SilverMicro SILVERMIC today's live predictions
Silver Micro SILVERMIC today's live predictions
operates under BULLION sector
Check this page to get today's predictions for Silver Micro, both pre market predictions and predictions while market is open.
Today's predictions using pre market prices
Today's movement Prediction of Silver Micro SILVERMIC appears to be in uptrend. And this trend seems to be continuing further.
Price is above an important level of 92686.53 on charts, and as long as price remains above this level, the uptrend of stock might continue.
Today's movement Prediction of Silver Micro SILVERMIC appears to be moving in a flat line. No recent bulk deals happened to affect the stock trend.
Today's movement Prediction of Silver Micro SILVERMIC appears strongly Bullish. This stock started moving upwards as soon as it opened. Generally this happens when there is a positive sentiment following the stock, making it attractive. There's a good chance that this upwards movement will continue today as well.
Munafa value is at 85
This Munafa value indicates that the stock is moving upwards and might continue to move up.
Silver Micro SILVERMIC usually gives a daily move between 571.88 and 1214.89 points on daily charts.
Live market predictions for Silver Micro
Silver Micro SILVERMIC generally gives an average maximum move of 47 points on 15 minute charts and can give a maximum move of 47 points on hourly charts under normal market conditions.
New current data is not available for this stock in this stock exchange.
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