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is forming a DOJI candle
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 07 Mon Oct 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 1.9 HC: 1 LC: 0.9 OC: 0.2
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is forming a DOJI candle
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 04 Fri Oct 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 3.8 HC: 2.1 LC: 1.7 OC: 2.3
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 03 Thu Oct 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 1.9 HC: 0.3 LC: 1.6 OC: 1.4
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 30 Mon Sep 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 2.1 HC: 1.5 LC: 0.6 OC: 0.5
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is forming a DOJI candle
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM Weekly Analysis to buy or sell
As per my analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM, 12 week returns for SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM have been positive, with total returns of 7248, which is 8.9% with investment starting at 81482.00.
An investment of 100,000 bucks in SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) would have become 108900 bucks today.
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM moves in a range of 2675.8 points on a week to week basis. This means that a total of approx 2675.8 plus points of returns can be expected in a bullish week, and a total of 2675.8 minus points can be expected in a bearish week.
This is about 3.02% of returns per week.
Weekly Candle Stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 08 Tue Oct 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 5.6 HC: 5 LC: 0.6 OC: 0.2
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is forming a DOJI candle
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 04 Fri Oct 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 5.6 HC: 2.1 LC: 3.4 OC: 3.9
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 27 Fri Sep 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 6.4 HC: 2.8 LC: 3.4 OC: 4.1
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 20 Fri Sep 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 3 HC: 0.6 LC: 2.4 OC: 1.6
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 13 Fri Sep 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 8.9 HC: 0.7 LC: 8.2 OC: 7.9
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM Monthly Analysis to buy or sell
As per my analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM, 12 month returns for SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM have been positive, with total returns of 15168, which is 20.62% with investment starting at 73562.00.
An investment of 100,000 bucks in SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) would have become 120620 bucks today.
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM moves in a range of 4348.6 points on a month to month basis. This means that a total of approx 4348.6 plus points of returns can be expected in a bullish month, and a total of 4348.6 minus points can be expected in a bearish month.
This is about 4.9% of returns per month.
Monthly Candle Stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) SILVERM
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 08 Tue Oct 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 7.9 HC: 7.3 LC: 0.6 OC: 3.9
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 27 Fri Sep 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 14.1 HC: 2.8 LC: 10.9 OC: 10.5
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 30 Fri Aug 2024 is showing a green candle, which means that the buyers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 11.9 HC: 3.4 LC: 8.2 OC: 7.5
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a high expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 26 Fri Jul 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 17 HC: 15.9 LC: 0.9 OC: 5.4
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
Candle stick analysis of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) as on 28 Fri Jun 2024 is showing a red candle, which means that the sellers are dominating this session.
Candle stick ratios of SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) are:
HL: 9.7 HC: 8.4 LC: 1.2 OC: 3.4
SILVER MINI (Chandi mini) is moving towards a low expiry
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